8EA. Dividends on third-party backed shares deemed to be income in relation to recipients thereof
Category: Section 8EA (ITA) – Dividends on third-party backed shares deemed to be income in relation to recipients thereof
Section 8EA
- Paragraph (b) of definition of “preference share” substituted by section 11 of Act 31 of 2013 effective on (a) 1 April 2012 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January 2013; or effective on (b) 1 January 2013 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends – (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in paragraph (a).
- Definition of “qualifying purpose” substituted by section 11 of Act 31 of 2013 effective on (a) 1 April 2012 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January 2013; or effective on (b) 1 January 2013 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends – (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in paragraph (a).
- Proviso to the definition of ‘third-party backed share’ deleted by section 11 of Act 31 of 2013 effective on (a) 1 April 2012 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January 2013; or effective on (b) 1 January 2013 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends – (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in paragraph (a).
- Subsection (3) added by section 11 of Act 31 of 2013 effective on (a) 1 April 2012 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January 2013; or effective on (b) 1 January 2013 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends – (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in paragraph (a).
- Section 8EA inserted by section 21 of Act 24 of 2011 effective on 1 October 2012 (insertion repealed by section 165 of Act 22 of 2012 effective on 10 January 2012) and substituted by section 12 of Act 22 of 2012 effective on (a) 1 April 2012 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January 2013; or effective on (b) 1 January 2013 in the case of dividends or foreign dividends – (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in paragraph (a).
“Enforcement obligation” definition of section 8EA of ITA
(1) For the purposes of this section-
‘enforcement obligation’...
[Definition of “enforcement obligation” substituted by section 15(1)(a) of Act 15 of 2016 and deleted by section 9(a) of Act 34 of 2019]
“Enforcement right” definition of section 8EA of ITA
‘enforcement right’ in relation to a share or equity instrument means any right, whether fixed or contingent, of the holder of that share or equity instrument or of any person that is a connected person in relation to that holder to require any person other than the issuer of that share or equity instrument to-
(a) acquire that share or equity instrument from the holder;
(b) make any payment in respect of that share or equity instrument in terms of a guarantee, indemnity or similar arrangement; or
(c) procure, facilitate or assist with any acquisition contemplated in paragraph (a) or the making of any payment contemplated in paragraph (b);
[Definition of ‘enforcement right’ substituted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 effective on 1 January 2017, applies in respect of years of assessment ending on or after that date]
“Equity instrument” definition of section 8EA of ITA
‘equity instrument’ means a right or interest the value of which is determined directly or indirectly with reference to-
(a) a preference share; or
(b) an amount derived from a preference share;
[Definition of ‘equity instrument’ inserted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 effective on 1 January 2017, applies in respect of years of assessment ending on or after that date]
“Operating company” definition of section 8EA of ITA
‘operating company’ means-
(a) any company that carries on business continuously, and in the course or furtherance of that business-
(i) provides goods or services for consideration; or
(ii) carries on exploration for natural resources;
[Paragraph (a) substituted by section 7 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 1 January 2013]
(b) any company that is a controlling group company in relation to a company contemplated in paragraph (a);or
(c) any company that is a listed company;
“Preference share” definition of section 8EA of ITA
‘preference share’ means any share-
(a) other than an equity share; or
(b) that is an equity share, if an amount of any dividend or foreign dividend in respect of that share is based on or determined with reference to a specified rate of interest or the time value of money;
“Qualifying purpose” definition of section 8EA of ITA
‘qualifying purpose’, in relation to the application of the funds derived from the issue of a preference share, means one or more of the following purposes:
[Words preceding paragraph (a) substituted by section 7 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 1 January 2013]
