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- Income Tax Act Index
- “Agent” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Aggregate capital gain” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Aggregate capital loss” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Assessed capital loss” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Assessment” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Average exchange rate” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Banks Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Beneficiary” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Benefit fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Bonus debentures or securities” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Capital loss” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Close Corporation” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Connected person” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Listed company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Pension Funds Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Post-1990 gold mine” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Provident fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Qualifying investor” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Relative” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Remuneration proxy” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement fund lump sum benefit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Return of capital” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “South African Reserve Bank” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Special trust” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Spot rate” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Tax” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Trading stock” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Value-Added Tax Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Year of assessment” definition of section 1 of ITA
- Subsection 2 of section 1 of ITA
- “Securities lending arrangement” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Severance benefit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Share” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Short-term Insurance Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “South African Revenue Service” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Specified date” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Specified period” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Spouse” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Tax Administration Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Taxable capital gain” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Taxable income” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Tax benefit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Taxpayer” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “This Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Trade” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Trade Marks Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Trust” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Trustee” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Water services provider” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Withdrawal interest” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Prescribed” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Prescribed rate” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Provident preservation fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Public Finance Management Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Public private partnership” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Regional electricity distributor” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Regulation” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “REIT” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Representative taxpayer” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Republic” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Resident” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Residential unit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement annuity fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement date” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement-funding employment” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement fund lump sum withdrawal benefit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Retirement interest” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Return” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Post-1973 gold mine” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Officer” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Patents Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Pension fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Pension preservation fund” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Permanent establishment” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Person” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Portfolio of a collective investment scheme” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Portfolio of a collective investment scheme in participation bonds” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Portfolio of a collective investment scheme in property” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Portfolio of a collective investment scheme in securities” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Portfolio of a declared collective investment scheme” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Mining for gold’ or ‘to mine for gold'” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Mining operations’ and ‘mining'” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Minister” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Municipality” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Municipal value” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Natural oil” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Neighbouring country” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Normal retirement age” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Normal tax” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Foreign partnership” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Foreign return of capital” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Foreign tax year” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Functional currency” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Gross income” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Group of companies” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Headquarter company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Hotel keeper” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “IFRS” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Income” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Insolvent estate” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “JSE Limited Listings Requirements” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Linked unit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Listed share” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Living annuity” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Long-term Insurance Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Low-cost residential unit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Lump sum benefit” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Medical Schemes Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Companies Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Contributed tax capital” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Controlled group company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Controlling group company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Controlled foreign company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Co-operative” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Copyright Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Date of sequestration” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Depreciable asset” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Designs Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Director” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Dividend” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Domestic treasury management company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Equity share” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Executor” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Financial instrument” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Financial year” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Foreign company” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Foreign dividend” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Capital gain” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Child” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Collective Investment Schemes Control Act” definition of section 1 of ITA
- “Commissioner” definition of section 1 of ITA
- Section 2 (ITA) – Administration of Act
- Section 3 (ITA) – Exercise of powers and performance of duties
- Section 4A (ITA) – Exercise of powers and performance of duties by Minister
- Section 6A (ITA) – Medical scheme fees tax credit
- Section 6B (ITA) – Additional medical expenses tax credit
- “Child” definition of section 6B of ITA
- “Disability” definition of section 6B of ITA
- “Dependent” definition of section 6B of ITA
- Section 6quat (ITA) – Rebate or deduction in respect of foreign taxes on income
- Section 7B (ITA) – Timing of accrual and incurral of variable remuneration
- “Employee” definition of section 7B of ITA
- “Employer” definition of section 7B of ITA
- “Variable remuneration” definition of section 7B of ITA
- Subsection 2 of section 7B of ITA
- Section 8 (ITA) – Certain amounts to be included in income or taxable income
- Subsection 4 and 4A of section 8 of ITA
- “Marketable security” definition of section 8A of ITA
- “Broad-based employee share plan” definition of section 8B of ITA
- “Qualifying equity share” definition of section 8B of ITA
- “Associated institution” definition of section 8C of ITA
- “Interest” definition of section 8F of ITA
- Subsection 2 and 3 of section 8F of ITA
- Section 10(1)(g) of ITA
- Section 10(1)(nE) of ITA
- Section 10(1)(p) of ITA
- Section 11(c) of ITA
- Section 11(f) of ITA
- Section 11(nA) of ITA
- Section 12I (ITA) – Additional investment and training allowances in respect of industrial policy projects
- Section 12J (ITA) – Deductions in respect of expenditure incurred in exchange for issue of venture capital company shares
- Subsections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of section 12O of ITA
- “Improvements” definition of section 13 of ITA
- “Allowance asset” definition of section 19 of ITA
- Section 20 (ITA) – Set off of assessed losses
- “Foreign currency option contract” definition of section 24I of ITA
- “Accrual amount” definition of section 24J of ITA
- “Alternative method” definition of section 24J of ITA
- “Financial reporting value” definition of section 24JB of ITA
- “Antedated salary or pension” definition of section 7A of ITA
- “Pension” definition of section 7A of ITA
- Section 7A (ITA) – Date of receipt or accrual of antedated salaries or pensions and of certain retirement gratuities
- Subsections 2 and 3 of section 7A of ITA
- “Capital expenditure” definition of section 36 of ITA
- Section 37B (ITA) – Deductions in respect of environmental expenditure
- “Base cost” definition of section 41 of ITA
- “Expenditure” definition of section 46 of ITA
- PART IIIA – Taxation of foreign entertainers and sportspersons (ITA)
- Section 47C (ITA) – Liability for payment of tax
- Section 64D (ITA) – Definitions
- Subsections 2, 3 and 4 of section 80E of ITA
- PART III – Objections and Appeals (ITA)
- Section 89bis (ITA) – Payments of employees’ tax and provisional tax and interest on overdue payments on such taxes
- PART V – Representative Taxpayers (ITA)
- “Forest produce” definition of First Schedule
- “Lump sum benefit” definition of Second Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Fourth Schedule) – Employers to deduct tax
- Paragraph 28A (Fourth Schedule) – Payments regarded as taxpayer’s liability for tax
- “Associated institution” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Employee” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Employment” definition of Seventh Schedule
- Paragraph 6 (Seventh Schedule) – Right of use of any asset (other than residential accommodation or any motor vehicle)
- Paragraph 10A (Seventh Schedule) – Residential accommodation – other terms
- Paragraph 19 (Eighth Schedule) – Losses on the disposal of certain shares
- Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011
- “Tax offence” definition of TAA
- Schedule 1 (TAA)
- Section 232 (TAA) – Assessment or determination to give effect to agreement
- Section 233 (TAA) – Reporting of voluntary disclosure agreements
- Chapter 17 – Criminal offences (TAA)
- Section 234 (TAA) – Criminal offence relating to non-compliance with tax Acts
- Section 235 (TAA) – Evasion of tax and obtaining undue refunds by fraud or theft
- Section 236 (TAA) – Criminal offences relating to secrecy provisions
- Section 237 (TAA) – Criminal offences relating to filing return without authority
- Section 238 (TAA) – Jurisdiction of courts in criminal matters
- Chapter 18 – Registration of tax practitioners and reporting of unprofessional conduct (TAA)
- Section 239 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Controlling body” definition of section 239 of TAA
- “Recognised controlling body” definition of section 239 of TAA
- Section 240 (TAA) – Registration of tax practitioners
- Section 240A (TAA) – Recognition of controlling bodies
- Section 241 (TAA) – Complaint to controlling body
- Section 242 (TAA) – Disclosure of information regarding complaint and remedies of taxpayer
- Section 243 (TAA) – Complaint considered by controlling body
- Chapter 19 – General provisions (TAA)
- Section 244 (TAA) – Deadlines
- Section 245 (TAA) – Power of Minister to determine date for submission of returns and payment of tax
- Section 246 (TAA) – Public officers of companies
- Section 247 (TAA) – Company address for notices and documents
- Section 248 (TAA) – Public officer in event of liquidation, winding-up or business rescue
- Section 249 (TAA) – Default in appointing public officer or address for notices or documents
- Section 250 (TAA) – Authentication of documents
- Section 251 (TAA) – Delivery of documents to persons other than companies
- Section 252 (TAA) – Delivery of documents to companies
- Section 253 (TAA) – Documents delivered deemed to have been received
- Section 254 (TAA) – Defect does not affect delivery
- Section 255 (TAA) – Rules for electronic communication
- Section 256 (TAA) – Tax compliance status
- Section 257 (TAA) – Regulations by Minister
- Chapter 20 – Transitional provisions (TAA)
- Section 258 (TAA) – New taxpayer reference number
- Section 259 (TAA) – Appointment of Tax Ombud
- Section 260 (TAA) – Provisions related to secrecy
- Section 261 (TAA) – Public officer previously appointed
- Section 262 (TAA) – Appointment of chairperson of tax board
- Section 263 (TAA) – Appointment of members of tax court
- Section 264 (TAA) – Continuation of tax board, tax court and court rules
- Section 265 (TAA) – Continuation of appointment to a post or office or delegation by Commissioner
- Section 266 (TAA) – Continuation of authority to audit
- Section 267 (TAA) – Conduct of inquiries and execution of search and seizure warrants
- Section 268 (TAA) – Application of Chapter 15
- Section 269 (TAA) – Continuation of authority, rights and obligations
- Section 270 (TAA) – Application of Act to prior or continuing action
- Section 271 (TAA) – Amendment of legislation
- Section 272 (TAA) – Short title and commencement
- Section 199 (TAA) – Procedure for writing off tax debt
- Part D – Compromise of tax debt (TAA)
- Section 200 (TAA) – Compromise of tax debt
- Section 201 (TAA) – Request by debtor for compromise of tax debt
- Section 202 (TAA) – Consideration of request to compromise tax debt
- Section 203 (TAA) – Circumstances where not appropriate to compromise tax debt
- Section 204 (TAA) – Procedure for compromise of tax debt
- Section 205 (TAA) – SARS not bound by compromise of tax debt
- Part E – Records and reporting (TAA)
- Section 206 (TAA) – Register of tax debts written off or compromised (TAA)
- Section 207 (TAA) – Reporting by Commissioner of tax debts written off or compromised
- Chapter 15 – Administrative non-compliance penalties (TAA)
- Part A – General (TAA)
- Section 208 (TAA) – Definitions
- “‘Administrative non-compliance penalty’ or ‘penalty'” definition of section 208 of TAA
- “First incidence” definition of section 208 of TAA
- “Penalty assessment” definition of section 208 of TAA
- “Preceding year” definition of section 208 of TAA
- “Remittance request” definition of section 208 of TAA
- Section 209 (TAA) – Purpose of Chapter
- Part B – Fixed amount penalties (TAA)
- Section 210 (TAA) – Non-compliance subject to penalty
- Section 211 (TAA) – Fixed amount penalty table
- Section 212 (TAA) – Reportable arrangement penalty
- Part C – Percentage based penalty (TAA)
- Section 213 (TAA) – Imposition of percentage based penalty
- Part D – Procedure (TAA)
- Section 214 (TAA) – Procedures for imposing penalty
- Section 215 (TAA) – Procedure to request remittance of penalty
- Part E – Remedies (TAA)
- Section 216 (TAA) – Remittance of penalty for failure to register
- Section 217 (TAA) – Remittance of penalty for nominal or first incidence of non-compliance
- Section 218 (TAA) – Remittance of penalty in exceptional circumstances
- Section 219 (TAA) – Penalty incorrectly assessed
- Section 220 (TAA) – Objection and appeal against decision not to remit penalty
- Chapter 16 – Understatement penalty (TAA)
- Part A – Imposition of understatement penalty (TAA)
- Section 221 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Repeat case” definition of section 221 of TAA
- “Substantial understatement” definition of section 221 of TAA
- “Tax” definition of section 221 of TAA
- “Tax position” definition of section 221 of TAA
- “Understatement” definition of section 221 of TAA
- Section 222 (TAA) – Understatement penalty
- Section 223 (TAA) – Understatement penalty percentage table
- Section 224 (TAA) – Objection and appeal against imposition of understatement penalty
- Part B – Voluntary disclosure programme (TAA)
- Section 225 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Default” definition of section 225 of TAA
- Section 226 (TAA) – Qualification of person subject to audit or investigation for voluntary disclosure
- Section 227 (TAA) – Requirements for valid voluntary disclosure
- Section 228 (TAA) – No-name voluntary disclosure
- Section 229 (TAA) – Voluntary disclosure relief
- Section 230 (TAA) – Voluntary disclosure agreement
- Section 231 (TAA) – Withdrawal of voluntary disclosure relief
- Part B – Payment of tax (TAA)
