Section 8 (ITA) – Certain amounts to be included in income or taxable income

8.     Certain amounts to be included in income or taxable income



(i)   There shall be included in the taxable income of any person (hereinafter referred to as the “recipient”) for any year of assessment any amount which has been paid or granted during that year by his or her principal as an allowance or advance, excluding any portion of any allowance or advance to the extent that the allowance or advance or a portion of the allowance or advance is exempt from normal tax under section 10(1) or has actually been expended by that recipient—


(aa)   on travelling on business, as contemplated in paragraph (b), unless an allowance or advance has been granted by an employer in respect of the use of a motor vehicle as contemplated in paragraph 7 of the Seventh Schedule;


(bb)   on any accommodation, meals and other incidental costs, as contemplated in paragraph (c), while such recipient is by reason of the duties of his or her office or employment obliged to spend at least one night away from his or her usual place of residence in the Republic; or


(cc)   by reason of the duties attendant upon his or her office, as contemplated in paragraph (d).

[Sub­paragraph (i) amended by section 6(a) of Act 34 of 2019]


(ii)     There shall not be included in the taxable income of a person in terms of the provisions of paragraph (a)(i), any amount paid or granted by a principal in reimbursement of, or as an advance for, any expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the recipient –



(A)    on the instruction of his or her principal; or

(B)    where the recipient is allowed by his or her principal to incur expenditure on meals and other incidental costs while such recipient is by reason of the duties of his or her office or employment obliged to spend a part of a day away from his or her usual place of work or employment, not exceeding an amount determined by way of notice in the Gazette,

in the furtherance of the trade of that principal; and

[Item (aa) substituted by section 4(1)(a) of Act 23 of 2020 effective on 1 March, 2021 and applicable in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date]


(bb)   where that recipient must produce proof to that principal that such expenditure was wholly incurred as aforesaid and must account to that principal for that expenditure:


Provided that where that expenditure was incurred to acquire any asset, the ownership in that asset must vest in that principal.

(iii)    For the purposes of this paragraph, ‘principal’ in relation to a recipient includes his or her employer or the authority, company, body or other organisation in relation to which any office is held, or any associated institution, as defined in the Seventh Schedule, in relation to such employer, authority, company, body or organisation.


(iv)    The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in respect of any amount paid or granted as an allowance or advance that is received by or accrued to a person in respect of-


(aa)   the holding of a public office by that person as contemplated in section 9(2)(g);or


(bb)   services rendered or work or labour performed by that person as contemplated in section 9(2)(h),


if that person is stationed outside the Republic and that amount is attributable to services rendered by that person outside the Republic.

(b)     For the purposes of paragraph (a)(i)(aa)


(i)      any allowance or advance in respect of transport expenses shall, to the extent to which such allowance or advance has been expended by the recipient on private travelling (including travelling between his or her place of residence and his or her place of employment or business or any other travelling done for his or her private or domestic purposes), be deemed not to have been actually expended on travelling on business;

[Subparagraph (i) amended by section 4 of Act 96 of 1985, section 9 of Act 129 1991 and section 5 of Act 43 of 2014 effective on 20 January 2015]


(ii)   subject to the provisions of subparagraph (iii), where such allowance or advance has been paid to the recipient in order that it may be utilized for defraying expenditure in respect of any motor vehicle used by the recipient, the portion of the allowance expended by the recipient during the year of assessment for business purposes shall, unless an acceptable calculation based on accurate data is furnished by the recipient, be deemed to be an amount calculated by applying the rate per kilometre determined in the manner prescribed by the Minister of Finance by notice in the Gazette for the category of vehicle used, on a distance travelled during the said year for business purposes (other than private travelling as contemplated in subparagraph (i)): Provided that where an allowance or advance is deemed to have accrued under section 7B to the recipient in the year of assessment during which that allowance or advance is paid, the distance travelled for business purposes in respect of which that allowance or advance is received shall be deemed to have been travelled during the year in which that allowance or advance is paid;

[Sub­paragraph (ii) substituted by section 6(a) of Act 85 of 1987 and amended by section 9(b) of Act 129 of 1991, by section 8(1)(a) of Act 21 of 1995, by section 6(1)(a) of Act 28 of 1997, by section 24(1) of Act 30 of 1998, bysection 4(a) of Act 9 of 2005, by section 21 of Act 9 of 2006, by section 11(1)(a) of Act 17 of 2009, by section 10(1)(b) of Act 7 of 2010 and by section 6(b) of Act 34 of 2019]

(iii)  where such allowance or advance is based on the actual distance travelled by the recipient in using a motor vehicle on business (excluding the said private travelling), or such actual distance is proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have been travelled by the recipient, the amount expended by the recipient on such business travelling shall, unless the contrary appears, be deemed to be an amount determined on such actual distance at the rate per kilometre fixed by the Minister of Finance by notice in the Gazette for the category of vehicle used: Provided that where an allowance or advance is deemed to have accrued under section 7B to the recipient in the year of assessment during which that allowance or advance is paid, the distance travelled for business purposes in respect of which that allowance or advance is received shall be deemed to have been travelled during the year in which that allowance or advance is paid;

[Sub­paragraph (iii) amended by section 6(c) of Act 34 of 2019]


