Reproduced under Goverment Printer\u2019s Authorisation (Authorisation No. 11779) dated 25 August 2017.<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Please remember to periodically \u201cCheck for Updates\u201d!<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n VALUE-ADDED TAX ACT 89 OF 1991<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n (English text signed by the State President)<\/p>\n <\/p>\n [Assented to: 5 June 1991]<\/em><\/p>\n [Commencement Date: 30 September 1991]<\/em><\/p>\n <\/p>\n as amended by:<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Government Notice No. R288 of GG 37554 of 2014<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 43 of 2014<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 44 of 2014<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 43 of 2014<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 23 of 2015<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 25 of 2015<\/p>\n Government Notice No. R723 of GG 39100 of 2015<\/p>\n Government Notice No. R558 of GG 40004 of 2016<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 15 of 2016<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 16 of 2016<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 13 of 2017<\/p>\n Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Act 14 of 2017<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 17 of 2017<\/p>\n Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Act 21 of 2018<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 22 of 2018<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 23 of 2018<\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 33 of 2019<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 34 of 2019<\/p>\n Government Notice R226 \u2013\u00a0Government Gazette\u00a0<\/em>43051 of 28 February 2020<\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 23 of 2020<\/span><\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 24 of 2020<\/span><\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 16 of 2022<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act 20 of 2022<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act\u00a017 of 2023<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act\u00a018 of 2023<\/span><\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Latest 2025 Live Updates<\/strong>:<\/span> <\/span>COMPLETED!<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n Taxation Laws Amendment Act\u00a042 of 2024<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act\u00a043 of 2024<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n To report an issue, please contact us at service@hApp-e-tax.co.za<\/span><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n ACT<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n To provide for taxation in respect of the supply of goods and services and the importation of goods; to amend the Transfer Duty Act, 1949, so as to provide for an exemption; to amend the Stamp Duties Act, 1968, so as to provide for an exemption from stamp duty and to discontinue the levying of certain stamp duties; to repeal the Sales Tax Act, 1978; and to provide for matters connected therewith.<\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Value-Added Tax Act Citation","collection_order":2,"collection":1525,"post_modified":"2025-01-22 14:49:36","post_date":"2018-03-27 14:59:53"},{"ID":"13536","post_content":" ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS<\/strong><\/p>\n","post_title":"Arrangement of sections (VAT)","collection_order":3,"collection":1525,"post_modified":"2019-03-06 17:09:57","post_date":"2018-04-09 17:54:48"},{"ID":"13116","post_content":" Section 1 \u2013 Definitions<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 2 \u2013 Financial services\ufeff<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 3 \u2013 Determination of \u201copen market value\u201d<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART I<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n ADMINISTRATION<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 4 \u2013 Administration of Act<\/a><\/p>\n Section 5 \u2013 Exercise of powers and performance of duties<\/a><\/p>\n Section 6 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART II<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n VALUE-ADDED TAX<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 7 \u2013 Imposition of value-added tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 8 \u2013 Certain supplies of goods or services deemed to be made or not made<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 8A \u2013 Sharia compliant financing arrangements<\/a><\/p>\n Section 9 \u2013 Time of supply<\/a><\/p>\n Section 10 \u2013 Value of supply of goods or services<\/a><\/p>\n Section 11 \u2013 Zero rating<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 12 \u2013 Exempt supplies<\/a><\/p>\n Section 13 \u2013 Collection of tax on importation of goods, determination of value thereof and exemptions from tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 14 \u2013 Collection of value-added tax on imported services, determination of value thereof and exemptions from tax<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 15 \u2013 Accounting basis<\/a><\/p>\n Section 16 \u2013 Calculation of tax payable<\/a><\/p>\n Section 17 \u2013 Permissible deductions in respect of input tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 18 \u2013 Change in use adjustments<\/a><\/p>\n Section 18A \u2013 Adjustments in consequence of acquisition of going concern wholly or partly for purposes other than making taxable supplies<\/a><\/p>\n Section 18B \u2013 Temporary letting of residential fixed property<\/a><\/p>\n Section 18C \u2013 Adjustments for leasehold improvements<\/a><\/p>\n Section 18D \u2013 Temporary letting of residential property<\/a><\/p>\n Section 19 \u2013 Goods or services acquired before incorporation<\/a><\/p>\n Section 20 \u2013 