- Section 162 (TAA) – Determination of time and manner of payment of tax
- Section 163 (TAA) – Preservation order
- Section 164 (TAA) – Payment of tax pending objection or appeal
- Part C – Taxpayer account and allocation of payments (TAA)
- Section 165 (TAA) – Taxpayer account
- Section 166 (TAA) – Allocation of payments
- Part D – Deferral of payment (TAA)
- Section 167 (TAA) – Instalment payment agreement
- Section 168 (TAA) – Criteria for instalment payment agreement
- Chapter 11 – Recovery of tax (TAA)
- Part A – General (TAA)
- Section 169 (TAA) – Debt due to SARS
- Section 170 (TAA) – Evidence as to assessment
- Section 171 (TAA) – Period of limitation on collection of tax
- Part B – Judgment procedure (TAA)
- Section 172 (TAA) – Application for civil judgment for recovery of tax
- Section 173 (TAA) – Jurisdiction of Magistrates’ Court in judgment procedure
- Section 174 (TAA) – Effect of statement filed with clerk or registrar
- Section 175 (TAA) – Amendment of statement filed with clerk or registrar
- Section 176 (TAA) – Withdrawal of statement and reinstatement of proceedings
- Part C – Sequestration, liquidation and winding-up proceedings (TAA)
- Section 177 (TAA) – Institution of sequestration, liquidation or winding-up proceedings
- Section 178 (TAA) – Jurisdiction of court in sequestration, liquidation or winding-up proceedings
- Part D – Collection of tax debt from third parties (TAA)
- Section 179 (TAA) – Liability of third party appointed to satisfy tax debts
- Section 180 (TAA) – Liability of financial management for tax debts
- Section 181 (TAA) – Liability of shareholders for tax debts
- Section 182 (TAA) – Liability of transferee for tax debts
- Section 183 (TAA) – Liability of person assisting in dissipation of assets
- Section 184 (TAA) – Recovery of tax debts from other persons
- Part E – Assisting foreign governments (TAA)
- Section 185 (TAA) – Tax recovery on behalf of foreign governments
- Part F – Remedies with respect to foreign assets (TAA)
- Section 186 (TAA) – Compulsory repatriation of foreign assets of taxpayer
- Chapter 12 – Interest (TAA)
- Section 187 (TAA) – General interest rules
- Section 188 (TAA) – Period over which interest accrues
- Section 189 (TAA) – Rate at which interest is charged
- Chapter 13 – Refunds (TAA)
- Section 190 (TAA) – Refunds of excess payments
- Section 191 (TAA) – Refunds subject to set-off and deferral
- Chapter 14 – Write off or compromise of tax debts (TAA)
- Part A – General provisions (TAA)
- Section 192 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Companies Act” definition of section 192 of TAA
- “Compromise” definition of section 192 of TAA
- “Debtor” definition of section 192 of TAA
- “Write off” definition of section 192 of TAA
- Section 193 (TAA) – Purpose of Chapter
- Section 194 (TAA) – Application of Chapter
- Part B – Temporary write off of tax debts (TAA)
- Section 195 (TAA) – Temporary write off of tax debt
- Section 196 (TAA) – Tax debt uneconomical to pursue
- Part C – Permanent write off of tax debt (TAA)
- Section 197 (TAA) – Permanent write off of tax debt
- Section 198 (TAA) – Tax debt irrecoverable at law
- Section 129 (TAA) – Decision by tax court
- Section 130 (TAA) – Order for costs by tax court
- Section 131 (TAA) – Registrar to notify parties of judgment of tax court
- Section 132 (TAA) – Publication of judgment of tax court
- Part E – Appeal against tax court decision (TAA)
- Section 133 (TAA) – Appeal against decision of tax court
- Section 134 (TAA) – Notice of intention to appeal tax court decision
- Section 135 (TAA) – Leave to appeal Supreme Court of Appeal against tax court decision
- Section 136 (TAA) – Failure to lodge notice of intention to appeal tax court decision
- Section 137 (TAA) – Notice by registrar of period for appeal of tax court decision
- Section 138 (TAA) – Notice of appeal to Supreme Court of Appeal against tax court decision
- Section 139 (TAA) – Notice of cross-appeal of tax court decision
- Section 140 (TAA) – Record of appeal of tax court decision
- Section 141 (TAA) – Abandonment of judgment
- Part F – Settlement of dispute (TAA)
- Section 142 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Dispute” definition of section 142 of TAA
- “Settle” definition of section 142 of TAA
- Section 143 (TAA) – Purpose of Part
- Section 144 (TAA) – Initiation of settlement procedure
- Section 145 (TAA) – Circumstances where settlement is inappropriate
- Section 146 (TAA) – Circumstances where settlement is appropriate
- Section 147 (TAA) – Procedure for settlement
- Section 148 (TAA) – Finality of settlement agreement
- Section 149 (TAA) – Register of settlements and reporting
- Section 150 (TAA) – Alteration of assessment or decision on settlement
- Chapter 10 – Tax liability and payment (TAA)
- Part A – Taxpayers (TAA)
- Section 151 (TAA) – Taxpayer
- Section 152 (TAA) – Person chargeable to tax
- Section 153 (TAA) – Representative taxpayer
- Section 154 (TAA) – Liability of representative taxpayer
- Section 155 (TAA) – Personal liability of representative taxpayer
- Section 156 (TAA) – Withholding agent
- Section 157 (TAA) – Personal liability of withholding agent
- Section 158 (TAA) – Responsible third party
- Section 159 (TAA) – Personal liability of responsible third party
- Section 160 (TAA) – Right to recovery of taxpayer
- Section 161 (TAA) – Security by taxpayer
- Part C – Tax board (TAA)
- Section 108 (TAA) – Establishment of tax board
- Section 109 (TAA) – Jurisdiction of tax board
- Section 110 (TAA) – Constitution of tax board
- Section 111 (TAA) – Appointment of chairpersons
- Section 112 (TAA) – Clerk of tax board
- Section 113 (TAA) – Tax board procedure
- Section 114 (TAA) – Decision of tax board
- Section 115 (TAA) – Referral of appeal to tax court
- Part D – Tax court (TAA)
- Section 116 (TAA) – Establishment of tax court
- Section 117 (TAA) – Jurisdiction of tax court
- Section 118 (TAA) – Constitution of tax court
- Section 119 (TAA) – Nomination of president of tax court
- Section 120 (TAA) – Appointment of panel of tax court members
- Section 121 (TAA) – Appointment of registrar of tax court
- Section 122 (TAA) – Conflict of interest of tax court members
- Section 123 (TAA) – Death, retirement or incapability of judge or member
- Section 124 (TAA) – Sitting of tax court not public
- Section 125 (TAA) – Appearance at hearing of tax court
- Section 126 (TAA) – Subpoena of witness to tax court
- Section 127 (TAA) – Non-attendance by witness or failure to give evidence
- Section 128 (TAA) – Contempt of tax court
- Section 73 (TAA) – Disclosure to taxpayer of own record
- Section 74 (TAA) – Publication of names of offenders
- Chapter 7 – Advance rulings (TAA)
- Section 75 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Advance ruling” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Applicant” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Application” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Binding class ruling” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Binding effect” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Binding general ruling” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Binding private ruling” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Class” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Class members” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Non-binding private opinion” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Proposed transaction” definition of section 75 of TAA
- “Transaction” definition of section 75 of TAA
- Section 76 (TAA) – Purpose of advance rulings
- section 77 (TAA) – Scope of advance rulings
- Section 78 (TAA) – Private rulings and class rulings
- Section 79 (TAA) – Applications for advance rulings
- Section 80 (TAA) – Rejection of application for advance ruling
- Section 81 (TAA) – Fees for advance rulings
- Section 82 (TAA) – Binding effect of advance rulings
- Section 83 (TAA) – Applicability of advance rulings
- Section 84 (TAA) – Rulings rendered void
- Section 85 (TAA) – Subsequent changes in tax law
- Section 86 (TAA) – Withdrawal or modification of advance rulings
- Section 87 (TAA) – Publication of advance rulings
- Section 88 (TAA) – Non-binding private opinions
- Section 89 (TAA) – Binding general rulings
- Section 90 (TAA) – Procedures and guidelines for advance rulings
- Chapter 8 – Assessments (TAA)
- Section 91 (TAA) – Original assessments
- Section 92 (TAA) – Additional assessments
- Section 93 (TAA) – Reduced assessments
- Section 94 (TAA) – Jeopardy assessments
- Section 95 (TAA) – Estimation of assessments
- Section 96 (TAA) – Notice of assessment
- Section 97 (TAA) – Recording of assessments
- Section 98 (TAA) – Withdrawal of assessments
- Section 99 (TAA) – Period of limitations for issuance of assessments
- Section 100 (TAA) – Finality of assessment or decision
- Chapter 9 – Dispute resolution (TAA)
- Part A – General (TAA)
- Section 101 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Appellant” definition of section 101 of TAA
- “Decision” definition of section 101 of TAA
- “Registrar” definition of section 101 of TAA
- Section 102 (TAA) – Burden of proof
- Section 103 (TAA) – Rules for dispute resolution
- Part B – Objection and appeal (TAA)
- Section 104 (TAA) – Objection against assessment or decision
- Section 105 (TAA) – Forum for dispute of assessment or decision
- Section 106 (TAA) – Decision on objection
- Section 107 (TAA) – Appeal against assessment or decision
- Section 24 (TAA) – Taxpayer reference number
- Chapter 4 – Returns and records (TAA)
- Part A – General (TAA)
- Section 25 (TAA) – Submission of return
- Section 26 (TAA) – Third party returns
- Section 27 (TAA) – Other returns required
- Section 28 (TAA) – Statement concerning accounts
- Section 29 (TAA) – Duty to keep records
- Section 30 (TAA) – Form of records kept or retained
- Section 31 (TAA) – Inspection of records
- Section 32 (TAA) – Retention period in case of audit, objection or appeal
- Section 33 (TAA) – Translation
- Part B – Reportable arrangements (TAA)
- Section 34 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Arrangement” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Financial benefit” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Financial reporting standards” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Participant” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Pre-tax profit” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Promoter” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Reportable arrangement” definition of section 34 of TAA
- “Tax benefit” definition of TAA
- Section 35 (TAA) – Reportable arrangements
- Section 36 (TAA) – Excluded arrangements
- Section 37 (TAA) – Disclosure obligation
- Section 38 (TAA) – Information to be submitted
- Section 39 (TAA) – Reportable arrangement reference number
- Chapter 5 – Information gathering (TAA)
- Part A – General rules for inspection, verification, audit and criminal investigation (TAA)
- Section 40 (TAA) – Selection for inspection, verification or audit
- Section 41 (TAA) – Authorisation for SARS official to conduct audit or criminal investigation
- Section 42 (TAA) – Keeping taxpayer informed
- Section 43 (TAA) – Referral for criminal investigation
- Section 44 (TAA) – Conduct of criminal investigation
- Part B – Inspection, request for relevant material, audit and criminal investigation (TAA)
- Section 45 (TAA) – Inspection
- Section 46 (TAA) – Request for relevant material
- Section 47 (TAA) – Production of relevant material in person
- Section 48 (TAA) – Field audit or criminal investigation
- Section 49 (TAA) – Assistance during field audit or criminal investigation
- Part C – Inquiries (TAA)
- Section 50 (TAA) – Authorisation for inquiry
- Section 51 (TAA) – Inquiry order
- Section 52 (TAA) – Inquiry proceedings
- Section 53 (TAA) – Notice to appear
- Section 54 (TAA) – Powers of presiding officer
- Section 55 (TAA) – Witness fees
- Section 56 (TAA) – Confidentiality of proceedings
- Section 57 (TAA) – Incriminating evidence
- Section 58 (TAA) – Inquiry not suspended by civil or criminal proceedings
- Part D – Search and seizure (TAA)
- Section 59 (TAA) – Application for warrant
- Section 60 (TAA) – Issuance of warrant
- Section 61 (TAA) – Carrying out search
- Section 62 (TAA) – Search of premises not identified in warrant
- Section 63 (TAA) – Search without warrant
- Section 64 (TAA) – Legal professional privilege
- Section 65 (TAA) – Person’s right to examine and make copies
- Section 66 (TAA) – Application for return of seized relevant material or costs of damages
- Chapter 6 – Confidentiality of information (TAA)
- Section 67 (TAA) – General prohibition of disclosure
- Section 68 (TAA) – SARS confidential information and disclosure
- Section 69 (TAA) – Secrecy of taxpayer information and general disclosure
- Section 70 (TAA) – Disclosure to other entities
- Section 71 (TAA) – Disclosure in criminal, public safety or environmental matters
- Section 72 (TAA) – Self-incrimination
- “Securities Transfer Tax Act” definition of TAA
- “Securities Transfer Tax Administration Act” definition of TAA
- “Self-assessment” definition of TAA
- “Senior SARS official” definition of TAA
- “Serious tax offence” definition of TAA
- “Shareholder” definition of TAA
- “Skills Development Levies Act” definition of TAA
- “Tax” definition of TAA
- “Taxable event” definition of TAA
- “Tax Act” definition of TAA
- “Tax board” definition of TAA
- “Tax court” definition of TAA
- “Tax debt” definition of TAA
- “Tax Ombud” definition of TAA
- “Tax period” definition of TAA
- “Taxpayer” definition of TAA
- “Taxpayer information” definition of TAA
- “Taxpayer reference number” definition of TAA
- “Thing” definition of TAA
- “This Act” definition of TAA
- “Transfer Duty Act” definition of TAA
- “Understatement penalty” definition of TAA
- “Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act” definition of TAA
- “Value-Added Tax Act” definition of TAA
- “Withholding agent” definition of TAA
- Chapter 2 – General administration provisions (TAA)
- Part A – In general (TAA)
- Section 2 (TAA) – Purpose of Act
- Section 3 (TAA) – Administration of tax Acts
- Section 4 (TAA) – Application of Act
- Section 5 (TAA) – Practice generally prevailing
- Part B – Powers and duties of SARS and SARS officials (TAA)
- Section 6 (TAA) – Powers and duties
- Section 7 (TAA) – Conflict of interest
- Section 8 (TAA) – Identity cards
- Section 9 (TAA) – Decision or notice by SARS
- Part C – Delegations (TAA)
- Section 10 (TAA) – Delegations by the Commissioner
- Part D – Authority to act in legal proceedings (TAA)
- Section 11 (TAA) – Legal proceedings involving Commissioner
- Section 12 (TAA) – Right of appearance in proceedings
- Part E – Powers and duties of Minister (TAA)
- Section 13 (TAA) – Powers and duties of Minister
- Section 14 (TAA) – Power of Minister to appoint Tax Ombud
- Part F – Powers and duties of Tax Ombud (TAA)
- Section 15 (TAA) – Office of Tax Ombud
- Section 16 (TAA) – Mandate of Tax Ombud
- Section 17 (TAA) – Limitations on authority
- Section 18 (TAA) – Review of complaint
- Section 19 (TAA) – Reports by Tax Ombud
- Section 20 (TAA) – Resolution and recommendation
- Section 21 (TAA) – Confidentiality
- Chapter 3 – Registration (TAA)
- Section 22 (TAA) – Registration requirements
- Section 23 (TAA) – Communication of changes in particulars
- “Practice generally prevailing” definition of TAA
- “Premises” definition of TAA
- “Prescribed rate” definition of TAA
- “Presiding officer” definition of TAA
- “Promotion of Access to Information Act” definition of TAA
- “Public notice” definition of TAA
- “Public officer” definition of TAA
- “Reduced assessment” definition of TAA
- “Registered tax practitioner” definition of TAA
- “Relevant material” definition of TAA
- “Reportable arrangement” definition of TAA
- “Representative taxpayer” definition of TAA
- “Responsible third party” definition of TAA
- “Return” definition of TAA
- “SARS” definition of TAA
- “SARS Act” definition of TAA
- “SARS confidential information” definition of TAA
- “SARS official” definition of TAA
- Paragraph 7 (Tenth Schedule) – Disposal of oil and gas right
- Paragraph 8 (Tenth Schedule) – Fiscal stability
- Eleventh Schedule – Government grants exempt from normal tax
- Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 – Citation
- Preliminary
- Chapter 1 (TAA) – Definitions
- Section 1 (TAA) – Definitions
- “Additional assessment” definition of TAA
- “Administration of a tax Act” definition of TAA
- “Administrative non-compliance penalty” definition of TAA
- “Assessment” definition of TAA
- “Asset” definition of TAA
- “Biometric information” definition of TAA
- “Business day” definition of TAA
- “Commissioner” definition of TAA
- “Company” definition of TAA
- “Connected person” definition of TAA
- “Customs and excise legislation” definition of TAA
- “Date of assessment” definition of TAA
- “Date of sequestration” definition of TAA
- “Diamond Export Levy Act” definition of TAA
- “Diamond Export Levy (Administration) Act” definition of TAA
- “Document” definition of TAA
- “Effective date” definition of TAA
- “Estate Duty Act” definition of TAA
- “Fair market value” definition of TAA
- “Income tax” definition of TAA
- “Income Tax Act” definition of TAA
- “Information” definition of TAA
- “International tax agreement” definition of TAA
- “Jeopardy assessment” definition of TAA
- “Judge” definition of TAA
- “Magistrate” definition of TAA
- “Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act” definition of TAA
- “Minister” definition of TAA
- “Official publication” definition of TAA
- “Original assessment” definition of TAA
- “Outstanding tax debt” definition of TAA
- Paragraph 68 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of capital gain to spouse
- Paragraph 69 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of capital gain to parent of minor child
- Paragraph 70 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of capital gain subject to conditional vesting
- Paragraph 71 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of capital gain subject to revocable vesting
- Paragraph 72 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of capital gain and other amounts vesting in person that is not a resident
- Paragraph 73 (Eighth Schedule) – Attribution of income and capital gain
- Part XI – Company distributions
- Paragraph 74 (Eighth Schedule) – Definitions
- “Date of distribution” definition of Eighth Schedule
- Paragraph 75 (Eighth Schedule) – Distributions in specie by company
- Paragraph 76 (Eighth Schedule) – Returns of capital and foreign returns of capital by way of distributions of cash or assets in specie
- Paragraph 76A (Eighth Schedule) – Part-disposal of shares
- Paragraph 76B (Eighth Schedule) – Reduction in base cost of shares as result of distributions
- Paragraph 77 (Eighth Schedule) – Distributions in liquidation or deregistration received by holders of shares
- Part XII – Trusts, trust beneficiaries and insolvent estates
- Paragraph 80 (Eighth Schedule) – Capital gain attributed to beneficiary
- Paragraph 81 (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost of interest in discretionary trust
- Paragraph 82 (Eighth Schedule) – Death of beneficiary of special trust