(iiiA)  where the portion of the allowance or advance which is claimed by the recipient to be actually expended is calculated based on accurate data furnished by the recipient in respect of any vehicle –


(aa)   in the case of a vehicle that is being leased, the total amount of payments in respect of that lease may not in any year of assessment exceed an amount of the fixed cost determined by the Minister in the notice contemplated in subparagraph (ii), for the category of vehicle used;


(bb)   in any other case –


(A)    the wear and tear of that vehicle must be determined over a period of seven years from the date of original acquisition by that recipient and the cost of the vehicle must for this purpose be limited to R800 000, or such other amount determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette; and

[Sub-item (A) substituted by section 5(1) of Act 42 of 2014, by section 6(1) of Act 14 of 2017, by section 5(1) of Act 22 of 2020 and by section 5(1) of Act 19 of 2023 effective on 1 March, 2023 and applicable in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date]

(B)    the finance charges in respect of any debt incurred in respect of the purchase of that vehicle must be limited to an amount which would have been incurred had the original debt been R800 000, or such other amount determined by the Minister in terms of subitem (A);

[Sub-item (B) substituted by section 5(1) of Act 42 of 2014, by section 6(1) of Act 14 of 2017, by section 5(1) of Act 22 of 2020 and by section 5(1) of Act 19 of 2023 effective on 1 March, 2023 and applicable in respect of years of assessment commencing on or after that date]


(iv)    where any motor vehicle which is owned or leased by an employee, his spouse or his child, whether directly or indirectly by virtue of an interest in a company or trust or otherwise, has been let to the employer or any associated institution in relation to the employer, the sum of the rental paid by the employer or associated institution and any expenditure defrayed by the employer or associated institution in respect of the vehicle, shall be deemed to be an allowance paid to the employee in respect of transport expenses, and in such case the said rental shall for the purposes of this Act (excluding this paragraph) be deemed not to have been received by or to have accrued to the lessor of such motor vehicle, and for the purposes of paragraph 2 (b) of the Seventh Schedule such employee shall be deemed not to have been granted the right to use such motor vehicle.


(c)     A recipient shall, for the purposes of paragraph (a)(i) (bb), be deemed to have actually expended, –


(i)      where that recipient proves to the Commissioner the amount of the expenses incurred by him or her in respect of accommodation, meals or other incidental costs (other than any amount of expenditure borne by the employer otherwise than by way of payment or granting of the allowance), the amount so actually incurred but limited to the amount of the allowance or advance paid or granted to meet those expenses; or


(ii)     for each day or part of a day in the period during which that recipient is absent from his or her usual place of residence, such amount in respect of meals and other incidental costs, or incidental costs only, as the Commissioner may determine for a country or region for the relevant year of assessment by way of notice in the Gazette, but limited to the amount of the allowance paid or granted to meet those expenses: Provided that this subparagraph does not apply to the extent that –


(aa)   the employer has borne the expenses (otherwise than by way of granting the allowance or advance) in respect of which the allowance was paid or granted for that day or part of that day; or


(bb)   the recipient has proved to the Commissioner any amount of actual expenditure in respect of meals or incidental costs for that day or part of that day, as contemplated in subparagraph (i).


(d)     Any allowance granted to the holder of any public office contemplated in paragraph (e) to enable him to defray expenditure incurred by him in connection with such office shall for the purposes of paragraph (a) be deemed to have been so expended by him to the extent that expenditure relevant to such allowance and not otherwise recoverable by him has actually been incurred by him for the purposes of his office in respect of


(i)      secretarial services, duplicating services, stationery, postage, telephone calls, the hire of office accommodation and the maintenance of such accommodation;


(ii)     travelling;


(iii)    hospitality extended at any official or civic function which the holder of such office is by reason of the nature of such office normally expected to arrange;


(iv)    ……….


(v)     subsistence and incidental costs incurred in the circumstances contemplated in paragraph (c).


(e)     For the purposes of paragraph (d) the holder of a public office includes


(i)      the President, Deputy President, a Minister, Deputy Minister, a member of the National Assembly, a permanent delegate to the National Council of Provinces, a Premier, a member of an Executive Council or a member of a provincial legislature;


(ii)     any member of a municipal council, a traditional leader, a member of a provincial House of Traditional Leaders and a member of the Council of Traditional Leaders; and


(iii)    a person occupying the office of president, chairman or chief executive officer of any non-profitmaking organization which is organized on a national or regional basis to represent persons with common interests and the funds of which are derived wholly or mainly from subscriptions of members or donations from the general public.


(f)      Where it is expected of any person contemplated in paragraph (e) (i) to defray any expenditure referred to in paragraph (d) out of his salary received as the holder of any public office, an amount equal to a portion (which shall be determined by the National Assembly or the President, as the case may be, as provided for in the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, 1998 (Act No. 20 of 1998)) of such salary shall for the purposes of paragraph (d) be deemed to be an allowance granted to such person.


(g)     Where, during any year of assessment, any person contemplated in paragraph (e) has held a public office for less than 12 months, the amount determined in terms of paragraph (f), shall be reduced to an amount which bears to the relevant amount, the same ratio as the number of months (in the determination of which a part of a month shall be reckoned as a full month), for which the office was held bears to 12 months.

(2)     ……….

(3)     ……….