Section 8A (MPRA) – Rollover relief for transfers between extractors

8A     Rollover relief for transfers between extractors


(1)     An extractor that transfers a mineral resource to another extractor is exempt from the royalty in respect of the transfer of that mineral resource if—


(a)     the mineral resource is transferred between extractors that are registered in terms of the Administration Act; and;


(b)     both extractors agree in writing that this section applies to that transfer.


(2)     An extractor to whom a mineral resource is transferred under subsection (1) must be treated as the person that wins or recovers the mineral resource.


(3)     This section does not apply to a transfer of a mineral resource from an extractor that is registered in terms of section 2(1)(c) of the Administration Act.

[Section 8A inserted by section 135(1) of Act 7 of 2010 and amended by section 150(1) of Act 24 of 2011 deemed effective on 1 March, 2010 and applies in respect of a mineral resource transferred on or after that date]