- Paragraph 83 (Eighth Schedule) – Insolvent estate of person
- Part XIV – Miscellaneous
- Paragraph 97 (Eighth Schedule) – Transactions during transitional period
- Ninth Schedule – Public Benefit Activities
- Part I of the Ninth Schedule
- Paragraph 1 (Ninth Schedule – Part I) – Welfare and humanitarian
- Paragraph 2 (Ninth Schedule – Part I) – Health care
- Paragraph 3 (Ninth Schedule) – Land and housing
- Paragraph 4 (Ninth Schedule) – Education and development
- Paragraph 5 (Ninth Schedule) – Religion, belief or philosophy
- Paragraph 6 (Ninth Schedule) – Cultural
- Paragraph 7 (Ninth Schedule) – Conservation, environment and animal welfare
- Paragraph 8 (Ninth Schedule) – Research and consumer rights
- Paragraph 9 (Ninth Schedule) – Sport
- Paragraph 10 (Ninth Schedule) – Providing funds, assets or other resources
- Paragraph 11 (Ninth Schedule) – General
- Part II of the Ninth Schedule
- Paragraph 1 (Ninth Schedule – Part II) – Welfare and humanitarian
- Paragraph 3 (Ninth Schedule) – Education and development
- Paragraph 4 (Ninth Schedule) – Conservation, environment and animal welfare
- Paragraph 5 (Ninth Schedule) – Land and housing
- Tenth Schedule – Oil and gas activities
- Paragraph 1 (Tenth Schedule) – Definitions
- “Exploration” definition of Tenth Schedule
- “Gas” definition of Tenth Schedule
- “Oil” definition of Tenth Schedule
- “Oil and gas company” definition of Tenth Schedule
- Oil and gas income definition of Tenth Schedule
- “Oil and gas right” definition of Tenth Schedule
- “Post exploration” definition of Tenth Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Tenth Schedule) – Rate
- Paragraph 3 (Tenth Schedule) – Withholding taxes
- Paragraph 4 (Tenth Schedule) – Foreign currency gains or losses
- Paragraph 5 (Tenth Schedule) – Deductions from income derived from oil and gas activities
- Paragraph 6 (Tenth Schedule) – Exploration and post-exploration expenses
- Paragraph 37G (Eighth Schedule) – Determination of taxable income derived from small business undertakings
- Paragraph 37H (Eighth Schedule) – Tax holiday scheme for certain companies
- Paragraph 38 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal by way of donation, consideration not measurable in money and transactions between connected persons not at arm’s length price
- Paragraph 39 (Eighth Schedule) – Capital losses determined in respect of disposals to certain connected persons
- Paragraph 39A (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of asset for unaccrued amounts of proceeds
- Paragraph 40 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal to and from deceased estate
- Paragraph 41 (Eighth Schedule) – Tax payable by heir of a deceased estate
- Paragraph 42 (Eighth Schedule) – Short-term disposals and acquisitions of identical financial instruments
- Paragraph 43 (Eighth Schedule) – Assets disposed of or acquired in foreign currency
- Paragraph 43A (Eighth Schedule) – Dividends treated as proceeds on disposal of certain shares
- Paragraph 43B (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost of assets of controlled foreign companies
- Part VII – Primary residence exclusion
- Paragraph 44 (Eighth Schedule) – Definitions
- “An interest” definition of paragraph 44 of Eighth Schedule
- “Primary residence” definition of paragraph 44 of Eighth Schedule
- “Residence” definition of paragraph 44 of Eighth Schedule
- Paragraph 45 (Eighth Schedule) – General principle
- Paragraph 46 (Eighth Schedule) – Size of residential property qualifying for exclusion
- Paragraph 47 (Eighth Schedule) – Apportionment in respect of periods where not ordinarily resident
- Paragraph 48 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal and acquisition of primary residence
- Paragraph 49 (Eighth Schedule) – Non-residential use
- Paragraph 50 (Eighth Schedule) – Rental periods
- Paragraph 51 (Eighth Schedule) – Transfer of residence from company or trust
- Paragraph 51A (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of residence by company or trust and liquidation, winding up, deregistration or termination of company or trust
- Part VIII – Other exclusions
- Paragraph 52 (Eighth Schedule) – General principle
- Paragraph 53 (Eighth Schedule) – Personal-use assets
- Paragraph 54 (Eighth Schedule) – Retirement benefits
- Paragraph 55 (Eighth Schedule) – Long-term assurance
- Paragraph 56 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal by creditor of debt owed by connected person
- Paragraph 57 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of small business assets
- “Active business asset” definition of paragraph 57 of Eighth Schedule
- “Small business” definition of paragraph 57 of Eighth Schedule
- Sub-paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of paragraph 57 of Eighth Schedule
- Paragraph 57A (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of micro business assets
- Paragraph 58 (Eighth Schedule) – Exercise of options
- Paragraph 59 (Eighth Schedule) – Compensation for personal injury, illness or defamation
- Paragraph 60 (Eighth Schedule) – Gambling, games and competitions
- Paragraph 61 (Eighth Schedule) – Portfolios of collective investment schemes other than portfolios of collective investment schemes in property
- Paragraph 62 (Eighth Schedule) – Donations and bequests to public benefit organisations and exempt persons
- Paragraph 63 (Eighth Schedule) – Exempt persons
- Paragraph 63A (Eighth Schedule) – Public benefit organisations
- Paragraph 64 (Eighth Schedule) – Asset used to produce exempt income
- Paragraph 64A (Eighth Schedule) – Awards in terms of land restitution programmes and land reform measures
- Paragraph 64B (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of equity shares in foreign companies
- Part IX – Roll-overs
- Paragraph 65 (Eighth Schedule) – Involuntary disposal
- Paragraph 65B (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal by recreational club
- Paragraph 66 (Eighth Schedule) – Reinvestment in replacement assets
- Paragraph 67 (Eighth Schedule) – Transfer of asset between spouses
- Paragraph 67B (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of immovable property in share block company
- Paragraph 67C (Eighth Schedule) – Mineral rights conversions and renewals
- Paragraph 67D (Eighth Schedule) – Communications licence conversions
- Part X – Attribution of capital gains
- Sub-paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of paragraph 12A of ITA
- Paragraph 13 (Eighth Schedule) – Time of disposal
- Paragraph 14 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal by spouse married in community of property
- Part IV – Limitation of losses
- Paragraph 15 (Eighth Schedule) – Personal-use aircraft, boats, and certain rights and interests
- Paragraph 16 (Eighth Schedule) – Intangible assets acquired prior to valuation date
- Paragraph 17 (Eighth Schedule) – Forfeited deposits
- Paragraph 18 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of options
- Part V – Base cost
- Paragraph 20 (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost of asset
- Paragraph 20A (Eighth Schedule) – Provisions relating to farming development expenditure
- Paragraph 21 (Eighth Schedule) – Limitation of expenditure
- Paragraph 22 (Eighth Schedule) – Amount of donations tax to be included in base cost
- Paragraph 23 (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost in respect of value shifting arrangement
- Paragraph 24 (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost of asset of a person who becomes a resident on or after valuation date
- Paragraph 25 (Eighth Schedule) – Determination of base cost of pre-valuation date assets
- Paragraph 26 (Eighth Schedule) – Valuation date value where proceeds exceed expenditure or where expenditure in respect of an asset cannot be determined
- Paragraph 27 (Eighth Schedule) – Valuation date value where proceeds do not exceed expenditure
- Paragraph 28 (Eighth Schedule) – Valuation date value of an instrument
- Paragraph 29 (Eighth Schedule) – Market value on valuation date
- Paragraph 30 (Eighth Schedule) – Time-apportionment base cost
- Paragraph 31 (Eighth Schedule) – Market value
- Paragraph 32 (Eighth Schedule) – Base cost of identical assets
- Paragraph 33 (Eighth Schedule) – Part-disposals
- Paragraph 34 (Eighth Schedule) – Debt substitution
- Part VI – Proceeds
- Paragraph 35 (Eighth Schedule) – Proceeds from disposal
- Paragraph 35A (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of certain debt claims
- Paragraph 36 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposal of partnership asset
- Paragraph 37 (Eighth Schedule) – Assets of trust and company
- Paragraph 37A (Eighth Schedule) – Closure rehabilitation company or trust
- Paragraph 37B (Eighth Schedule) – Deduction in respect of environmental expenditure
- Paragraph 37C (Eighth Schedule) – Deductions in respect of environmental conservation and maintenance
- Paragraph 37F (Eighth Schedule) – Determination of taxable income derived by persons previously assessable under certain other laws
- “Individual policyholder fund” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Insurer” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Net capital gain” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Personal-use asset” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Pre-valuation date asset” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Primary residence” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Proceeds” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Recognised exchange” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Residence” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Ruling price” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Special trust” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Valuation date” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Value shifting arrangement” definition of Eighth Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Eighth Schedule) – Application
- Part II – Taxable capital gains and assessed capital losses
- Paragraph 3 (Eighth Schedule) – Capital gain
- Paragraph 4 (Eighth Schedule) – Capital loss
- Paragraph 6 (Eighth Schedule) – Aggregate capital gain
- Paragraph 7 (Eighth Schedule) – Aggregate capital loss
- Paragraph 8 (Eighth Schedule) – Net capital gain
- Paragraph 9 (Eighth Schedule) – Assessed capital loss
- Part III – Disposal and acquisition of assets
- Paragraph 11 (Eighth Schedule) – Disposals
- Paragraph 12 (Eighth Schedule) – Events treated as disposals and acquisitions
- Paragraph 12A (Eighth Schedule) – Concession or compromise in respect of a debt
- “Allowance asset” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Capital asset” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Debt” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Group of companies” definition of paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule
- Paragraph 7 (Sixth Schedule) – Exclusions from taxable turnover
- Part IV – Registration
- Paragraph 8 (Sixth Schedule) – Registration
- Paragraph 9 (Sixth Schedule) – Voluntary registration
- Paragraph 10 (Sixth Schedule) – Compulsory deregistration
- Part V – Administration
- Paragraph 11 (Sixth Schedule) – Interim payments
- Part VI – Miscellaneous
- Paragraph 13 (Sixth Schedule) – Amounts received by a connected person may be included in qualifying turnover
- Paragraph 14 (Sixth Schedule) – Record keeping
- Seventh Schedule – Benefits or advantages derived by reason of employment or the holding of any office
- Paragraph 1 – Definitions (Seventh Schedule)
- “Consideration” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Employer” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Loan” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Month” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Official rate of interest” definition of Seventh Schedule
- “Taxable benefit” definition of Seventh Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Seventh Schedule) – Taxable benefits
- Paragraph 3 (Seventh Schedule) – Determination of cash equivalent of value of taxable benefit
- Paragraph 4 (Seventh Schedule) – Taxable benefits granted by associated institutions
- Paragraph 5 (Seventh Schedule) – Acquisition of an asset at less than actual value
- Paragraph 7 (Seventh Schedule) – Right of use of motor vehicle
- Paragraph 8 (Seventh Schedule) – Meals, refreshments and meal and refreshment vouchers
- Paragraph 9 (Seventh Schedule) – Residential accommodation
- “Remuneration” definition of Seventh Schedule
- Sub-paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7A, 7B, 8, 9, 10 of Paragraph 9
- Paragraph 10 (Seventh Schedule) – Free or cheap services
- Paragraph 11 (Seventh Schedule) – Benefits in respect of interest on debt
- Paragraph 12 (Seventh Schedule) – Subsidies in respect of debt
- Paragraph 12A (Seventh Schedule) – Contribution to benefit fund
- Paragraph 12B (Seventh Schedule) – Incurral of costs relating to medical services
- Paragraph 12C (Seventh Schedule) – Benefits in respect of insurance policies
- Paragraph 13 (Seventh Schedule) – Payment of employees’ debt or release of employee from obligation to pay a debt
- Paragraph 16 (Seventh Schedule) – Benefits granted to relatives of employees and others
- Paragraph 17 (Seventh Schedule) – Certificates by employers
- Paragraph 18 (Seventh Schedule) – Annual statements by employers
- Paragraph 20 (Seventh Schedule) – Amendments to this schedule
- Eighth Schedule – Determination of taxable capital gains and assessed capital losses
- Part I – General
- “Asset” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Base cost” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Boat” definition of Eight Schedule
- “Capital gain” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Capital loss” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Disposal” definition of Eighth Schedule
- “Personal service provider” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Provisional tax” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Provisional taxpayer” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Remuneration” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Representative employer” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Tax threshold” definition of Fourth Schedule
- PART II – Employees’ Tax
- Paragraph 3 (Fourth Schedule) – Liability of any employer to deduct or withhold any amount of employees’ tax
- Paragraph 4 (Fourth Schedule) – Debt due to the State
- Paragraph 5 (Fourth Schedule) – Personal liability of employer for payment of employees’ tax
- Paragraph 6 (Fourth Schedule) – Failure to pay employees’ tax by employer
- Paragraph 7 (Fourth Schedule) – Agreement between employer and employee void
- Paragraph 9 (Fourth Schedule) – Employees’ tax deduction tables
- Paragraph 10 (Fourth Schedule) – Variation of determination of employees’ tax
- Paragraph 11 (Fourth Schedule) – Issue of directive by Commissioner
- Paragraph 11A (Fourth Schedule) – Employees’ tax on certain amounts included as remuneration
- Paragraph 11B (Fourth Schedule) – Standard Income Tax on Employees (SITE)
- Paragraph 11C of Fourth Schedule – Deemed remuneration in respect of directors of private companies
- Paragraph 13 (Fourth Schedule) – Furnishing and obtaining of employees’ tax certificates
- Paragraph 14 (Fourth Schedule) – Employer to keep records and furnish returns
- Paragraph 15 (Fourth Schedule) – Registration of employers
- PART III – Provisional Tax
- Paragraph 17 (Fourth Schedule) – Payment of provisional tax
- Paragraph 18 (Fourth Schedule) – Exemptions
- Paragraph 19 (Fourth Schedule) – Estimates of taxable income to be made by provisional taxpayers
- Paragraph 20 (Fourth Schedule) – Penalty for underpayment of provisional tax as a result of underestimation
- Paragraph 20A (Fourth Schedule) – Penalty in the even of failure to submit an estimate of taxable income timeously
- Paragraph 21 (Fourth Schedule) – Payment of provisional tax by provisional taxpayers (other than companies)
- Paragraph 23 (Fourth Schedule) – Provisional tax payments by companies
- Paragraph 23A (Fourth Schedule) – Additional provisional tax payments
- Paragraph 24 (Fourth Schedule) – Determination by Commissioner if estimation cannot be made
- Paragraph 25 (Fourth Schedule) – Extension of time for payment of provisional tax
- Paragraph 27 (Fourth Schedule) – Penalty on late payment of provisional tax
- Paragraph 28 (Fourth Schedule) – General employees’ tax and provisional tax to be set off against tax liability
- Paragraph 29 (Fourth Schedule) – Refunds determined by Commissioner
- Paragraph 30 (Fourth Schedule) – Offences
- Sixth Schedule – Determination of Turnover Tax Payable by Micro Businesses
- Part I – Interpretation
- “Investment income” definition of Sixth Schedule
- “Micro business” definition of Sixth Schedule
- “Professional service” definition of Sixth Schedule
- “Qualifying turnover” definition of Sixth Schedule
- “Registered micro business” definition of Sixth Schedule
- “Taxable turnover” definition of Sixth Schedule
- Paragraph 3 (Sixth Schedule) – Persons that do not qualify as micro business
- Part II – Application of Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Sixth Schedule) – Persons that qualify as micro business
- Paragraph 4 (Sixth Schedule) – Permissible shares and interests
- Part III – Taxable Turnover
- Paragraph 5 (Sixth Schedule) – Taxable turnover
- Paragraph 6 (Sixth Schedule) – Inclusions of taxable turnover
- PART VI – Miscellaneous (ITA)
- Section 102 – Refunds and set off
- Section 103 (ITA) – Transaction, operations or schemes for purposes of avoiding or postponing liability for or reducing amounts of taxes on income
- Section 107 – Regulations
- Section 108 (ITA) – Prevention of or relief from, double taxation
- Section 111 (ITA) – Repeal of laws
- Section 112 – Short title and commencement
- First Schedule – Computation of taxable income derived from pastoral, agricultural or other farming operations
- Year of assessment definition for paragraph 1 of First Schedule
- Paragraph 3 (First Schedule) – Livestock or produce held and not disposed of
- Paragraph 4 (First Schedule) – Deemed values of livestock or produce held and not disposed of
- Paragraph 5 (First Schedule) – Value to be placed on livestock for purposes of First Schedule
- Paragraph 6 (First Schedule) – Standard value applicable to any class of livestock
- Paragraph 7 (First Schedule) – Exercise of option under Paragraph 6
- Paragraph 8 (First Schedule) – Expenditure incurred in the acquisition of livestock
- Paragraph 9 (First Schedule) – Fair and reasonable value
- Paragraph 11 (First Schedule) – Use of livestock
- Paragraph 12 (First Schedule) – Deductions allowed in determination of taxable income of farmers
- Paragraph 13 (First Schedule) – Other deductions
- Paragraph 13A (First Schedule) – Disposal on account of drought
- Paragraph 14 (First Schedule) – Disposal of any plantation
- Paragraph 15 (First Schedule) – Deductions allowed in respect of plantations
- Paragraph 16 (First Schedule) – Definitions
- “Plantation” definition of First Schedule
- Paragraph 17 (First Schedule) – Sugar cane fields damaged by fire
- Paragraph 19 (First Schedule) – Average taxable income from farming
- Paragraph 20 (First Schedule) – Determination of normal tax chargeable in terms of paragraph 6 election
