(1) If any farmer has on or after 1 March 1982 disposed of any livestock on account of drought, and the whole or any portion of the proceeds of such disposal has as soon as possible, but in any case within three months after the receipt thereof by the farmer, been deposited by him in an account in his name with the Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa, so much of such proceeds as has been so deposited by him shall, notwithstanding the provisions of section 23(e) of this Act but subject to the provisions of subparagraph (3), be deemed not to be gross income derived by such farmer.
(2) Every farmer who desires that the proceeds derived by himor her from the disposal of livestock be dealt with under the provisions of this paragraph shall notify the Commissioner in such form and within such time as may be prescribed by the Commissioner.
(3) Any amount, being the whole or any portion of a sum deposited in an account following the disposal of livestock as contemplated in subparagraph (1), shall –
(a) if it is withdrawn from such account before the expiration of a period of six months after the last day of the year of assessment in which such disposal took place, be deemed to be gross income derived by the taxpayer from the disposal of livestock on the date of such disposal; or
(aA) if it is withdrawn from such account after the expiration of a period of six months but before the expiration of a period of six years after the last day of the year of assessment in which such disposal took place, be deemed to be gross income derived by the taxpayer from the disposal of livestock on the date of such withdrawal; or
(b) in the event of the taxpayer’s death or insolvency before the expiration of the said period, be deemed to be gross income so derived on the day before the date of his death or insolvency, as the case may be; or
(c) if it is not so withdrawn and the taxpayer does not die or become insolvent before the expiration of such period, be deemed to be gross income so derived on the last day of such period.