Tax invoices<\/a><\/p>\n Section 21 \u2013 Credit and debit notes<\/a><\/p>\n Section 22 \u2013 Irrecoverable debts<\/a><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n PART III<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n REGISTRATION<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 23 \u2013 Registration of persons making supplies in the course of enterprises<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 24 \u2013 Cancellation of registration<\/a><\/p>\n Section 25 \u2013 Vendor to notify change of status<\/a><\/p>\n Section 26 \u2013 Liabilities not affected by person ceasing to be vendor<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART IV<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n RETURNS, PAYMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 27 \u2013 Tax period<\/a><\/p>\n Section 28 \u2013 Returns and payments of tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 29 \u2013 Special records and payments<\/a><\/p>\n Section 30 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 31 \u2013 Assessments<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART V<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n OBJECTIONS AND APPEALS<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 32 \u2013 Objections to certain decisions<\/a><\/p>\n Section 33 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 34 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 35 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 36 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 37 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART VI<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n PAYMENT, RECOVERY AND REFUND OF TAX<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 38 \u2013 Manner in which tax shall be paid<\/a><\/p>\n Section 39 \u2013 Penalty for failure to pay tax when due<\/a><\/p>\n Section 40 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 40A \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 40B \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 40C \u2013 Liability of bargaining councils or political parties for tax and limitation of refunds<\/a><\/p>\n Section 40D \u2013 Liability for tax and limitation of refunds in respect of National Housing Programmes<\/a><\/p>\n Section 41 \u2013 Liability for tax in respect of certain past supplies or importations<\/a><\/p>\n Section 41A \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 41B \u2013 VAT class ruling and VAT ruling<\/a><\/p>\n Section 42 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 43 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 44 \u2013 Refunds<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 45 \u2013 Interest on delayed refunds<\/a><\/p>\n Section 45A \u2013 Calculation of interest payable under this Act<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART VII<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n REPRESENTATIVE VENDORS<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Section 46 \u2013 Persons acting in a representative capacity<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 47 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 48 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 49 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART VIII<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n SPECIAL PROVISIONS<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 50 \u2013 Separate enterprises, branches and divisions<\/a><\/span><\/p>\n Section 50A \u2013 Separate persons carrying on same enterprise under certain circumstances deemed to be single person.<\/a><\/p>\n Section 51 \u2013 Bodies of persons, corporate or unincorporate (other than companies)<\/a><\/p>\n Section 52 \u2013 Pooling arrangements<\/a><\/p>\n Section 53 \u2013 Death or insolvency of vendor<\/a><\/p>\n Section 54 \u2013 Agents and auctioneers<\/a><\/p>\n Section 54A \u2013 Advance Tax Rulings<\/a><\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART IX<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n COMPLIANCE<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Section 55 \u2013 Records<\/a><\/p>\n Section 56 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 57 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 58 \u2013 Offences<\/a><\/p>\n Section 59 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 60 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 61 \u2013 Recovery of tax from recipient<\/a><\/p>\n Section 62 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 63 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n <\/p>\n PART X<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n MISCELLANEOUS<\/strong><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n Section 64 \u2013 Prices deemed to include tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 65 \u2013 Prices advertised or quoted to include tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 66 \u2013 Rounding-off of tax<\/a><\/p>\n Section 67 \u2013 Contract price or consideration may be varied according to rate of value-added tax\u00a0\u00a0 <\/a><\/p>\n Section 67A \u2013 Application of increased or reduced tax rate<\/a><\/p>\n Section 68 \u2013 Tax relief allowable to certain diplomats and diplomatic and consular missions<\/a><\/p>\n Section 69 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 70 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 71 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 72 \u2013 Arrangements and decisions to overcome difficulties, anomalies or incongruities<\/a><\/p>\n Section 73 \u2013 Schemes for obtaining undue tax benefits<\/a><\/p>\n Section 74 \u2013 Schedules and Regulations<\/a><\/p>\n Section 75 \u2013 Tax agreements<\/a><\/p>\n Section 76 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 77 \u2013 [Repealed]<\/p>\n Section 78 \u2013 Transitional matters<\/a><\/p>\n Section 78A \u2013 Transitional matters: Turnover Tax<\/a><\/p>\n