- Second Schedule – Computation of gross income derived by way of lump sum benefits
- Paragraph 1 – Definitions (Second Schedule)
- “Pension fund” definition of Second Schedule
- “Provident fund” definition of Second Schedule
- “Public sector fund” definition of Second Schedule
- “Retire” definition of Second Schedule
- “Retirement annuity fund” definition of Second Schedule
- Paragraph 2 (Second Schedule) – Amount to be included in gross income
- Paragraph 2A (Second Schedule) – Amount to be included in gross income for lump sum benefit from public sector fund
- Paragraph 2C (Second Schedule) – Lump sum benefit received or accrued subsequent to retirement, death, withdrawal or resignation
- Paragraph 3 (Second Schedule) – Deemed accrual immediately prior to death
- Paragraph 3A (Second Schedule) – Deemed accrual immediately prior to death – other
- Paragraph 4 (Second Schedule) – Deemed accrual
- Paragraph 5 (Second Schedule) – Benefits accruing upon retirement and benefits deemed to have accrued immediately prior to person’s death: Deductions
- Paragraph 6 (Second Schedule) – Withdrawal or resignation: Winding up: Deductions
- Third Schedule – Laws Repealed
- Fourth Schedule – Amounts to be deducted or withheld by employers and provisional payments in respect of normal tax
- Paragraph 1 – Definitions (Fourth Schedule)
- “Employee” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Employees’ tax” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Employees’ tax certificate” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Employer” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Labour broker” definition of Fourth Schedule
- “Month” definition of Fourth Schedule
- Section 64FA (ITA) – Exemption from and reduction of tax in respect of dividends in specie
- Section 64G (ITA) – Withholding of dividends tax by companies declaring and paying dividends
- Section 64H (ITA) – Withholding of dividends tax by regulated intermediaries
- Section 64I (ITA) – Withholding of dividends tax by insurers
- Section 64J (ITA) – STC credit
- Section 64K (ITA) – Payment and recovery of tax
- Section 64L (ITA) – Refund of tax in respect of dividends declared and paid by companies
- Section 64M (ITA) – Refund of tax in respect of dividends paid by regulated intermediaries
- Section 64N – Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on dividends
- PART I – Returns (ITA)
- Section 66 (ITA) – Notice by Commissioner requiring returns for assessment of normal tax under this Act
- Section 67 – Registration as taxpayer
- Section 68 (ITA) – Income and capital gain of married persons and minor children
- Section 72A (ITA) – Returns relating to controlled foreign company
- PART II – Assessments (ITA)
- PART IIA – Tax Avoidance (ITA)
- Section 80A (ITA) – Impermissible tax avoidance arrangements
- Section 80B (ITA) – Tax consequences of impermissible tax avoidance
- Section 80C (ITA) – Lack of commercial substance
- Section 80D (ITA) – Round trip financing
- Section 80E (ITA) – Accommodating or tax-indifferent parties
- Section 80F (ITA) – Treatment of connected persons and accommodating or tax-indifferent parties
- “Accommodating or tax-indifferent party” definition of section 80E of ITA
- Section 80G (ITA) – Presumption of purpose
- Section 80H (ITA) – Application to steps in or parts of an arrangement
Categories - 11Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999
- Employment Tax Incentive Act 26 of 2013
- Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act 4 of 2002
- Securities Transfer Tax Administration Act 26 of 2007
- Carbon Tax Act 15 of 2019
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act No. 28 of 2008
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act No. 29 of 2008
- SARS Guides
- VAT Regulations
- Customs and Excise Rules
- Old Income Tax Legislation
- SARS Published Rulings
- Binding Class Rulings (BCR)
- BCR1 (ITA) – Definition of equity instrument and restricted equity instrument (Section 8C)
- BCR2 (ITA) – Expenditure incurred on corporate social investment programs (Section 11(a), section 23(g))
- BCR3 (ITA) – Distribution of an actuarial surplus to former members and active members of a retirement fund (Section 1, paragraph 2C of the Second Schedule)
- BCR4 (ITA) – Distributions made to participatory interest holders in a collective investment scheme which are reinvested with the scheme (Section 10(1)(k)(i), section 22(1), paragraph 20(1))
- BCR5 (ITA) – Discretionary lump sum payments paid to pensioners in terms of an event contemplated by the rules of the pension fund (Paragraph 2C of the Second Schedule)
- BCR6 (ITA) – Deduction of levy payments to be made by taxpayers for research and development expenditure incurred by another taxpayer on their behalf (Section 11D)
- BCR7 (ITA) – Conversion of two public sector pension funds to a closed defined benefit fund and a contribution fund respectively ("Pension fund”, “gross income” definitions, Second Schedule)
- BCR8 (ITA) – This BCR has been replaced on 11 March 2015 – refer to par. 9
- BCR9 (ITA) – Foreign share buy-backs (“Dividend” definition, “foreign dividend”, section 10(1)(k)(ii)(dd))
- BCR10 (ITA) – Distribution of pension fund surplus to former members, pensioners and/or their beneficiaries (Paragraph 2C of the Second Schedule)
- BCR11 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Accrual of a conditional award and attendant tax implications
- BCR12 (ITA) – Income tax implications attendant upon the vesting of an 'equity instrument' listed on a foreign stock exchange (Section 8C, section 6quat, section 7(1))
- BCR13 (ITA) – Nature of dividend income when distribution by a discretionary trust to income beneficiaries by virtue of employment (“Gross income” defintion, section 10(1)(k)(i), section 25B)
- BCR14 (ITA) – Deductibility of interest incurred in respect of a loan entered into to purchase restricted equity instruments in a share purchase scheme (8C, 10(1)(nE), 23(m), 24J(2), para 20, 76)
- BCR15 (ITA) – Repealed legislation and the application of section 12(1) of the Interpretation Act, 1957 (Act No. 33 of 1957) (Section 27 (5B))
- BCR16 (ITA) – Capital gains tax – Re-designation of preference shares (Paragraph 11, paragraph 33, paragraph 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR17 (ITA) – Creation of a permanent establishment if a foreign partnership carries on business in SA (“Gross income” definition, section 10(1)(h), 10(1)(k)(i), paragraph 2 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR18 (ITA) – Overseas incentive trips for employees with both business and private elements and related taxable benefit implications (Paragraphs 1, 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 8, 9, 10 of Seventh Schedule)
- BCR19 (ITA) – Accrual date of a liquidation benefit ("Gross income" definition, “retirement lump sum withdrawal benefit” definition, section 10(1)(i)(xv)(bb), paragraph 2(b) of Second Schedule)
- BCR20 (ITA) – Transfer of pension and provident fund contributions from South African pension and provident funds to foreign pension and provident funds (Section 9(1)(g))
- BCR21 (ITA) – Shares in a particular share option scheme to be rendered restricted equity instruments and the date on which those shares vest in a taxpayer (section 8C)
- BCR22 (ITA) – Potential double taxation of profits attributable to protected cell companies ("Company" definition, section 9D)
- BCR23 (ITA) – Tax consequences resulting from the demerger of a Swiss depository company (“Gross income” definition, section 22, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR24 (ITA) – Securities lending transactions – 'Short selling' of debt securities (“Gross income” definition, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 24J)
- BCR25 (ITA) – Replaced on 1 September 2014 to provide for textual changes and to correct "exercise" to "vesting" in the section 8C formulae
- BCR26 (ITA) – Tax status of bursaries awarded to students (Section 10(1)(q))
- BCR27 (ITA) – Tips held for safekeeping by employers and subsequently paid over to employees at regular intervals (“Remuneration” definition, paragraph 2(1) of Fourth Schedule)
- BCR28 (ITA) – Market value of a share immediately after a dividend distribution (Paragraph 33(1)(a), paragraph 74, paragraph 76, paragraph 76A of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR29 (ITA) – Deductibility of contingent liabilities taken over when buying the assets and liabilities of another company within the same group of companies (Section 11(a), 23(g), 23E)
- BCR30 (ITA) – Equity instruments acquired in terms of a share value incentive plan (Section 8C)
- BCR31 (ITA) – The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes
- BCR32 (ITA) – Distribution of certain shares to certain foreign shareholders as a result of restructuring (Section 46)
- BCR33 (ITA) – Conversion of a public company to a private company (Paragraph 1, paragraph 11, paragraph 31, paragraph 33 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR34 (ITA) – Taxation of exchange traded notes ("Gross income", "trading stock", section 8(4)(a), section 22, section 23B, section 23H, section 24C, section 24J, section 24L, section 24M)
- BCR35 (ITA) (v2) – Tax implications arising from the conversion of par value shares to no par value shares ("Gross income" definition, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR36 (ITA) – Reserves of a collective investment scheme in securities and the distribution thereof to unit holders (Section 10(1)(iB), section 10(1)(k)(i)(ee), section 25B)
- BCR37 (ITA) – Distribution of shares in an unbundling transaction (Section 46)
- BCR38 (ITA) – Exchange of one restricted equity instrument for another (Section 8C, section 42)
- BCR39 (ITA) – Reduction of an STC credit and sections 64G(2)(a) and 64H(2)(a) declarations (Section 64G, section 64H, section 64J)
- BCR40 (ITA) – Investors acquiring rights in a completed film (Section 10(zG), section 23(n) section 24F)
- BCR41 (ITA) – Dividends distributed by a foreign company ("Foreign dividend" definition)
- BCR42 (ITA) – Preferred securities issued by a company registered in a foreign country (“Listed share” definition, section 10B(2)(d))
- BCR43 (ITA) – Antecedent cession of rights to future production rebate credit certificates (PRCCs) ("Gross income" definition)
- BCR44 (ITA) – (Replaced on 20 May 2014 to provide for textual changes and clarifications) Repurchase of non-redeemable, non-participating preference shares
- BCR45 (ITA) – Post retirement medical aid benefits (Paragraph (c), paragraph (f), paragraph (i) of "gross income" definition)
- BCR46 (ITA) – Dividends distributed by foreign companies ("Foreign dividend" definition)
- BCR47 (ITA) – Limitation of dividend exemption (Section 10(1)(k)(i)(hh))
- BCR48 (ITA) – Deductibility of expenditure incurred by a portfolio of a collective investment scheme in securities ("Income" definition, section 11(a), section 23(f), section 25BA)
- BCR49 (ITA) – Deductibility of insurance premiums in respect of an environmental maintenance programme guarantee (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 23L)
- BCR50 (ITA) – (The reference to Company B has been corrected to Company A in the third bullet point in paragraph 7) REIT, amalgamation transaction, followed by an asset-for-share transaction
- BCR51 (ITA) – Taxation of employees participating in a perpetuity employee share incentive scheme (Section 8C, section 10(1)(k), section 25B, section 64F(1)(l))
- BCR52 (ITA) – Income tax and securities transfer tax consequences for the shareholders of a listed company following an unbundling transaction (Section 46, paragraph 76B of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR53 (ITA) (VAT) – Programme of activities of a clean development mechanism project (Section 12K, section 22 of ITA and section 11(2)(l) of VAT Act)
- BCR54 (ITA) – Employer-provided accommodation (Paragraph 2(a), paragraph 5(1), paragraph 5(2), paragraph 5(3A) of Seventh Schedule)
- BCR55 (ITA) – Income tax and value-added tax consequences of a customer loyalty scheme ("Gross income" definition, sections 11(a), 23(g), 23H of ITA, sections 7(1)(a), 10(23), 21 of VAT Act)
- BCR56 (ITA) (STT) – Amalgamation of portfolios of declared hedge fund collective investment schemes with registered schemes (Section 41(1), 44, paragraphs, 3, 10, 11, 61(3) of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR57 (ITA) – Section 12J(2) deduction by partners (Section 12J, section 24H)
- BCR58 (ITA) – Consequences for beneficiaries on the unwinding of an employee share incentive scheme (Section 8C)
- BCR59 (ITA) – Asset for share transaction involving a foreign collective investment scheme ("Company" definition, section 42)
- BCR60 (ITA) – Consequences of an employee share trust disposing of the underlying shares and distributing the net proceeds to the beneficiaries (Section 8C, paragraphs 56, 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR61 (ITA) – Foreign return of capital ("Foreign return of capital" definition)
- BCR62 (ITA) – Research and development conducted on behalf of a taxpayer (Section 11D(2), section 11D(4), section 11D(9))
- BCR64 (STT) – Transfer of a security that constitutes a participatory interest in a collective investment scheme (“Security” definition, section 2(1)(a), section 8(1)(f) of STT Act)
- BCR65 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Post-retirement medical aid benefits
- BCR66 (ITA) (STT) – Tax consequences for recipients of shares in an unbundled company (Definition of "unbundling transaction", sections 46(3), 46(7), paragraph 76B of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR67 (ITA) (VAT) – Tax consequences for members arising out of conversion of association to private company (Sections 41, 44, 56, paragraph 35 of Eight Schedule, section 2 of VAT Act)
- BCR68 (ITA) – Surplus retirement fund assets (“Gross income” definition, section 11F, paragraph 2(l) of Seventh Schedule)
- BCR69 (ITA) – Employee share ownership plan (“Dividend” definition, sections 8C, 10(1)(k)(i), 11(a), 23(g), 23H, paragraphs 13(1)(a)(iiB), 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR70 (ITA) (STT) – Recipients of shares in an “unbundled” company (Section 46 of ITA, section 8(1)(a)(iv) of STT Act)
- BCR71 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of portfolio investments by foreign pension funds to an authorised contractual scheme (Sections 64H(3), 108 ITA, section 1 of STT Act, UK, Ireland DTAs)
- BCR72 (ITA) – Deductibility of employment related expenditure, incurred as part of a B-BBEE ownership transaction and the PAYE treatment of interest-free loan to a share trust (Sections 11(a), 23H)
- BCR73 (ITA) – Dividends: When the "qualifying purpose" definition must be satisfied (Section 8EA(2), 8EA(3))
- BCR74 (ITA) – Treaty relief – Authorised contractual scheme ("Company", "foreign company", "foreign partnership" definitions, section 50A, 50C, 50E, 64D, 64EA, 64G, 64H, 108)
- BCR75 (ITA) – Settlement of post-retirement medical aid and retirement gratuity benefits ("Gross income", "Severance benefits", "remuneration" definition, section 11F)
- BCR77 (ITA) – Capital gains tax consequences of in specie distribution by company to its shareholders (Paragraphs 75, 76B of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR78 (ITA) – Employee share incentive scheme – shares in a foreign company ("Gross income", trade", "asset", "proceeds", "capital gain", "disposal" definitions, section 6quat, 10B, 11(a), 23H)
- BCR79 (ITA) – Cancellation of share exchange (Paragraph 3(c), 4(c), 11(2)(o), 20(4) of Eighth Schedule of ITA)
- BCR80 (ITA) (EDA) – Tax implications for resident beneficiaries of a foreign pension trust (Sections 7(1), 9HA, 11F, 25B, 54, 55, 58, paragraphs 20(1), 35(1), 54, 80, 81 Eighth Sch, section 3 of EDA)
- BCR81 (ITA) – Hybrid equity interest or third-party backed share (Sections 8E, 8EA)
- BCR82 (ITA) – Deductibility of mining rehabilitation insurance premiums (Sections 8(4)(a), 11(a), 23(c), 23(g), 23H, 23L)
- BCR83 (ITA) – Simultaneous unbundling of shares held in more than one listed company (Section 46, paragraphs 75, 31(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR84 (ITA) – Transfer of funds held in trust to a “beneficiary fund” (Sections 55(1), 58(1), paragraphs 35, 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR85 (ITA) – En commandite partnerships investing in photovoltaic solar energy plants (Sections 12B(1)(h), 12B(2), 24H)
- BCR86 (ITA) – Waiver of debt by an employer – unwinding of a share purchase scheme (Section 10(1)(nE), 19, paragraph 2 of Fourth Schedule, 2(h) of Seventh Schedule, 12A, 20(3)(b) of Eighth Schedule)
- BCR87 (ITA) – Consequences for shareholders upon termination of a venture capital company (Sections 8(4)(a), 9C(5), 12J, 44 of Income Tax Act)
- BCR89 (ITA) – Qualifying purpose and third-party backed shares (Section 8EA)
- BCR90 (ITA) (STT) – Award of listed shares under a share incentive scheme (Sections 8C, 10(1)(k), 11(a), 23(g), 23H, 56, 58, para 2, 11A of Fourth Sch, para 35 of Eighth Sch, section 1 of STT Act))
- BCR91 (ITA) (STT) – Award of listed shares under share incentive schemes (Sections 8C, 10(1)(k)(i), 11(a), 23(g), 23H, 56, 58, paragraph 2, 11A of Fourth Schedule, paragraph 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- Binding General Rulings (BGR)
- BGR1 (VAT) – VAT rulings (Section 1(1) definition of "input tax")
- BGR2 (VAT) – General written rulings and decisions (Section 41 and sectoin 72 of the VAT Act)
- BGR3 (VAT) – (BGR applies from date of issue until until 31 August 2007) General written rulings and decisions (Section 28 and section 72)
- BGR4 (VAT) (v3) – Transitional arrangements for municipalities: Returns and payments of tax in respect of supplies which became taxable for the first time during the transition period (Section 41(c))
- BGR5 (VAT) – Discounts, rebates and incentives in the motor industry (Section 1, section 20 and section 21)
- BGR6 (VAT) (v2) – Discounts, rebates and incentives in the fast moving consumable goods industry (Section 1, section 20 and section 21)
- BGR7 (ITA) (v4) – Wear-and-tear or depreciation allowance (Section 11(e))
- BGR8 (ITA) (v3) – Application of the principles enunciated by the Brummeria case (Section 1(1), definition of "gross income")
- BGR9 (ITA) (v4) – Taxes on income and substantially similar taxes for purposes of South Africa's tax treaties
- BGR11 (VAT) (v3) – Use of an exchange rate (Section 9, section 10 and section 20)
- BGR12 (VAT) (v3) – (Withdrawn 1 January 2022) Input tax on the acquisition of a non-taxable supply of second-hand motor vehicles by motor dealers (Section 1(1), definition of "input tax")
- BGR13 (VAT) (v3) – (Withdrawn 1 January 2022) Calculation of VAT for certain betting transactions (Section 8(13), section 16(3)(d), section 16(4) and section 72)
- BGR14 (VAT) (v4) – (Withdrawn up to paragraphs 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 from 1 January 2022) VAT treatment of specific supplies in the short-term insurance industry
- BGR15 (VAT) (v2) – Recipient-created tax invoices, credit and debit notes (Section 20(2) and section 21(4))
- BGR16 (VAT) (v3) – Standard apportionment method (Section 17(1))
