7. When income is deemed to have accrued or to have been received
(1) Income shall be deemed to have accrued to a person notwithstanding that such income has been invested, accumulated or otherwise capitalized by him or that such income has not been actually paid over to him but remains due and payable to him or has been credited in account or reinvested or accumulated or capitalized or otherwise dealt with in his name or on his behalf, and a complete statement of all such income shall be included by any person in the returns rendered by him under this Act.
(2) Any income received by or accrued to any person married in or out of community of property (hereinafter referred to as the recipient) shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be income accrued to such person’s spouse (hereinafter referred to as the donor) if –
(a) such income was derived by the recipient in consequence of a donation, settlement or other disposition made by the donor on or after 20 March 1991 or of a transaction, operation or scheme entered into or carried out by the donor on or after that date, and the sole or main purpose of such donation, settlement or other disposition or of such transaction, operation or scheme was the reduction, postponement or avoidance of the donor’s liability for any tax, levy or duty which, but for such donation, settlement, other disposition, transaction, operation or scheme, would have become payable by the donor under this Act or any other Act administered by the Commissioner; or
(b) income was received by or accrued to the recipient –
(i) from any trade carried on by the recipient in partnership or association with the donor or which is in any way connected with any trade carried on by the donor; or
(ii) from the donor or any partnership of which the donor was at the time of such receipt or accrual a member or any private company of which the donor was at such time the sole or main holder of shares or one of the principal holders of of share,
and such income represents the whole or any portion of the total income so received by or accrued to the recipient which exceeds the amount of income to which the recipient would reasonably be entitled having regard to the nature of the relevant trade, the extent of the recipient’s participation therein, the services rendered by the recipient or any other relevant factor; or
(c) ……….
(2A) In the case of spouses who are married in community of property –
(a) any income (other than income derived from the letting of fixed property) which has been derived from the carrying on of any trade shall, if such trade is carried on –
(i) by only one of the spouses, be deemed to have accrued to that spouse; or
(ii) jointly by both spouses, be deemed, subject to the provisions of subsection (2) (b), to have accrued to both spouses in the proportions determined by them in terms of the agreement that regulates their joint trade or, if there is no such agreement, in the proportion to which each spouse would reasonably be entitled having regard to the nature of the relevant trade, the extent of each spouse’s participation therein, the services rendered by each spouse or any other relevant factor; and
(b) any income derived from the letting of fixed property and any income derived otherwise than from the carrying on of any trade shall be deemed to have accrued in equal shares to both spouses: Provided that any such income which does not fall into the joint estate of the spouses shall be deemed to be income accrued to the spouse who is entitled thereto.
(2B) So much of any deduction or allowance which may be made under the provisions of this Act in the determination of the taxable income derived from any income referred to in subsections (2) and (2A) as relates to any portion of such income which is under the provisions of that subsection deemed to be income accrued to a spouse shall be deemed to be a deduction or allowance which may be made in the determination of the taxable income of such spouse.
(2C) For the purposes of subsection (2A) –
(a) any benefit paid or payable to a spouse in his or her capacity as a member or past member of a pension fund, pension preservation fund, provident fund, provident preservation fund, benefit fund, retirement annuity fund or any other fund of a similar nature shall be deemed to be income derived by such spouse from a trade carried on by him or her;
(b) any annuity amount (as defined in section 10A) paid or payable to a spouse shall be deemed to be income derived by such spouse from a trade carried on by him; and
(c) where any spouse is the –
(i) registered holder of a patent as defined in the Patents Act or any design as defined in the Designs Act or any trade mark as defined in the Trade Marks Act; or
(ii) author of a work on which copyright has been conferred in terms of the Copyright Act or the owner of such a copyright by reason of assignment, testamentary disposition or operation of law; or
(iii) holder of any other property or right of a similar nature,
any income derived from the grant of the right of use of such patent, design, trade mark, copyright or other property or right shall be deemed to be income derived by such spouse from a trade carried on by him.
(3) Income shall be deemed to have been received by the parent of any minor child or stepchild, if by reason of any donation, settlement or other disposition made by that parent of that child –
(a) it has been received by or has accrued to or in favour of that child or has been expended for the maintenance, education or benefit of that child; or
(b) it has been accumulated for the benefit of that child.
(4) Any income received by or accrued to or in favour of any minor child or stepchild of any person, by reason of any donation, settlement or other disposition made by any other person, shall be deemed to be the income of the parent of that child, if such parent or his or her spouse has made a donation, settlement or other disposition or given some other consideration in favour directly or indirectly of the said other person or his or her family.
(5) If any person has made any donation, settlement or other disposition which is subject to a stipulation or condition, whether made or imposed by such person or anybody else, to the effect that the beneficiaries thereof or some of them shall not receive the income or some portion of the income thereunder until the happening of some event, whether fixed or contingent, so much of any income as would, but for such stipulation or condition, in consequence of the donation, settlement or other disposition be received by or accrue to or in favour of the beneficiaries, shall, until the happening of that event or the death of that person, whichever first takes place, be deemed to be the income of that person.
