15. Personal-use aircraft, boats and certain rights and interests
A capital loss in respect of the following assets of a person must be disregarded in determining the aggregate capital gain or aggregate capital loss of a person, to the extent that the assets are used for purposes other than the carrying on of a trade:
(a) An aircraft with an empty mass exceeding 450 kg;
(b) a boat exceeding ten metres in length;
(c) any fiduciary, usufructuary or other similar interest, the value of which decreases over time;
(d) any lease of immovable property;
(e) any-
(i) time-sharing interest as defined in section 1 of the Property Time-sharing Control Act, 1983 (Act No. 75 of 1983); or
(ii) share in a share block company, as defined in section 1 of the Share Blocks Control Act,
[Item (ii) substituted by section 83 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 20 January 2015]
(f) any right or interest of whatever nature to or in an asset contemplated in items (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e).