- BGR17 (VAT) – Cancellation of registration of separate enterprises, branches and divisions (Section 1(1), section 8(2) and section 50)
- BGR19 (VAT) (v2) – Approval to end a tax period on a day other than the end of the month (Section 27(6))
- BGR20 (ITA) (v4) – Interpretation of the term "substantially the whole" (Section 10(1)(cN),section 10(1)(cO), section 10(1)(cQ), section 30B section 30C, paragraph 63A, paragraph 63B Eighth Schedule)
- BGR21 (VAT) - Address to be reflected on a tax invoice, credit and debit note (Section 20(4), section 20(5), section 20(5A), section 21(3), section 21(8))
- BGR22 (ITA) – Subsistence allowance – amounts deemed to be expended for business purposes (Section 8(1)(a) and section 8(1)(c))
- BGR23 (ITA) – Travel allowance – fuel cost to an employee who receives a petrol or garage card (Section 8(1)(b)(ii) and section 8(1)(b)(iii))
- BGR24 (ITA) (v2) – Section 18A(2) receipt for purposes of a deduction as contemplated in section 37C(3) and section 37C(5)
- BGR25 (ITA) (v2) – (Applies from date of issue until 4 October 2018) Exemption – Foreign pensions (Section 10(1)(gC)(ii))
- BGR26 (VAT) (v2) – VAT treatment of the supply and importation of herbs (section 11(1)(j), section 13(3), paragraph 7(a) of Schedule 1 and Item 12 in part B of Schedule 2)
- BGR27 (VAT) (v2) – Application of sections 20(7) and section 21(5)
- BGR28 (VAT) (v2) – Electronic services (Sections 20, section 21 and section 65)
- BGR29 (ITA) (v2) – Unbundling transactions: Meaning of "as at the end of the day after that distribution" (section 46(3)(a)(v))
- BGR30 (ITA) (v2) – Allocation of direct and indirect expenses within and between an insurer's funds (Section 29A)
- BGR31 (ITA) (v2) – Interest on late payment of benefits (Section Schedule)
- BGR32 (VAT) – VAT treatment of specific supplies in the short-term re-insurance industry (Section 1(1), section 7, section 8, section 9, section 11, section 16, section 20, section 21)
- BGR33 (VAT) (v2) – The value-added tax treatment of the supply and importation of vegetable oil (Section 11(1)(j), section 13(3), paragraph 7(a) of Schedule 1, item 14 in Part B of Schedule 2)
- BGR34 (VAT) (v2) – (Withdrawn 1 January 2022) Management of superannuation schemes: Long-term insurers (Section 2(1)(i), section 10(22A), section 72)
- BGR35 (VAT) (v2) – The value-added tax treatment of the supply and importation of frozen potato products (Section 11(1)(j), 13(3), paragraph 7(a) of Schedule 1, Item 12 in Part B of Schedule 2)
- BGR36 (VAT) – (Withdrawn with effect 19 January 2017) Circumstances prescribed by the Commissioner for the application of section 16(2)(g)
- BGR37 (VAT) – (BGR applies from date of issue until 31 March 2018) Zero-rating of international travel insurance (Section 11, section 72)
- BGR38 (VAT) (v2) – The value-added tax treatment of the supply and importation of vegetables and fruit (Section 11(1)(j), 13(3), paragraph 7(a) of Schedule 1, Item 12 and 13 in Part B of Schedule 2)
- BGR39 (VAT) (v2) – VAT treatment of municipalities affected by changes to municipal boundaries (Section 8(28))
- BGR40 (ITA) – Remuneration paid to non-executive directors (Section 23(m), the Fourth Schedule, paragraph (1), definition of “remuneration”)
- BGR41 (VAT) (v2) – VAT treatment of non-executive directors (Proviso (iii) to the definition of "enterprise" in 1(1) and section 23(4)(b))
- BGR42 (ITA) – No-value provision in respect of transport services (Paragraph 10(2)(b) of the Seventh Schedule)
- BGR43 (VAT) – Deduction of input tax in respect of second-hand gold (Section 1(1) definition of "input tax" and definition of "second-hand goods")
- BGR44 (ETI) (v2) – Meaning of 160 hours for purposes of section 4(1)(b)
- BGR45 (VAT) (v2) – Supply of potatoes (Section 11(1)(g), section 11(1)(j), Part A, Part B Schedule 2)
- BGR46 (VAT) – (Applies until 31 March 2018) Supply of brown bread (Section 11(1)(j), Part B of Schedule 2)
- BGR47 (ETI) (v2) – Meaning of month in the definition of "monthly remuneration" for employers remunerating employees on a weekly or fortnightly basis
- BGR48 (VAT) – The temporary letting of dwellings by developers and the expiry of section 18B
- BGR49 (VAT) – (BGR withdrawn retrospectively from 1 April 2019, because of the introduction of Part C of Schedule 2 to the VAT Act) The supply and importation of sanitary towels (pads)
- BGR50 (ITA) – No-value provision in respect of the rendering of transport services by any employer (Paragraph 10(2)(b) of Seventh Schedule)
- BGR51 (VAT) – (BGR withdrawn because of restrospective amendments to section 24(1) of the VAT Act) Cancellation of registration of a foreign electronic services supplier
- BGR52 (VAT) – (Withdrawn 1 March 2022) Timeframe for the export of goods by vendors and qualifying purchasers affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic
- BGR53 (ITA) – Rules for the taxation of interest payable by SARS under section 7E
- BGR54 (ITA) – Unbundling of unlisted company: Impact of non-qualifying shareholders (Section 46 of ITA)
- BGR55 (VAT) – Sale of dwellings by fixed property developers following a change in use adjustment under section 18(1) or 18B(3)
- BGR56 (VAT) – Application for a decision under section 72
- BGR57 (VAT) – Whether “consideration” includes amount of transfer duty for purposes of calculating notional input tax deduction on acquisition of second-hand fixed property (Section 16 VAT Act)
- BGR58 (ITA) – Purchase of different types of annuities at retirement ("Pension fund", “pension preservation fund”, “provident fund”, “provident pres. fund”, “retirement annuity fund” definitions)
- BGR59 (VAT) – Calculation of VAT for table games of chance (Sections 8, 16(3), 16(4), 72 of VAT Act)
- BGR60 (ITA) – Disqualification as a qualifying company under section12R(4)(b)
- BGR61 (STT) – Securities transfer tax implications on the re-use of collateral
- BGR62 (VAT) (v2) – Value-added tax implications of securities lending arrangements (Sections 2(1)(f) and 12(a) of VAT Act)
- BGR63 (VAT) – Further particulars prescribed by the Commissioner under section 20(8A)(c)
- BGR64 (VAT) (v2) – Temporary application of new dwellings for exempt supplies simultaneously held by developers for taxable purposes (Sections 18D, 18(1), 16(3)(o), 10(29), 9(13) of VAT Act)
- BGR65 (VAT) – VAT treatment of rounding difference in cash transactions (Sections 21(1), (3), (5), 16(2), (3) of VAT Act)
- BGR66 (VAT) – VAT Implications of Overpayments on the Importation of Goods ("Input tax" definition, sections 16(2)(d), 16(2)(dA), 16(3)(a)(iii), 16(3)(b)(ii) of VAT Act)
- BGR67 (ITA) – Income Tax Exemption of a Grant Received under the Clothing, Textiles, Footwear and Leather Growth Programme (Sections 10(1)(y), 12P(2), Eleventh Schedule of ITA Act)
- BGR68 (VAT) – Acceptable Documentation for Input Tax on Upward Adjustments on Imports (Sections 16(2)(g), 72 of VAT Act)
- BGR69 (VAT) – Documents and Records to be Retained and Maintained by Agent under Section 54(2C) and (3)
- BGR70 (ITA) – Issue of a Single Section 18A Receipt to a Donor Taxpayer for Multiple Bona Fide Donations (Section 18A(1) and (2)(a))
- BGR71 (ITA) – (Section 18A Receipt: Donation of Property in Kind (Section 18A(2))
- BGR72 (VAT) – Particulars to be Contained in a Credit Note for a Valid Deduction under Section 16(3)(a)(v) for Prepaid Vouchers (Sections 21, 16)(2) and (3))
- BGR73 (ITA) – Meaning of taxable income for purposes of setting-off the balance of an assessed loss by a company (Section 20(1)(a)(i))
- BGR74 (VAT) – VAT treatment of certain supplies of goods or services made by municipalities to a national or provincial government ("Grant", "input tax" definitions, sections 7, 8(5A), 54 of VAT Act)
- Binding Private Rulings (BPR)
- BPR1 (VAT) – Definition of enterprise, zero-rating of salvage services, input tax deduction in respect of personal subsistence of employees ("Enterprise", "input tax", "vendor", sections 11, 17, 23)
- BPR2 (ITA) – Method for determination of the interest amount that accrues on the collection of a distressed debtors book (Section 24J)
- BPR3 (ITA) – Method for determination of the valuation date value of financial instruments listed on a recognised exchange to be used for CGT purposes (9D, paragraphs 1, 26, 29 Eighth Schedule)
- BPR4 (VAT) – Definition of enterprise, exemption of goods on importation ("Enterprise", "input tax", "vendor", section 7(1)(b), section 13(3), section 23(1), Schedule 1, Item 470.01)
- BPR5 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Dividend income received by a trust
- BPR6 (ITA) – (Policy guidance on the subject provided in Interpretation Note 78 "Allowance for future expenditure on contracts") The application of section 24C – repair and maintenance contract
- BPR7 (ITA) – The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes and policy guidance in Interp Note 35 "Employees’ tax: Personal service providers and labour brokers"
- BPR8 (ITA) – Certain variable payments made to a marketing executive and the application of section 23(m)
- BPR9 (VAT) – (Policy guidance on the subject provided in Interpretation Note 57: “Sale of an enterprise or part thereof as a going concern”) Sale of an administration business
- BPR10 (ITA) – The applicability of the mining tax dispensations contained in the Act to a specific contract mining arrangement (Section 11(a), section 15, section 36 and section 37A)
- BPR11 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Transfer of a pre-1 March 1998 amount from a pension fund as an own contribution to other RFs
- BPR12 (ITA) – Determination of gross income of a livestock auctioneer and agent ("Gross income" definition)
- BPR13 (ITA) – Section 8C and the variation of share options obtained under a share option scheme (Section 8A, section 8C, paragraph 11(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR14 (ITA) – Employees' tax in respect of gains, as contemplated in sections 8A and 8C of the Act, made by retired employees (Paragraph 11A of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR15 (VAT) (TDA) – The guidance in BPR15 is affected by subsequent law changes and guidance in Interpretation Note 57: “Sale of an enterprise or part thereof as going concern”
- BPR16 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Loans from a subsidiary company to a holding company
- BPR17 (VAT) – Policy guidance on the subject provided in Interpretation Note No. 81 "The supply of goods and services by professional hunters and taxidermists to non-residents"
- BPR18 (ITA) – Deduction of letting commission paid by a property investment company to a property management company (Section 11(a), section 23H)
- BPR19 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes and policy guidance on the subject provided in Comprehensive guide to CGT) Trusts
- BPR20 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Transfer of an amount of share premium to another reserve – nature of share premium
- BPR21 (ITA) – Date upon which restricted equity instruments vest and the date on which the liability to withhold employees' tax arises (Section 8C, paragraphs 2, 11A of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR22 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Bonuses and penalties payable in terms of an employees' bonus incentive and retention scheme
- BPR23 (VAT) – Value-added tax implications to the parties relating to the establishment of a residential township development (Sections 7(1)(a), 12(c), 16(2), 16(3), 18(1), 23(1))
- BPR24 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Share for share relief provision (Section 41, section 43)
- BPR25 (ITA) – The replacement of debt and the subsequent transfer thereof together with the assets in an asset-for-share-transaction (Section 42)
- BPR26 (VAT) – Sale of land subject to a lease with assignment of that lease – going concern (Section 10(4), section 10(23), section 11(1)(e), section 18A(1))
- BPR27 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Taxation aspects of an amalgamation transaction (Section 44(1))
- BPR28 (ITA) – Deduction of recurring expenditure incurred in terms of hybrid-debt instruments where the proceeds of such instruments rank as primary share capital for a bank (11(a), 23(g), 24J(2))
- BPR29 (ITA) – Provision of free meals and refreshments to employees (Paragraph 2(c), paragraph 8(3) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR30 (ITA) – Distributions made by a collective investment scheme which are reinvested with the scheme (Section 10(1)(iA))
- BPR31 (ITA) – Sale of shares held in a collective investment scheme – whether the proceeds are capital or revenue in nature ("Gross income" definition, paragraph 61 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR32 (ITA) – Payments made to a third party for making available its manufacturing facility (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 22)
- BPR33 (ITA) – Applicability of tax dispensations contained in the Act with regard to a specific contract mining agreement (Section 11(a), section 15, section 36, section 37A)
- BPR34 (ITA) – Applicability of tax dispensations contained in the Act with regard to a specific contract mining arrangement (Section 11(a), section 15, section 36, section 37A)
- BPR35 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) – group of companies and connected person
- BPR36 (ITA) – Applicability of tax dispensations contained in the Act with regard to a specific contract mining arrangement (Section 1, section 15, section 36)
- BPR37 (ITA) – Disposal of the right to receive royalty income – an intra-group transaction or a debt cancellation (Section 45, paragraph 4(a), paragraphs 35, 12(5), 56(1), 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR39 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) – Unbundling transaction
- BPR40 (ITA) – Liability to withhold employees' tax in respect of section 8C gains realised by participants in an employee share option scheme (Section 8C, paragraphs 2, 11A of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR41 (ITA) – De-grouping provisions: where the transferror in the first intra-group transaction and the transferee in the second intra-group transaction are the same company (Section 45(4)(a))
- BPR42 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) – 'film owner' for purposes of section 24F
- BPR43 (ITA) – Private use of a company motor vehicle (Paragraph 7(10) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR44 (ITA) – Foreign business establishment exclusion (Section 9D(10)(a)(iv))
- BPR45 (ITA) – Deductibility of conditional interest incurred in terms of a loan (Section 24J, section 11(a), section 23(g))
- BPR46 (ITA) – Accrual of an unclaimed retirement fund (lump sum) benefit (“Gross income” definition, paragraph 2 of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR47 (ITA) – Agency income earned by a controlled foreign company to be excluded from its net income (Section 9D(2A), section 9D(9)(b)(ii)(cc)(C))
- BPR48 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) – 'foreign business establishment' as envisaged in section 9D(1)
- BPR49 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent case law) – proceeds received in terms of a 99 year lease
- BPR50 (ITA) – Cash grants made by an employer to share-incentive scheme trusts and their deductibility for tax purposes (Section 11(a), section 23H)
- BPR51 (ITA) – Environmental expenditure allowances (Section 37B)
- BPR52 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling may be affected by subsequent law changes) Repatriation of foreign dividends paid to a resident company which was previously exempt
- BPR53 (VAT) – VAT implications arising from the construction of buildings by an entity and the subsequent donation of such buildings to another entity (Sections 10(4), 10(23), 16(3), 18(1))
- BPR54 (ITA) – Corporate rules – amalgamation transactions (Section 41(4), section 44(1), section 44(13))
- BPR55 (ITA) – Application of the definition of 'dividend' to the redemption of a participatory interest by a foreign collective investment scheme (Paragraph (c) of "dividend" definition)
- BPR56 (ITA) (VAT) – Taxability of income and capital gains in the hands of vesting beneficiaries whether a resident or not (Section 25B, paragraph 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR57 (ITA) – Interest incurred on a loan obtained to acquire the business of a company as a going concern through the acquisition of the shares of the company (Section 24J)
- BPR58 (ITA) (VAT) – Acquisition of shares as a result of restructuring and interest on loan created in restructuring process (Sections 8C, 23(f), 24J, 45, paragraph 20(1)(h)(i) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR59 (ITA) (VAT) (TDA) – Corporate rules – Transfer of the assets of a businesses conducted by a sole proprietor to companies and close corporations (Section 42, section 54)
- BPR60 (ITA) – Short sale transactions and securities lending arrangements ("Gross income" definition, section 11(a), section 23(g))
- BPR61 (ITA) – Application of the definitions of 'company' and 'controlled foreign company' with regard to a foreign limited partnership (“Company” definition, section 9D, section 10)
- BPR62 (ITA) – Settlement of loan by offshore holdco in favour of SA sub. without requiring quid pro quo (8(4)(m), 20(1)(a)(ii), 54, 64C(2), paragraph 3(b), 20(3)(b), 12(5) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR63 (ITA) – Interest incurred on loans obtained to acquire the shares of a company as opposed to acquiring the business of the company (Section 11(a), section 24J, section 23(f), section 23(g))
- BPR64 (ITA) – Employees' tax – Annuity payments from one long-term insurance company to another (Paragraph 1, paragraph 2 of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR65 (ITA) – Determination of residency for South African income tax purposes in the context of the term 'ordinarily resident' ("Resident" definition)
- BPR66 (ITA) – Deductibility of interest incurred on loans obtained to acquire the businesses of a group of companies as going concerns via acquisition of shares in a holding company (Section 24J(2))
- BPR67 (ITA) – Foreign business establishment: Sharing of employees, equipment and facilities amongst controlled foreign companies which are part of the same group of companies (Section 9D(10)(a)(i))
- BPR68 (ITA) – Classification of the extraction of clay from the soil (Section 15, section 36, section 37)
- BPR69 (VAT) – VAT implications regarding supply of services where mitigation services costs are received, the time of supply and the deduction of VAT charged (Sections 7(1)(a), 9(3), 16, 17, 20)
- BPR70 (ITA) – CGT implications for transfer of trust funds held by offshore trust to new offshore discretionary trust (Sections 7(8), 25D, 54, paragraphs 11, 38, 43, 72, 80, 84 Eighth Schedule)
- BPR71 (ITA) – Improvements effected on leasehold property (Paragraph (h) of "gross income" definition)
- BPR72 (VAT) – VAT implications with regard to qualified goods imported for processing and the subsequent exportation of the end products (Section 13(3))
- BPR73 (ITA) – Extinction of inter-company loans as a result of voluntary winding-up (Section 8(4)(m), section 20(1)(a)(ii), paragraph 12(5) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR74 (ITA) – Date upon which shares vest in a taxpayer and related interest expense (Section 8C)