(a) The direct or indirect acquisition of an equity share by any person in a company that is an operating company at the time of the receipt or accrual of any dividend or foreign dividend in respect of that preference share, other than a direct or indirect acquisition of an equity share from a company that, immediately before that acquisition, formed part of the same group of companies as the person acquiring that equity share;
[Paragraph (a) substituted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 effective on 1 January 2017, applies in respect of years of assessment ending on or after that date]
(b) the partial or full settlement by any person of any-
(i) debt incurred for one or more of the following purposes:
(aa) The direct or indirect acquisition of an equity share by any person in a company that is an operating company at the time of the receipt or accrual of any dividend or foreign dividend in respect of that preference share, other than a direct or indirect acquisition of an equity share from a company that, immediately before that acquisition, formed part of the same group of companies as the person acquiring that equity share;
[Item (aa) substituted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 effective on 1 January 2017, applies in respect of years of assessment ending on or after that date]
(bb) a direct or indirect acquisition or a redemption contemplated in paragraph (c);
(cc) the payment of any dividend or foreign dividend as contemplated in paragraph (d); or
(dd) the partial or full settlement, directly or indirectly, of any debt incurred as contemplated in item (aa), (bb) or (cc); or
(ii) interest accrued on any debt contemplated in subparagraph (i);
(c) the direct or indirect acquisition by any person or a redemption by any person of any other preference share if-
(i) that other preference share was issued for any purpose contemplated in this definition; and
(ii) the amount received by or accrued to the issuer of that preference share as consideration for the issue of that preference share does not exceed the amount outstanding in respect of that other preference share being acquired or redeemed, being the sum of-
(aa) that amount; and
(bb) any amount of dividends, foreign dividends or interest accrued in respect of that other preference share; or
(d) the payment by any person of any dividend or foreign dividend in respect of the other preference share contemplated in paragraph (c);
“Third-party backed share” definition of section 8EA of ITA
“third-party backed share” means any preference share or equity instrument in respect of which an enforcement right is exercisable by the holder of that preference share or equity instrument or any person that is a connected person in relation to that holder as a result of any amount of any specified dividend, foreign dividend, return of capital or foreign return of capital attributable to that share or equity instrument not being received by or accruing to any person entitled thereto.
[Definition of “third-party backed share” amended by section 11(1)(c) of Act 31 of 2013 and substituted by section 15(1)(f) of Act 15 of 2016, by section 9(b) of Act 34 of 2019 and by section 6(1)(a) of Act 42 of 2024 effective on 1 January, 2025 and applicable in respect of dividends or foreign dividends received or accrued during years of assessment commencing on or after that date]
Subsection 2 and 3 of section 8EA of ITA
(2) Any dividend or foreign dividend received by or accrued to a person during any year of assessment in respect of a share or equity instrument must be deemed in relation to that person to be an amount of income received by or accrued to that person if that share or equity instrument constitutes a third-party backed share at any time during that year of assessment.
[Subsection (2) substituted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 effective on 1 January 2017, applies in respect of years of assessment ending on or after that date]
(2A) Where a preference share that was issued in terms of an agreement, all the terms of which were finally agreed to before 1 April 2012 by all the parties to that agreement, constitutes a third-party backed share solely by reason of an enforcement right acquired in accordance with the terms of that agreement and that enforcement right is cancelled on or after 26 October 2016 and on or before 31 December 2017, the provisions of subsection (2) will not apply in respect of any dividend or foreign dividend that accrues in respect of that share after the date of cancellation of that enforcement right.
[Subsection (2A) inserted by section 15 of Act 15 of 2016 and substituted by section 13 of Act 23 of 2018 effective on 17 January 2019]
(a) Where the funds derived from the issue of a preference share were applied for a qualifying purpose, in determining whether an enforcement right is exercisable in respect of that share, no regard must be had to any arrangement in terms of which the holder of that share has an enforcement right in respect of that share and that right is exercisable, against the persons contemplated in paragraph (b).
