Eleventh Schedule – Government grants exempt from normal tax


[Eleventh Schedule added by section 140(1) of Act 22 of 2012, amended by section 161(1) of Act 31 of 2013 and substituted by section 125 of Act 25 of 2015, by section 56(1) of Act 23 of 2020, by section 47(1) of Act 20 of 2021 and by section 23(1) of Act 20 of 2022 deemed effective on the date on which that grant was awarded to the recipient thereof and applicable in respect of any amount received or accrued in respect of that grant on or after that date]


(Section 12P)

  1.  Agro-Processing Support Scheme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  2.  Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  3.  Automotive Production and Development Programme received or accrued from the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa;
  4.  Automotive Investment Scheme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  5.  Black Business Supplier Development Programme received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  6.  Black Industrialists Scheme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  7.  Business Process Services received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  8.  Business Viability Programme received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  9.  Capital Projects Feasibility Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  10.  Capital Restructuring Grant received or accrued from the Department of Human Settlements;
  11. Clothing, Textile, Footwear & Leather Growth Programme (CTFLGP) received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;

    [Paragraph 11 substituted by section 39(1) of Act 42 of 2024 deemed to have come into operation in respect of any grant, on the date on which that grant was awarded to the recipient thereof and applicable in respect of any amount received or accrued in respect of that grant on or after that date]

  12.  Cluster Development Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  13.  Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme received or accrued from the Department of Agriculture;
  14.  Cooperative Incentive Scheme received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  15.  Critical Infrastructure Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  16.  Eastern Cape Jobs Stimulus Fund received or accrued from the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism of the Eastern Cape;
  17.  Enterprise Incubation Programme received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  18.  Enterprise Investment Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  19.  Equity Fund received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology;
  20.  Export Marketing and Investment Assistance received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  21.  Film Production Incentive received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  22.  Food Fortification Grant received or accrued from the Department of Health;
  23.  Green Technology Incentive Programme received or accrued from the Department of Tourism;
  24.  Idea Development Fund received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology;
  25.  Incubation Support Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  26.  Industrial Development Zone Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  27.  Industry Matching Fund received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology;
  28.  Integrated National Electrification Programme Grant: Non-grid electrification service providers received or accrued from the Department of Energy;
  29.  Integrated National Electrification Programme: Electricity connection to households received or accrued from the Department of Energy;
  30.  Interest Make-Up Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  31.  Jobs Fund received or accrued from the National Treasury;
  32.  Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  33.  Sector Specific Assistance Scheme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  34.  Shared Economic Infrastructure Facility received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  35.  Small Enterprise Manufacturing Support Programme received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  36.  Small, Medium Enterprise Development Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  37.  Small/Medium Manufacturing Development Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  38.  Social Employment Fund received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  39.  South African Research Chairs Initiative received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology;
  40.  Strategic Partnership Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  41.  Support Programme for Industrial Innovation received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  42.  Taxi Recapitalisation Programme received or accrued from the Department of Transport;
  43.  Technology Development Fund received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology;
  44.  Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme received or accrued from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition;
  45.  The Blended Finance Facility received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  46.  The COVID-19 Emergency Fund received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  47.  The Small Business and Innovation Fund received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  48.  Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme (TREP) received or accrued from the Department of Small Business Development;
  49.  Transfers to the South African National Taxi Council received or accrued from the Department of Transport;
  50.  Transfers to the University of Pretoria, University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of Stellenbosch received or accrued from the Department of Transport;
  51.  Youth Technology Innovation Fund received or accrued from the Department of Science and Technology.