- BPR75 (ITA) – Lump sum benefit to be paid from a deemed public sector fund and the application of Formula C ("Gross income" definition, paragraphs 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 2C of Second Schedule)
- BPR76 (ITA) – Nature of income in the hands of a vested beneficiary of a trust (Section 10(1)(k)(i), section 25B)
- BPR77 (ITA) – Transfer of compensation award granted to an incapacitated person to a trust to be administered by trustees for the benefit of that person (Paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR78 (ITA) – Income tax consequences of leasehold improvements for both the lessor and the lessee (Section 11(g), section 11(h))
- BPR79 (ITA) – Income tax implications for the land owner and the developer relating to the establishment of a residential township development in terms of lease agreements (Sections 11(a), 11(h), 22)
- BPR80 (ITA) – Donation of shares ("Dividend" definition, section 54, section 56, section 64)
- BPR81 (ITA) – Determination of the value of the taxable benefit of residential accommodation (Paragraph 9(7) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR82 (ITA) – Permanent establishment and royalties (Section 9(1)(b), section 10(1)(h), section 108)
- BPR83 (ITA) – Capital gains tax implications on the conversion of a company through the amendment of its incorporation documentation (Paragraph 11(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR84 (ITA) – The 'group of companies' concept for the purposes of section 45(4)
- BPR85 (ITA) – Taxation aspects of income derived by non South African residents from employment in South Africa (Paragraph 2 of Fourth Schedule, India, USA, Czech, Romania, UK, Netherlands DTAs)
- BPR86 (ITA) – Where two parties conduct mining operations in terms of an unincorporated joint venture agreement (Sections 1, 15, 24H, 36, 37A, paragraphs 1, 11, 33, 38 Eighth Schedule)
- BPR87 (ITA) – Capital gains tax consequences arising from restructuring activities involving trusts (Paragraphs 80(1), 80(2) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR88 (ITA) – Contributed capital of a foreign limited liability co-operative ("Equity share capital" definition)
- BPR89 (ITA) – Waiver of certain rights connected to shares (Sections 64B, paragraph 11(1)(b), paragraph 12(5)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR90 (ITA) – Royalty income attributable to a foreign business establishment of a controlled foreign company (Section 9D(10)(a)(iii))
- BPR91 (ITA) – Securities lending transaction (Section 24J)
- BPR92 (ITA) – Possible recoupment of rental paid on the subsequent acquisition of the leased property by the lessee (Section 8(5)(b))
- BPR93 (ITA) – Deductibility of environmental expenditure subsequently incurred in respect of asset that have been acquired in an asset-for-share transaction (Section 37B(6), section 42(3)(a)(ii))
- BPR94 (ITA) – Charges incurred in relation to the acquisition of trading stock (Section 11(a), section 22, section 23(g))
- BPR95 (ITA) – Adequate consideration as contemplated under section 58(1)
- BPR96 (ITA) – Group restructuring transactions and possible relief measures (Section 46, section 47, section 64B(5)(f))
- BPR97 (ITA) – Capital gains tax liability in relation to assets of a trust which vest in the hands of the vesting beneficiaries (Paragraphs 11, 13, 20, 31, 38, 62, 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR98 (ITA) – Capital gain or loss on ceded policies (Paragraph 55(1)(a)(ii) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR99 (STT) – Transfer of beneficial ownership of South African listed shares under a 'riskless principal' transaction ("Transfer" definition)
- BPR100 (ITA) (VAT) – Accrual date of short-term insurance premiums payable in terms of a guarantee policy, suretyship provided to the Master, time of supply of policy ("Gross income" definition)
- BPR101 (STT) – Securities Transfer Tax – Asset-for-share transaction (Section 8(1)(a))
- BPR102 (ITA) – Registration of an external company and identifying a permanent establishment ("Permanent establishment" definition, section 10(1)(h), paragraph 2(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR103 (ITA) – Share incentive scheme ("Gross income" definition, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 8C, section 55, section 58)
- BPR104 (ITA) (STT) – Intra-group transfer of shares as a result of restructuring (Section 45 of ITA, section 8(1)(a) of STT Act)
- BPR105 (ITA) – Tax implications for a resident relating to a single premium whole life insurance policy issued by an offshore insurer (Section 7(1))
- BPR106 (ITA) – Application of section 24C to a maintenance trust ("Gross income" definition, section 24C, paragraph 80(2) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR107 (ITA) – Recoupment of lease premium and rental amounts previously allowed as deductions in respect of a leased property (Section 8(5), paragraphs 20(1)(a), 20(1)(h)(ii)(aa) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR108 (ITA) – Issue of redeemable preference shares from reserves available for distribution ("Dividend" definition)
- BPR109 (ITA) – Loan granted with embedded option (Section 22, section 24J, paragraph 18, paragraph 20(1)(a), paragraph 20(c)(ix), paragraph 35, paragraph 43, paragraph 58 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR110 (ITA) – Toll manufacturing agreement and the attribution of the global sales of South African manufactured products to a foreign business establishment (Section 9D(9)(b)(ii)(bb))
- BPR111 (ITA) – Research and development (R&D) expenditure paid to a fellow group company which is not a resident of South Africa (Section 11(a), 11(a), section 35)
- BPR112 (ITA) – Interposing a co-operative between a South African holding company and its foreign subsidiaries (Section 10(1)(k)(ii)(dd), section 24B, paragraph 64B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR113 (ITA) – Expenditure associated with broad based black economic empowerment (BEE) (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 23H)
- BPR114 (ITA) – Loan facilities raised by a foreign permanent establishment from which deposits and advances are made (Section 24I, paragraph 43(1), Part XIII of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR115 (ITA) – Incentive rewards paid to independent sales persons (“Remuneration” definition, “employer” definition, “employee” definition, paragraph 2(1)(a) of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR116 (ITA) – Distribution received by beneficiary from a non-resident trust and subsequent donation thereof by beneficiary to another non-res trust (Sections 10(1)(k)(ii)(dd), 25B, 56(1)(g)(ii))
- BPR117 (ITA) – Obligation to deduct or withhold employee's tax in respect of a share option (Section 8C, paragraph 11A of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR118 (ITA) – Withholding dividends tax ("Dividend" definition, section 64D, section 64E, section 64F, section 64G, section 64H, section 64K)
- BPR119 (ITA) – Transfer of amounts contributed to a foreign pension fund to as SA retirement annuity fund (Sections 9(1)(g), 10(1)(gC), 11(k), 11(n), paragraphs 2(1)(a), 5 of Second Schedule)
- BPR120 (ITA) – The interaction between sections 45 and section 24J in the transfer of interest-bearing receivables under the corporate rules
- BPR121 (ITA) – Secondary tax on companies or dividends tax (Section 64B(1), “declared” definition, section 64E(1), section 64D)
- BPR122 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of business of company as going concern to its holdco as a result of an amalgamation or merger transaction (Section 45, 47, 64FA, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR123 (ITA) – Fibre optic cable to be used for electronic communications ("Affected asset" definition, section 12D)
- BPR124 (ITA) – Repayment of shareholders' loans from proceeds of issue of redeemable preference shares (“Contributed tax capital”, section 20(1)(a)(ii), paragraphs 12(5), 20(1)(a) Eighth Schedule)
- BPR125 (ITA) – Vesting by discretionary trust of dividend rights to beneficiary (Sections 10(1)(t)(vii), 64D, "beneficial owner" definition, 64F(g) 64G(2)(a), paragraphs 63, 80(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR126 (ITA) (VAT) (STT) – Disposal of a business and investment shares as a result of restructuring, and the distribution of certain shares to shareholders (Section 42, section 46)
- BPR127 (ITA) – Relief from double taxation of foreign income (Section 5, section 10, section 24J, section 108, Zambia DTA)
- BPR128 (ITA) – Disposal of equity shares in a foreign company (Section 41(1), “financial instrument”, “associated group companies”, “foreign financial instrument holding company” definitions)
- BPR129 (ITA) – Beneficial owner of dividends (Section 64D, section 64F(a), "beneficial owner" definition)
- BPR130 (ITA) – Sale of mining rights and the respective base cost of each mining right (Paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 11, 20, 33, 35, 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR131 (ITA) – Vesting date of a restricted equity instrument (Section 8C, paragraph 2, paragraph 11A of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR132 (ITA) – Disposal of a business as a going concern by a trust to a company in exchange for shares in the company (Section 41(2), section 42, paragraphs 11(1)(g), 12(5) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR133 (ITA) – Transfer of a residence out of a company to a natural person (Section 64FA(1)(c), paragraph 51A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR134 (ITA) – Exemption under section 10B(2)(a) in relation to a foreign dividend that is deemed to be received by a person who is a resident
- BPR135 (ITA) – Improvements effected on land in terms of a long term lease (Paragraph (h) of "gross income" definition, section 11(g), section 11(h))
- BPR136 (ITA) – Taxation of subsistence allowances paid to employees (Section 8(1))
- BPR137 (ITA) – Sale of a business in terms of an intra-group transaction (Section 45, section 47)
- BPR138 (ITA) – Subscription for shares at nominal values coupled to a repurchase agreement at the same nominal values (Section 24J, section 42, section 58, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR139 (ITA) – Disposal of assets by a recreational club (Paragraph 65B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR140 (ITA) – Unbundling transactions (Section 46)
- BPR141 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of securities from an untaxed policyholder fund of a long-term insurer to an untaxed policyholder fund of another long-term insurer (Section 41, section 45)
- BPR142 (ITA) – Deduction of interest expenditure (Section 24J)
- BPR143 (ITA) – Preference shares constituting equity shares in relation to a headquarter company (“Equity share” definition, “headquarter company” definition)
- BPR144 (ITA) – Write-off period in respect of the increase in either the cost or the value of assets pursuant to a section 45(4) de-grouping (Section 45(4)(b), section 11(e), section 12C, section 13)
- BPR145 (ITA) – Allowances – Assets forming part of a sale and leaseback arrangement (Section 11(e))
- BPR146 (ITA) – Mining tax – Contract mining agreement (“Mining operations” definition, “mining” definition, section 11(a), section 15(a), section 23(g), section 36, section 37A(1)(d)(ii))
- BPR147 (ITA) – Consideration received for the surrender of a right to acquire shares ("Gross income" definition, section 8C)
- BPR148 (ITA) – Dividends Tax Rate – Permanent establishment in South Africa (Section 64G(3)(b)(i), SA-Japan DTA)
- BPR149 (ITA) – (Replaced on 14 August 2013 – see SARS website) Disposal of an asset that constitutes an equity share in a foreign company
- BPR150 (ITA) (VAT) – Tax treatment relating to a credit linked deposit (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 24C, section 24J of ITA, section 7(1) of VAT Act)
- BPR151 (ITA) (EDA) – Renunciation of an inheritance (Section 55(1), donation" definition, paragraph 11, paragraph 67(2) of Eighth Schedule, section 4(q) of EDA)
- BPR152 (ITA) – Capital Gains Tax: Cancellation and extinguishment of a right to interest (Paragraph 3, paragraph 11(1)(b), paragraph 35(1), paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR153 (ITA) – Residency status of a non-resident who applies for a temporary residence permit ("Residence" definition)
- BPR154 (ITA) – Corporate rules: Acquisition of a debtors book (Section 11(j). section 45)
- BPR155 (ITA) – Incentive for oil and gas production (“Production" definition, “oil and gas right” definition, “oil and gas income” definition, paragraph 5(2)(b) of Tenth Schedule)
- BPR156 (ITA) – Pension benefits accruing to a non-resident from a resident pension fund (Paragraph (a), paragraph (e) of "gross income" definition)
- BPR157 (ITA) – Receipt of foreign assets and the subsequent donation thereof to a non-resident trust (Sections 25B, 10B(2)(a), 56(1)(g), 7(8), paragraphs 20(1)(h)(vi), 80(3) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR158 (ITA) – (This ruling is only binding in respect of the specific applicant to whom it was issued and may not be relied upon by a third party) Transport services to employees
- BPR159 (ITA) – Asset-for-share and amalgamation transactions ("Trading stock" definition, section 41(1), section 42, section 44(1))
- BPR160 (ITA) (VAT) – Incentive payments (Section 11(a) of ITA, "consideration" definition, section 20 of VAT Act)
- BPR161 (ITA) – Employee Share Ownership Plan (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 54, section 58, paragraph 2(1), paragraph 11A(4) of Fourth Schedule)
- BPR162 (ITA) (VAT) – Sale of an oil and gas right (Paragraph 1 of Eighth Schedule, paragraph 1, paragraph 7 of Tenth Schedule, section 9, section 16 of VAT Act)
- BPR163 (ITA) – Interest on replacement loans and proceeds arising from a share repurchase ("Contributed tax capital", section 10(1)(k), 22B, 24J, 64F, paragraphs 35, 43A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR164 (ITA) – Buy-back of shares at a purchase price in excess of their market value (Section 55, section 58, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR165 (ITA) – Letting of accommodation where the provision of meals is outsourced ("Hotel keeper" definition, section 13bis)
- BPR166 (ITA) – Change of place of incorporation (domicile) of a controlled foreign company (Paragraph 1, "Disposal" definition, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR167 (ITA) – Debentures tracking the value of a reference asset ("Gross income", "trading stock" definitions, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 22(1)(a))
- BPR168 (ITA) – Corporate rule: Disposal of assets within 18 months of acquisition (Section 42(7), section 45(2), section 45(3))
- BPR169 (ITA) – Commercial building allowance (Section 13quin)
- BPR170 (ITA) – Definition of unrestricted equity instrument (Section 8C(7))
- BPR171 (ITA) (STT) – Amalgamation Transaction (Section 44, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule, section 8(1)(a)(ii) of STT Act)
- BPR172 (ITA) – Plant used in the production of renewable energy (Section 12B)
- BPR173 (ITA) – Repayment of shareholder loan from proceeds of a new issue of ordinary shares (Section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR174 (ITA) – (Some of the guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes. Refer to BPR354) Receipts of an incentive trust and vesting of shares in qualifying employee
- BPR175 (ITA) (VAT) – Debt purchase transactions (Section 11(a), section 23(g), section 24J of ITA, “enterprise” definition, section 7(1)(a), section 12(a) of VAT Act)
- BPR176 (ITA) – Financial instruments not issued by a "listed company" as defined; Application of the words "for investment purposes" ("Foreign investment entity" definition)
- BPR177 (ITA) – Improvements on land by sub-lessee under a sub-lease ("Gross income" definition, section 11(g), section 11(h))
- BPR178 (ITA) – International corporate restructuring (“Company”, “equity share”, “foreign company”, “group of companies”, “share” definitions, section 42, section 45)
- BPR179 (ITA) – Single premium life insurance policy issued by an off-shore insurer (Section 7(1), paragraph 11(1), paragraph 35(1), paragraph 40, paragraph 55 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR180 (ITA) – Improvements effected on land not owned by taxpayer (Section 12N)
- BPR181 (ITA) – Withholding tax on interest in relation to a foreign government (“Resident”, sections 9(2)(b), 24J(1), “interest”, section 50A(1), “foreign person”, sections 50B, 50E, Denmark DTA)
- BPR182 (ITA) – Waiver of debt that funded mining capital expenditure (Section 15(a), section 36, section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR183 (ITA) – Employee Housing Scheme (Paragraph (c), paragraph (i) of "gross income" definition, 2(a), paragraph 2(d) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR184 (ITA) – Asset-for-Share Transaction (Section 24BA, section 42, section 54, section 58, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR185 (ITA) – Corporate Rules: Disposal of assets and liabilities as part of a group restructure (Section 7B, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 37A, section 42)
- BPR186 (ITA) (STT) – Asset-for-Share transaction between a resident private company and a collective investment scheme (CIS) in securities (Section 24J, 41, 42 of ITA Act, section 1, 8 of STT Act)
- BPR187 (ITA) – Waiver of an intra-group loan that funded the acquisition of a mining operation (Sections 8(4)(a), 15(a) 19, 36, 45, paragraphs 12A, 38(1), 56(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR188 (ITA) – Conversion of a public benefit organisation to a for-profit company (Section 30)
- BPR189 (ITA) – Acquisition of shares subject to suspensive conditions ("Connected person" definition, section 24J, paragraph 13, paragraph 20(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR190 (ITA) (STT) – Notional Funding Arrangement: The issue and potential repurchase of ordinary shares (Section 24J, paragraph 11(1)(a), paragraph 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR191 (ITA) – Refinancing of debt through preference share funding (Section 8E, section 8EA, section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR192 (ITA) – Cross border interest-free loan and withholding tax on interest (Section 31, section 50B, section 50E)
- BPR193 (ITA) – Debt reduction by way of set-off (Section 19 definition of "reduction amount", paragraph 12A, paragraph 20(3)(b) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR194 (ITA) (STT) – Disposal of shares through a share buy-back and a donation (Sections 18A, 54, 56(1)(h), 64D, "dividend" definition, paragraphs 2(1), 11(1) AND 11(2)(b) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR195 (ITA) (STT) – Securities transfer tax exemption where election has been made that section 42 will not apply (Sections 40CA, 42, paragraphs 2(1)(b), 20(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR196 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Employees' Tax: Monthly pension benefits in respect of foreign services rendered
- BPR197 (ITA) (EDA) – Exemption from donations tax and net value of an estate (Section 56(1)(g)(ii) of ITA, section 4(e)(ii)(aa), section 4(e)(iii) of EDA)