[Paragraph (a) substituted by section 9(c) of Act 34 of 2019]
(b) For the purposes of the determination contemplated in paragraph (a) no regard must be had to the following persons:
(i) The operating company to which that qualifying purpose relates;
(ii) any issuer of a preference share if that preference share was issued for a qualifying purpose;
[Subparagraph (ii) substituted by section 7 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 1 January 2013]
(iii) any other person that directly or indirectly holds at least 20 per cent of the equity shares in-
(aa) the operating company contemplated in subparagraph (i); or
(bb) the issuer contemplated in subparagraph (ii);
(iv) any company that forms part of the same group of companies as-
(aa) the operating company contemplated in subparagraph (i);
(bb) the issuer contemplated in subparagraph (ii); or
(cc) the other person that directly or indirectly holds at least 20 per cent of the equity shares in the operating company contemplated in subparagraph (i) or the issuer contemplated in subparagraph (ii);
(v) any natural person;
[Subparagraph (v) amended by section 7 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 1 January 2013]
(vi) any organisation-
(aa) which is-
(A) a non-profit company as defined in section 1 of the Companies Act; or
(B) a trust or association of persons; and
(bb) if-
(A) all the activities of that organisation are carried on in a non-profit manner; and
(B) none of the activities of that organisation are intended to directly or indirectly promote the economic self-interest of any fiduciary or employee of that organisation, otherwise than by way of reasonable remuneration payable to that fiduciary or employee; or
[Subparagraph (vi) amended by section 7 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 1 January 2013]
(vii) any person that holds equity shares in an issuer contemplated in subparagraph (ii) if the enforcement right exercisable against that person is limited to any rights in and claims against that issuer that are held by that person.
[Subparagraph (vii) added by section 7(1)(d) of Act 43 of 2014 and substituted by section 10(1) of Act 17 of 2017 and by section 9(d) of Act 34 of 2019]
Provided that where an equity share in an operating company is acquired by any person as contemplated in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “qualifying purpose” and the share so acquired is no longer held directly or indirectly by that person at the time of the receipt or accrual of that dividend or foreign dividend in respect of the preference share, this subsection must not apply, unless-
(a) that equity share in the operating company was disposed of and the funds derived from that disposal are used by the issuer of the preference share for the redemption of that preference share and the settlement of an amount of dividends or foreign dividends, if any, in respect of that preference share, within 90 days of that disposal; or
[Paragraph (a) substituted by section 6(1)(b) of Act 42 of 2024 deemed to have come into operation on 1 January, 2024 and applicable in respect of the settlement of an amount of dividends or foreign dividends in respect of that preference share, during years of assessment commencing on or after that date]
(b) that equity share in the operating company was a listed share and substituted for a listed share in terms of an arrangement that is announced and released as a corporate action as contemplated in the JSE Limited Listings Requirements in the SENS (Stock Exchange News Service) as defined in the JSE Limited Listings Requirements or a corporate action as contemplated in the listings requirements of any other exchange, licensed under the Financial Markets Act, that are substantially the same as the requirements prescribed by the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, where that corporate action complies with the applicable requirements of that exchange or a corporate action contemplated in the listings requirements of an exchange, in a country other than the Republic, contemplated in paragraph (c) of the definition of “recognised exchange” in paragraph 1 of the Eighth Schedule.
[Paragraph (b) substituted by section 6(1)(c) of Act 42 of 2024 effective on 1 January, 2025 and applicable in respect of dividends or foreign dividends received or accrued during years of assessment commencing on or after that date]
[Section 8EA (section 21(1) of Act 24 of 2011 repealed by section 165(1) of Act 22 of 2012 deemed to have come into operation on 10 January, 2012) inserted by section 12(1) of Act 22 of 2012 effective on (a) in the case of dividends or foreign dividends received in cash by any person during any year of assessment of that person that commences on or after 1 January, 2013, on 1 April, 2012 and applicable in respect of any dividend or foreign dividend so received if that dividend or foreign dividend (i) accrued to that person on or after 1 April, 2012; and (ii) is received by that person on or after a date three months after the date on which that dividend or foreign dividend accrued to that person; or (b) in the case of dividends or foreign dividends (i) received by or accrued to any person; and (ii) that are not received by and accrued to that person as contemplated in (a), on 1 January, 2013 and applicable in respect of any dividend or foreign dividend so received and accrued during years of assessment of that person that commence on or after that date. Subsection (3) added by section 11(1)(d) of Act 31 of 2013 and amended by section 5(1) of Act 17 of 2023 effective on 1 January, 2024 and applicable in respect of any dividend or foreign dividend received or accrued during years of assessment commencing on or after the date]