(6) If any deed of donation, settlement or other disposition contains any stipulation that the right to receive any income thereby conferred may, under powers retained by the person by whom that right is conferred, be revoked or conferred upon another, so much of any income as in consequence of the donation, settlement or other disposition is received by or accrues to or in favour of the person on whom that right is conferred, shall be deemed to be the income of the person by whom it is conferred, so long as he retains those powers.
(7) If by reason of any donation, settlement or other disposition made, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, by any person (hereinafter referred to as the donor) –
(a) the donor’s right to receive or have paid to him or for his benefit any amount by way of rent, dividend, foreign dividend, interest, royalty or similar income in respect of any movable or immovable property (including without limiting the foregoing any lease, company share, marketable security, deposit, loan, copyright, design or trade mark) or in respect of the use of, or the granting of permission to use, such property, is ceded or otherwise made over to any other person or to a third party for that other person’s benefit in such manner that the donor remains the owner of or retains an interest in the said property or if the said property or interest is transferred, delivered or made over to the said other person or to a third party for the said other person’s benefit, in such manner that the donor is or will at a fixed or determinable time be entitled to regain ownership of or the interest in the said property; or
(b) the donor’s right to receive or have paid to him or for his benefit any income that is or may become due to him by any other person acting in a fiduciary capacity is ceded or otherwise made over to any other person or to a third party for that other person’s benefit in such manner that the donor is or will at a determinable time be entitled to regain the said right,
any such rent, dividend, foreign dividend, interest, royalty or income (including any amount which, but for this subsection, would have been exempt from tax in the hands of the said other person) as is received by or accrues to or for the benefit of the said other person on or after 1 July 1983 and which would otherwise, but for the said donation, settlement or other disposition, have been received by or have accrued to or for the benefit of the donor, shall be deemed to have been received by or to have accrued to the donor.
(a) Whereby reason of or in consequence of any donation, settlement or other disposition (other than a donation, settlement or other disposition to an entity which is not a resident and which is similar to a public benefit organisation contemplated in section 30) made by any resident, any amount is received by or accrued to any person who is not a resident (other than a controlled foreign company in relation to such resident), which would have constituted income had that person been a resident, there shall be included in the income of that resident so much of that amount as is attributable to that donation, settlement or other disposition.
(aA) In determining, for purposes of paragraph (a), whether an amount received by or that accrued to a person who is not a resident would have constituted income had that person been a resident, the provisions of section 10B(2)(a) must be disregarded in respect of a receipt or accrual consisting of or derived, directly or indirectly, from a foreign dividend-
(i) paid or payable by a company if-
(aa) more than 50 per cent of the total participation rights, as defined in section 9D(1), or of the voting rights in that company are directly or indirectly held or are exercisable, as the case may be, by that person whether alone or together with any one or more persons that are connected persons in relation to that person; and
(bb) the resident who made the donation, settlement or other disposition or any person that is a connected person in relation to that resident is a connected person in relation to the person who is not a resident; and
(ii) to the extent to which that foreign dividend is not derived from an amount that must be included in the income of or that must be attributed as a capital gain to-
(aa) the resident who made that donation, settlement or other disposition; or
(bb) a resident who is a connected person in relation to the resident referred to in item (aa).
[Paragraph (aA) inserted by section 8 of Act 23 of 2018 effective on 1 March 2019 and applies in respect of amounts received or accrued on or after that date]
(b) So much of any expenditure, allowance or loss incurred by the person contemplated in paragraph (a) as does not exceed the amount included in the income of the resident in terms of that paragraph and which would be allowable as a deduction under this Act in the determination of the taxable income derived from that amount had that person been a resident, is deemed to be an expenditure, allowance or loss incurred by that resident for purposes of the determination of the taxable income of that resident from that amount.
(9) Where any asset has been disposed of for a consideration which is less than the market value of such asset, the amount by which such market value exceeds such consideration shall for the purposes of this section be deemed to be a donation.
(10) Any resident who, at any time during any year of assessment makes any donation, settlement or other disposition as contemplated in this section, shall disclose such fact to the Commissioner in writing when submitting his return of income for such year and at the same time furnish such information as may be required by the Commissioner for the purposes of this section.
(11) Any amount received by or accrued to any person by way of deduction from the minimum individual reserve of any other person in terms of—
(a) section 37D(1)(d)(iA) of the Pension Funds Act;
(aA) section 37D(1)(d)(iB) of the Pension Funds Act; or
(b) section 37D(1)(e) of the Pension Funds Act to the extent that the deduction is a result of a deduction contemplated in paragraph (a) or (aA),
shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to be income accrued to that other person on the date of the deduction.
[Subsection (11) added by section 8(1) of Act 35 of 2007, substituted by section 8(b) of Act 60 of 2008 and by section 10 of Act 17 of 2009, amended by section 8(c) of Act 31 of 2013 and by section 4(1) of Act 43 of 2014 and substituted by section 3(1) of Act 42 of 2024 deemed to have come into operation on 1 September, 2024]