- BPR198 (ITA) – Distribution of a debit loan account in anticipation of deregistration of a company (Section 10(1)(k), section 47, section 64D, section 64FA(1)(b))
- BPR199 (ITA) – Exemption from income tax of dividends received by virtue of restricted equity instruments (Section 8C(7), “restricted equity instrument” definition, section 10(1)(k)(i))
- BPR200 (ITA) – Source of income of commission payable to non-resident junket agents (Section 47A, section 51A)
- BPR201 (ITA) – Issue of capitalisation shares (“Contributed tax capital”; “dividend”, “return of capital” definitions, section 8C, section 40C, section 42(5), 42(6), paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR202 (ITA) – Application of section 13quin subsequent to an intra-group transaction under section 45 (Section 13quin, section 45(3))
- BPR203 (STT) – Renunciation of a usufruct over shares (“Security” definition, “transfer” definition, section 2, section 5 of STT Act)
- BPR204 (ITA) – Definition of "disposal" for purposes of asset-for-share and amalgamation transactions; "qualifying distribution" upon conversion to a corporate real estate investment trust (REIT)
- BPR205 (ITA) – Meaning of “controlled group company” and “equity share” (Section 12E(4)(c), section 12J)
- BPR206 (ITA) (VAT) (TDA) – Disposal by a share block company of its sectional title units to its share block holders (Section 64FA. paragraph 67B of Eighth Schedule, sections 8(19), 10(27) VAT Act)
- BPR207 (ITA) – Merger of two controlled foreign companies (CFCs) (Section 9H(6), section 24BA, section 44)
- BPR208 (ITA) – Repayment of shareholder’s loan from proceeds of a new share issue (Section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR209 (ITA) – Dividends tax: Distribution of dividends to employees through a discretionary trust (“Dividend”, “gross income”, “income”, section 10(1)(k)(i)(ii), sections 64D, 64F(1)(l), 64G(2)(a))
- BPR210 (ITA) – Liquidation distribution followed by an amalgamation transaction (Section 44, section 47)
- BPR211 (ITA) – (The guidance contained in this ruling is affected by subsequent law changes) Transfer of exchange items using corporate rules
- BPR212 (ITA) – Tax consequences for the issuer and security company of listed credit linked notes (Section 24J, paragraph 3, paragraph 4, paragraph 12A, paragraph 20(3)(b) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR213 (ITA) (STT) – Repayment of intercompany loans from proceeds of a new share issue (Sections 8(4)(a), 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule, "transfer" definition of STT Act)
- BPR214 (ITA) – Third-party backed shares (Section 8EA)
- BPR215 (ITA) – Source and nature of satellite capacity fees (“Gross income” definition, "service fee" definition of section 51A, section 51B)
- BPR216 (ITA) – Tax consequences of the issuing of additional tier 1 capital instruments by a registered bank (Sections 8(4)(a), 8F, 8FA, 11(a), 19, 23(g), 24J, 24JB, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR217 (EDA) – Estate duty implications for non-resident individual investors (Section 2, section 3, section 4A of EDA)
- BPR218 (ITA) – Qualifying distributions to be made by a REIT ("REIT” definition, section 25BB, section 44)
- BPR219 (ITA) (STT) – (This ruling is only binding in respect of the specific applicant to whom it was issued and may not be relied upon by a third party) Corporatisation
- BPR220 (ITA) – Contribution by a mining company to a trust pursuant to a share incentive scheme (Section 15. section 36(11))
- BPR221 (ITA) – Deductibility of the cost of assets to be acquired to construct roads (Section 12C(1)(a))
- BPR222 (ITA) – Foreign partnership – Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on income (Section 6quat)
- BPR223 (ITA) – Headquarter companies: Acquisitions of shares and loans (Section 8FA, section 9I(2)(b), section 9I(2)(c), section 20C(2), section 31(5))
- BPR224 (ITA) – Non-resident – Source of income from the operation of ships ("Gross income" definition, section 33)
- BPR225 (ITA) – Hybrid debt instruments (Section 8F, section 64D, section 64EA)
- BPR226 (ITA) (VAT) (STT) – Transfer of the long-term insurance business, partly to a third party and partly intra-group (Sections 29A, 45, paragraphs 10(b), 12A, 35, 55(1)(a)(i) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR227 (ITA) (STT) – Share subscription transaction followed by two share repurchase transactions (Sections 9C, 10(1)(k), 64E, 64EA, 64F, paragraphs 3, 4, 11, 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR228 (ITA) – Whether an investment of preference share funding in a newly established business is for a "qualifying purpose" (Section 8EA(1), "operating company", "qualifying purpose" definitions)
- BPR229 (ITA) – Employer provided accommodation to employees (Paragraph 2(a), paragraph 5(1), paragraph 5(2), paragraph 5(3A) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR230 (ITA) – Disposal of an asset in terms of an asset-for-share transaction within 18 months of its acquisition in terms of an intra-group transaction (Section 42(1), section 42(2), section 45(5))
- BPR231 (ITA) (STT) – Corporate restructuring by way of asset-for-share and amalgamation transactions (Section 42. section 44, paragraph 11(2)(b)(i) of Eighth Schedule, section 8(1)(a)(ii) of STT Act)
- BPR232 (ITA) – Equity shares to be issued by resultant company as part of an amalgamation transaction ("Equity share", "amalgamation transaction" definitions, section 44(1))
- BPR233 (ITA) – Transfer of a part of a business to a fellow subsidiary (Section 8(4)(a), section 11(a), section 24C, section 45(4B), paragraph 3(a), paragraph 4(a), 4(b)(ii)(aa) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR234 (ITA) (STT) – Asset-for-share and unbundling transactions not regulated by sections 42 and 46 ("Contributed tax capital" definition, paragraphs 11(2)(b), 39, 75 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR235 (ITA) – Income tax consequences for parties to an unbundling transaction ("Foreign company", "resident", section 9D, section 9H, section 42, section 46, paragraph 12 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR236 (ITA) – (Replaced on 25 July 2016 – see SARS website) Set-off of a loan account arising from an intra-group transaction to acquire equity shares
- BPR237 (ITA) (VAT) (TDA) – Reinstatement of a deregistered company to transfer immovable properties (Section 44(13) if ITA, section 8(25) of VAT Act, 9(1)(l)(iB) of TDA)
- BPR238 (ITA) – Taxation of receipts by or accruals to a programme of activities of a clean development mechanism project ("Gross income" definition)
- BPR239 (ITA) – Cash contributions made to a special purpose vehicle established to provide housing to mine workers ("Capital expenditure", section 15(a), 36(11), paragraphs 3, 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR240 (ITA) – Taxation of parties to share index linked notes ("Gross income" definition, section 8(4)(a), section 11(a), section 23H, section 24C, section 24J, section 24L, section 24M)
- BPR241 (ITA) – Award received for a black economic empowerment (BEE) training initiative (Section 10(1)(k), section 24C, section 25B, paragraphs 11(1)(d), 13(1)(a)(iiA), 38, 75, 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR242 (ITA) – Venture capital company investment in qualifying companies carrying on business as hotel keepers (“Controlled group company", “equity share”, "hotel keeper”, sections 11(e), 12C, 12J)
- BPR243 (ITA) – Termination of a subcontracting agreement and implementing of a toll manufacturing arrangement ("Asset" definition, paragraph 11(1)(b) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR244 (ITA) – Disposal of an undivided interest in immovable property by way of an amalgamation transaction (“Trading stock” definition, section 13quin, section 41(1), section 44)
- BPR245 (ITA) (VAT) – Time of accrual of short-term insurance premiums and time of supply of security provided to the Master of the High Court ("Invoice" definition, sections 9, 20 of VAT Act)
- BPR246 (ITA) – Debt reduction and capitalisation (Section 8(4)(a), section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR247 (ITA) – Employer contributions to foreign social and pension funds in respect of a non-resident ("Remuneration" definition of Fourth Schedule, paragraphs 2(k), 2(l) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR248 (ITA) – Deduction of interest on asset backed notes (Section 8FA, section 24J(2))
- BPR249 (ITA) – Corporate group restructuring involving multiple transactions ("Contributed tax capital", "base cost" definitions, sections 42, 44, 46, paragraphs 13, 20(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR250 (ITA) – Risk policies (Section 29A(1), "risk policy" definition)
- BPR251 (ITA) – Cancellation of reinsurance agreement (“Person”, “company”, "equity share" definitions, section 24BA, section 41(1), section 42, paragraphs 10(b)(ii), 20, 31(1), 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR252 (ITA) – Donations tax and capital gains tax consequences of the part waiver of a loan and reduction of the interest rate (Section 54, section 58, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR253 (ITA) – Donations tax consequences of a transaction to introduce a BEE shareholder into a group ("Donation" definition, section 54, section 55(1), section 57, section 58)
- BPR254 (ITA) (STT) – Consequences of cross-border and domestic asset-for-share transactions (Section 24BA, section 42, section 64FA of ITA, section 8(1)(a)(i), section 8(1)(a)(vi) of STT Act)
- BPR255 (ITA) – Debt reduction by means of set-off (Section 8(4)(a), section 19, paragraph 12A, paragraph 20(3)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR256 (ITA) (VAT) – Mining rehabilitation ("Gross income" definition, section 8(4)(a), section 11(a), section 37A of ITA, "enterprise" definition, section 16, section 17, section 20 of VAT Act)
- BPR257 (ITA) – (This BPR was replaced on 20 January 2017 to provide for textual changes and additions to the original ruling) Islamic financing arrangement
- BPR258 (ITA) (STT) – Corporate group restructuring (“Contributed tax capital”, “return of capital”, sections 9D, 24BA, 41, 42, 45, paragraphs 11, 12(4), 24(1), 64B, 76B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR259 (ITA) – Capital gains tax implications for an employee share trust (Section 8C, paragraph 20(1)(h)(i), paragraph 35, paragraph 38, paragraph 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR260 (ITA) – Interest on loans used to acquire shares (Section 23(f), section 23(g), section 24J)
- BPR261 (ITA) – Repurchase of restricted equity instruments (Section 8C, paragraph 20(3)(b), paragraph 80(2), paragraph 80(2A) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR262 (ITA) – Employer-provided transport service (Paragraph 2(e), paragraph 10(1)(b), paragraph 10(2)(b) of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR263 (ITA) – Hybrid interest (Section 8FA, section 10(1)(k)(i), "interest" definition of section 24J(1), section 24JB(2)(b), section 64D, section 64E, section 64EA, section 64F, section 64FA)
- BPR264 (ITA) – Venture capital company shares (Section 12J(1), “Equity share”, “controlled group company”, "venture capital share", “qualifying company”, “qualifying share” definitions)
- BPR265 (ITA) – Amalgamation transaction (Section 19, section 44, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR266 (ITA) – Acquisition of a business in exchange for the assumption of liabilities and the issuing of a loan note (Section 7B, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 23N, section 24J(2))
- BPR267 (ITA) – Dividends tax and the most favoured nation clause in a tax treaty (Section 64G(3), section 108, SA-Sweden DTA, SA-Kuwait DTA)
- BPR268 (ITA) – Corrective payments (Section 8(4)(a), section 11(a), section 23(g))
- BPR269 (ITA) – Income tax consequences of a share buy-back between two controlled foreign companies (“Foreign dividend”, “foreign return of capital”, section 10B, paragraph 64B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR270 (ITA) (TDA) – Restructuring of property portfolio under the corporate rules (Sections 25BB(4), 29A, 40CA, 42, paragraph 20(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule of ITA, section 9(1)(l)(i) of TDA)
- BPR271 (ITA) – Acquisition of leased property by the lessee pursuant to a liquidation distribution (Section 8(5), section 47)
- BPR272 (ITA) – Deduction of expenditure incurred to acquire land development rights ("Trading stock" definition, section 8(4)(a), section 11(a), section 22, section 23(g), section 23H, section 24J)
- BPR273 (ITA) (VAT) – Waiver of a contractual right (Section 19, section 55, section 56(1)(n), section 56(1)(r), paragraph 12A, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule of ITA, section 10(4) of VAT Act)
- BPR274 (ITA) – Venture capital company investing in a company providing and expanding plants for the generation of solar electricity (“Controlled group company”, sections 12B, 12D, 12J)
- BPR275 (ITA) – (Replaced on 7 August 2017. The reference to "paragraph 1(1) – definition of 'asset', 'disposal' and 'proceeds' " in paragraph 2 of the BPR has been correct to paragraph 1) Home loans
- BPR276 (ITA) – Dividends tax and the most favoured nation clause in a tax treaty (Section 64G(3), section 108, SA-Sweden DTA, SA-Kuwait DTA)
- BPR277 (ITA) – Consequences for employee share trust on unwinding of employee share scheme (Section 8C, paragraph 11A of Fourth Schedule, paragraphs 11(2)(j), 13(1)(a)(iiB), 38, 80 Eighth Schedule)
- BPR278 (ITA) – Application of section 24JB to equity – linked notes ( “Gross income” definition, section 11(a), section 23(g), section 24JB)
- BPR279 (ITA) – Capital gains tax participation exemption in relation to controlled foreign companies ("Connected person" definition, section 9D, paragraph 64B(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR280 (ITA) – Debt reduction, capital losses and corporate rules (Section 8(4)(a), section 19, section 47, paragraph 56 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR281 (ITA) – Disposal of a portion of land owned by a recreational club (Paragraph 65B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR282 (ITA) – Deductibility of socio-economic and enterprise development expenditure (Section 11(a), section 23(g), definition of "donation" of section 55(1), section 58)
- BPR283 (ITA) – Intra-group disposal of capital asset (Section 45(1)(a))
- BPR284 (ITA) – Debentures tracking the value of a reference asset (“Gross income”, "trading stock", section 11(a), section 22(1)(a), section 24J, definition of "covered person" of 24JB(1))
- BPR285 (ITA) – This BPR was replaced on 24 November 2017. The reference to franchisor was changed to franchisee in paragraph 4
- BPR286 (ITA) – (This BPR was replaced on 24 November 2017 to provide for textual changes in the summary) Settling-in allowance
- BPR287 (ITA) – Disposal of vacant land in exchange for shares (Section 42(1), paragraph (a) of definition of "asset-for-share transaction")
- BPR288 (ITA) – Consecutive asset for share transactions within 18 months ("Trading stock" definition, section 42(1), "asset-for-share transaction" definition, section 42(7))
- BPR289 (ITA) – Base cost of loan claim and tax implications of acquisition transaction (Sections 10(1)(k), 24O, 45(4B), 64F(1)(a), 64G(2)(b), paragraphs 20(1)(a), 35(3)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR290 (ITA) – Distribution of shares to employee share scheme participants (Paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR291 (ITA) – Deemed expenditure on meals and incidentals (Section 8(1)(a)(i)(bb), section 8(1)(c))
- BPR292 (ITA) – Tax consequences of a debt restructuring (Section 19, section 42, paragraph 12A, paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR293 (ITA) (STT) – Disposal of shares by a non-resident individual (Section 9C, paragraph 2(1)(b), paragraph 2(2) of Eighth Schedule of ITA, section 2, section 6, section 7 of STT Act)
- BPR294 (ITA) – Amalgamation transaction between non-resident companies (Section 44)
- BPR295 (ITA) – Distribution in specie of a share (Section 64F(1)(b), section 64FA(1)(a), paragraph 75 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR296 (ITA) – Disposal by a German Limited partnership of its assets to its sole member (“Company”, “foreign partnership", “person” definition, section 24H, paragraph 11(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR297 (ITA) – Amalgamation transaction involving conversion of share block companies to private companies (“Dividend”, “REIT” definitions, section 25BB, section 44, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR298 (ITA) – Waiver of debt (Section 55, section 58)
- BPR299 (ITA) – Dividend distribution ("Dividend" definition)
- BPR300 (ITA) – Intra-group transaction – conversion of debt to equity (“Foreign dividend”, sections 10B(2)(a), 44(5), 45, “base cost”, paragraphs 12A, 20(1)(a), 75 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR301 (ITA) – Taxation of dividends received by borrower under securities lending arrangement (“Gross income”, “income” definitions, sections 9(2)(a), 10(1)(k)(i), 11(a), 64F)
- BPR302 (ITA) (STT) – Corporate restructuring and unbundling of listed shares (Sections 24BA, 40CA, 41(4), 42, 45, 46, 47, paragraphs 12, 75(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule, section 8(1)(a) of STT Act)
- BPR303 (ITA) (STT) – Tax implications of a group restructuring transaction (Section 19, section 24J(2), paragraph 12A, paragraph 20(1) of Eighth Schedule of ITA, section 2, section 6 of STT Act)
- BPR304 (ITA) – Debt reduction and subsequent liquidation of debtor (Section 8(4)(a), 19, 24J(4A), 36(11), "expenditure” definition, paragraphs 12A, 20(1)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR305 (ITA) – Registration of units in the name of the beneficial owners (Section 54, paragraph 2 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR306 (ITA) – Donation to a special trust (Section 54, section 55)
- BPR307 (ITA) – Relief from double taxation of interest (Section 108, SA-Brazil DTA)
- BPR308 (ITA) – Assumption of contingent liabilities and the cession of a right of recovery ("Gross income" definition, section 37, paragraph 35 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR309 (ITA) – Disposal of an asset by a public benefit organisation (PBO) ("Gross income" definition, paragraph 63A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR310 (ITA) (VAT) – Customer loyalty programme (Section 11(a), section 23(g) of ITA, "consideration" definition, section 7(1)(a), section 10(23) of VAT Act)
- BPR311 (ITA) – Photovoltaic solar energy plants (Section 12B)
- BPR312 (ITA) – Tax implications of the variation of employment contracts ("Gross income" definition, section 11(a), section 23(g); section 11(cA), section 11(nA), section 23H)
- BPR313 (ITA) – Foreign share buyback (“Foreign dividend” definition, “foreign return of capital” definition, section 10B(2)(a), paragraph 20(1)(a), paragraph 64B(4) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR314 (ITA) – Venture capital company – investment in hotel development (“Controlled group company”, "hotel keeper”, section 12J(6A) “impermissible trade”, “qualifying company”, “qualifying share”)
- BPR315 (ITA) – Future expenditure (Section 24C)
- BPR316 (ITA) (VAT) – Amalgamation of companies in terms of business rescue plan (Section 44 of ITA, section 8(25) of VAT Act)
- BPR317 (ITA) (VAT) – Disposal of business by way of asset-for-share transaction (Section 7B, section 11(a), section 42 of ITA, section 8(25), section 16(3) of VAT Act)
- BPR318 (ITA) (STT) – Corporatisation of a collective investment scheme in property by way of an asset-for-share transaction followed by an amalgamation transaction (Section 42, section 44)
- BPR319 (ITA) (VAT) (STT) – Tax implications of group restructuring transactions (Section 7B(2)(b), 10(1)(k)(i), 11(a), 22(8)(b)(ii), 23(g), 42, 45(6)(e), 47, 64F(1)(a), 64FA(1)(b), 64G(2)(b))
- BPR320 (ITA) (VAT) (STT) (TDA) – Conversion of association to private company (“Company” definition, sections 11(a) 41(1), 44, 56, section 8(25) of VAT Act, section 8 of STT Act)
- BPR321 (ITA) – Surplus retirement fund assets ( “Gross income” definition, section 11(a))
- BPR322 (ITA) – (This BPR was replaced on 31 July to provide for textual changes – see paragraph 4, last paragraph and deletion of the rulings in paragraph 6b) and 6c)) Equity linked note
- BPR323 (ITA) – Debt reduction by means of set-off (Section 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR324 (ITA) – Disposal and acquisition of shares by a public benefit organisation (PBO) (Sections 10(1)(cN), 25B, 30, 64F, paragraphs 20(1)(a), 63A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR325 (ITA) – Liquidation distribution and amalgamation transaction between non-resident companies (Sections 9D(2A), 9H, 44, 47, paragraph 43A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR326 (ITA) – Group restructuring transactions in a foreign jurisdiction (“Trading stock”, "asset-for-share transaction", "liquidation distribution” definitions, section 42, 47(1))
- BPR327 (ITA) – Tax implications of a group restructuring (Sections 10(1)(k)(i), 45(3A), 64F(1)(a), 64G(2)(b), paragraphs 3, 20(1), 35(3)(a) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR328 (ITA) – Consecutive asset-for-share transactions (Section 42, “asset-for-share transaction” definition)
- BPR329 (ITA) – Tax consequences of intra-group restructuring and sale of assets to third party (“Gross income”, “trading stock”, “asset”, “capital asset”, “trading stock” definitions, section 45)
- BPR330 (ITA) – Distributions of dividends and other amounts from a trust to beneficiaries on termination of employment ( “Gross income”, "remuneration" definitions, section 8C, 10(1)(k)(i))
- BPR331 (ITA) – De-grouping charge (Section 45(4)(b))
- BPR332 (ITA) (STT) – Unbundling and subsequent issue of listed shares by non-resident subsidiary of resident holding company (“Dividend" definition, section 46, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR333 (ITA) – Venture capital company – Investment in farming operations (Section 12J, “impermissible trade" definition)
- BPR334 (ITA) – Waiver of loan claims by the settlor of a trust (Sections 54, 55, 64(1)(a), paragraphs 12A, 20(3)(b), 39, 56 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR335 (STT) – STT exemption for foreign governments (Section 8(1)(k))
- BPR336 (ITA) (STT) – Liquidation Distribution ("Gross income" definition, sections 10(1)(k)(i), 47, 64G(2)(b), paragraphs 11(2), 12A(6), 43A, 77 of Eighth Schedule, section 8(1)(a)(v) of STT Act)
- BPR337 (ITA) – Amalgamation transactions involving the assumption of liabilities only (Section 44)
- BPR338 (ITA) – Donations of money made to a public benefit organisation at a fundraising event (Section 18A)
- BPR339 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of listed shares to a collective investment scheme in exchange for participatory interests (Section 9C, 42 of Income Tax Act, section 8 of STT Act)
- BPR340 (ITA) – Share buy-back at nominal value ("Dividend", “gross income” definition, section 55(1), 58(1), paragraph 11(1)(a), 11(2)(b), 38(1) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR341 (ITA) – Distribution of a bank account as dividend in specie (Section 47, paragraph 43A of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR342 (ITA) – Donation by a resident to a foreign trust of property received from another foreign trust ("Gross income" definition, section 25B, 26A, 56(1)(g)(ii), paragraph 80 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR343 (ITA) – Donations tax implications subscribing for shares at a discount (Section 55, section 58 of ITA)
- BPR344 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of listed financial instruments to collective investment schemes in exchange for participatory interests (Section 42, paragraph 20, 61 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR345 (ITA) (STT) – Asset-for-share transactions followed by an unbundling transaction and a sale of shares to a third party (Sections 24BA, 42, 46 of ITA)
- BPR346 (ITA) – Tax implications resulting from the elimination of intra-group loans (Section 19, 64F(1)(a) of ITA)
- BPR347 (ITA) (VAT) (STT) – When the temporary setting aside of voluntary liquidation proceedings will not jeopardise roll-over relief (Section 47 of ITA, section 8(25) of VAT Act)
- BPR348 (ITA) – Income tax consequences for a public benefit organisation (PBO) lending funds to qualifying entrepreneurs (Section 10(1)(cN) of ITA)
- BPR349 (ITA) – Acquisition of equity shares in non-resident REIT ("Foreign dividend", "foreign partnership", "beneficial owner" definition, section 10B, 64D, 64F, 64G)
- BPR350 (ITA) – Vesting of a capital gain in a trust beneficiary and deferral of its payment (Section 7C, paragraph 80(2) of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR351 (ITA) (STT) – Waiver of an intra group loan to, and subsequent liquidation distribution by a subsidiary (Section 10(1)(k), 47, 64FA, paragraph 12A, 43A of Eighth Schedule, section 8 of STT Act)
- BPR352 (ITA) – Taxation of employees participating in an option programme ("Gross income" definition, section 8C, paragraph 58 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR353 (MPRA) – Linear adjustment of gross sales of unrefined mineral resource (Section 6(2), 6A, schedule 2 of MPRA)
- BPR354 (ITA) – Cash grants to employee incentive trust and transfer of share awards to qualifying employees ("Gross income" definition, section 11(a), 23H, paragraph 11, 64E of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR355 (ITA) – Accrual of pension payments to a resident from a foreign pension fund ("Gross income" definition, section 10(1)(gC)(ii))
- BPR356 (ITA) – Preference share – hybrid equity instrument and third-party backed share ("Equity share", "controlling group company", "equity instrument", "financial instrument" definitions)
- BPR357 (ITA) – Donations to a foreign trust of property situated outside the Republic (Section 56)
- BPR358 (ITA) – Amalgamation of short and long-term insurers (Sections 11(a), 28, 44)
- BPR359 (ITA) – Transfer of reinsurance business from a resident company to a local branch of a foreign company ("Gross income" definition, section 11(a), 28)
- BPR360 (ITA) – Internal restructure followed by a disposal of shares to a BBBEE investor (“Contributed tax capital", "gross income", "group of companies", sections 41, 24BA, 40CA, 42, 45, 55, 58)
- BPR361 (ITA) (STT) (TDA) (VAT) – Asset-for-share transaction followed by an unbundling transaction, the issue of capitalisation redeemable preference shares and the sale of shares to a third party
- BPR362 (ITA) – Transfer of assets between share incentive trusts ("Gross income", "donation" definitions, paragraphs 13, 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR363 (ITA) (VAT) – Value of a supply of services ("Gross income", "remuneration" definitions, paragraphs 2, 10 of Seventh Schedule, sections 7, 9, 10, 18 of VAT Act)
- BPR364 (ITA) – Extraordinary dividend followed by the dilution of shareholders’ interest (paragraphs 43A, 64B of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR365 (ITA) – Interpretation and application of the de-grouping provision in section 45(4)(b) ("Group of companies", "controlling group company" definitions, section 41, 45)
- BPR366 (ITA) – Distribution in specie of shares ("Dividend", "return of capital" definition, paragraph 75 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR367 (ETI) – Employment tax incentive ("Employee", "qualifying employee", "monthly remuneration" definition, section 2, 6 of ETI Act)
- BPR368 (ITA) – Payments made pursuant to an agreement relating to a permission to occupy ("Donation" definition, section 11(a), 23(g), 54, 55, 58)
- BPR369 (ITA) – Deductibility of interest incurred pursuant to liquidation of company (Section 11(a), 24J(2))
- BPR370 (ITA) (STT) (TDA) – Registration of shares in the name of beneficial holder (Section 54, 55, 57, 58, paragraph 11, 35 of Eighth Schedule, section 2 of STT Act, section 2 of TDA)
- BPR371 (ITA) – Public benefit activities carried on for the benefit of the general public (Section 30, "public benefit organisation" definition)
- BPR372 (ITA) – Withholding tax on foreign royalties (Section 6quat(1A))
- BPR373 (STT) – STT treatment of the proposed transfer of listed shares to the applicant in order to hedge its exposure under over-the-counter derivative transactions (Section 8(1)(q) of STT Act)
- BPR374 (ITA) – Determination of group of companies ("Group of companies" definition)
- BPR375 (ITA) – Unbundling of shares in a CFC (Sections 9D, 46(1), 46(2) and 46(5))
- BPR376 (ITA) (STT) – Corporate Restructuring (Sections 9C(6), 45, 54, 58(1), paragraphs 4, 12A, 13(1), 20(1), 32(2), 35(1), 38, 39 of Eighth Schedule, section 8 of STT Act)
- BPR377 (ITA) – Withholding of dividends tax at a reduced rate (Sections 64D and 64G(3))
- BPR378 (ITA) (STT) – Transfer of listed financial instruments to collective investment schemes in exchange for participatory interests (Sections 9C, 42, para 61(3) of Eighth Sch, section 8 of STT)
- BPR379 (ITA) – Qualifying purpose (Sections 8E, 8EA)
- BPR380 (ITA) – Transfer of shares in resident company to non-resident holding company (Sections 9D, 64E, paragraphs 38, 39, 76B of Eighth Schedule of Act)
- BPR381 (STT) – Beneficial ownership in respect of back-to-back share transfers (Section 1 “transfer”, “unrestricted and security restricted stock account” definitions, sections 2(1), 8(1)(q))
- BPR382 (ITA) – Rebate in respect of foreign taxes (Section 6quat, paragraphs 2, 35 of Eighth Schedule of Act)
- BPR383 (ITA) – Transfer of profits for group tax purposes between controlled foreign companies (Sections 9D(2A) and 9D(9))
- BPR384 (ITA) – Cession to special trust of the beneficiary’s loan account ("Donation" definition, sections 54, 55, paragraphs 38, 39 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR385 (ITA) – Use of preference share proceeds to fund employee share ownership plan ("Gross income", "instrument", sec 8E, 8EA, 10, 24J, 54, 58, 64F, 64G, para 19, 20, 38, 39, 43A, 80 of Eighth Sch)
- BPR386 (ITA) – Share disposal between two employee share incentive trusts ("Connected person" definition, sections 54, 58(1), paragraph 38 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR387 (ITA) – Attribution of nett income to a public benefit organisation (Sections 9D, 10(1)(cN))
- BPR388 (ITA) – Applic. of de-grouping rule post previous intra-group transactions ito section 45 ("Group of companies", "controlling group company", "controlled group company", section 9D, 41, 45)
- BPR389 (ITA) – Bursaries awarded by a resident company ("Relative" definition, section 10(1)(q), “taxable benefit” definition, paragraph 2 of Seventh Schedule)
- BPR390 (ITA) (VAT) (TDA) – Disposal in anticipation of liquidation (Section 47, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule of ITA, section 8(25) of VAT Act, section 9(1)(l) of TDA)
- BPR391 (ITA) – Tax consequences of the termination of an en commandite partnership (“Asset”, “disposal”, “value shifting arrangement” definitions, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR392 (ITA) – Sale of shares in a controlled foreign company (CFC) (Sections 9D(2A), 9H(3)(b))
- BPR393 (ITA) – Income tax consequences resulting consecutive asset-for-share transactions (“Trading stock”, 41(1) “capital asset”, definitions, “asset", “capital asset” of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR394 (ITA) – Instalment sale agreements and their sale to a non resident (“Gross income”, 11(a), 23(g), 24(1), 24J(1) “interest” definition, 50A “interest” definition)
- BPR395 (ITA) (STT) – Termination of a venture capital company (Sections 12J, 44 of ITA, section 8(1)(a) of STT Act)
- BPR396 (ITA) – Settlement of shareholder’s loans (Sections 8(4)(a), 8(4)(l), 19, paragraph 12A of Eighth Schedule of ITA)
- BPR397 (ITA) (STT) – Income tax, STT consequences of an amalgamation ("Trading stock", "capital asset", "disposal", "amalgamation", "Transfer" definitions, s 44, para 11 of 8th Sch, s 8 of STT)
- BPR398 (ITA) (STT) – Disposal of shares in a property development arrangement ("Contributed tax capital", "gross income", "dividend", "equity share", s 8E, 8EA, 40C, para 43A of ITA, s 1, 2, 6 of STT)
- BPR399 (ITA) – Asset-for-share transaction and replacement asset (Sections 8(4)(e), 12C, 42(7), paragraphs 10, 66 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR400 (ITA) – Donations tax implications on the issue of shares at nominal value to enhance BBBEE credentials (Sections 54, 55, 56, 58 of ITA)
- BPR401 (ITA) – Leasehold improvement allowance (Section 11(h) of ITA)
- BPR402 (ITA) – Transfer of long-term insurance business to a local branch of a foreign reinsurer (Sections 11(a), 25B, 28, 29A, paragraph 11 of Eighth Schedule)
- BPR403 (ITA) – Taxation of covered persons in respect of equity linked notes (Section 24JB)
- BPR404 (ITA) – Expenditure incurred in respect of environmental conservation (Sections 37C and 37D of ITA)
- BPR405 (ITA) – Third-party backed shares and hybrid interest (Sections 8EA, 8FA, 10(1)(k), 24J definition of “interest”, 64F)
- BPR406 (ITA) – Treaty relief – Supplementary pension fund payments (Section 10(1)(gC), Article 18 of SA-Belgium DTA)
- BPR407 (ITA) – Generation and supply of renewable energy (Section 12BA)
- BPR408 (ITA) (STT) – Corporate restructuring using section 42 (“Contributed tax capital”, “trading stock”, section 24BA, 40CA, 41, 42, "capital asset”, paragraph 20 of Eighth Sch)
- BPR409 (ITA) (STT) – Acquisition by a public benefit organisation of forfeited share incentive scheme shares (Sections 10(1)(cN), paragraph 63A of Eighth Schedule, “transfer”, 8(1)(d) of STT Act)
- BPR410 (ITA) – Disposal by a controlled foreign company of equity shares in a foreign company (Section 9H(3), paragraph 64B of Eighth Schedule of ITA)
- BPR411 (ITA) (VAT) – Tax consequences of a deemed input tax deduction under the VAT Act ("Gross income", "asset" definitions of ITA, "input tax" definition, section 8, 16 of VAT Act)
- BPR412 (ITA) – Tax consequences of the issue of a long-term loan for the issuer and holder (Definition of "group of companies", sections 8F, 10(1)(k), 41(1), 64FA of ITA)
- BPR413 (ITA) – Application of proviso to section 8EA(3)
- Transfer Duty Act 40 of 1949
- Securities Transfer Tax Act 25 of 2007
- SARS Indirect Taxes Interpretation Notes
- Estate Duty Act 45 of 1955
- Definitions – Customs and Excise
- Customs and Excise Act No. 91 of 1964
- Customs and Excise Act Citation
- Chapter I – Definitions (Customs Act)
- Chapter II – Administration, general duties and powers of Commissioner and officers, and application of Act (Customs Act)
- Chapter III – Importation, exportation and transit and coastwise carriage of goods (Customs Act)
- Chapter IV – Customs and excise warehouses; storage and manufacture of goods in customs and excise warehouses (Customs Act)
- Chapter V – Clearance and origin of goods; liability for and payment of duties (Customs Act)
- Chapter VA – Environmental levies (Customs Act)
- Chapter VB – Health Promotion Levies (Customs Act)
- Chapter VI – Anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard duties and other measures (Customs Act)
- Chapter VII – Amendment of duties (Customs Act)
- Chapter VIII – Registration, licensing and accredited clients (Customs Act)
- Chapter IX – Value (Customs Act)
- Chapter X – Rebates,. refunds and drawbacks of duty (Customs Act)
- Chapter XA – Internal administrative appeal; alternative dispute resolution; dispute settlement (Customs Act)
- Chapter XI – Penal provisions (Customs Act)
- Chapter XII – General (Customs Act)
- Section 96A (Customs Act) – Approval of container operators
- Section 97 (Customs Act) – Master, container operator or pilot may appoint agent
- Section 98 (Customs Act) – Liability of principal for acts of agent
- Section 99 (Customs Act) – Liability of agent for obligations imposed on principal
- Section 99A (Customs Act) – Consultant and agent not being clearing agent required to register
- Section 100 (Customs Act) – Agent may be called upon to produce written authority
- Section 101 (Customs Act) – Business accounts, documents etc., to be available for inspection
- Section 101A (Customs Act) – Electronic communications for the purposes of customs and excise procedures
- Section 101B (Customs Act) – Special provisions relating to the processing and protection of personal information
- Section 102 (Customs Act) – Sellers of goods to produce proof of payment of duty
- Section 103 (Customs Act) – Liability of company, partnership, etc.
- Section 105 (Customs Act) – Interest on outstanding amounts
- Section 106 (Customs Act) – Sample
- Section 107 (Customs Act) – Expenses of landing, examinations, weighing, analysis, etc.
- Section 107A (Customs Act) – Control in respect of manufacturers of certain goods or materials and persons who carry out processes in connection with such goods or materials
- Section 109 (Customs Act) – Destruction of goods and detention of ships or vehicles
- Section 110 (Customs Act) – Instruments and tables
- Section 111 (Customs Act) – Production of certificates of officer on registration of certain motor vehicles
- Section 112 (Customs Act) – Wreck
- Section 113 (Customs Act) – Prohibition and restrictions
- Section 113A (Customs Act) – Powers and duties of officers in connection with counterfeit goods
- Section 114 (Customs Act) – Duty constitutes a debt to the State
- Section 114A (Customs Act) – Application of Tax Administration Act for write off or compromise of debt
- Section 114AA (Customs Act) – Power to appoint agent
- Section 114B (Customs Act) – Power to appoint an agent
- Section 115 (Customs Act) – Entries, oaths, etc., made outside the Republic of full force and effect
- Section 116 (Customs Act) – Manufacture of excisable goods solely for use by the manufacturer thereof
- Section 117 (Customs Act) – Statistics
- Section 118 (Customs Act) – Delegation of powers and assignment of duties
- Section 119 (Customs Act) – Substitution of Schedules
- Section 119A (Customs Act) – Special provisions for customs modernisation
- Section 119B (Customs Act) – Arrangements for obtaining undue tax benefits
- Section 120 (Customs Act) – Regulations and rules
- Section 121 (Customs Act) – Repeal of laws
- Section 122 (Customs Act) – Short title and commencement
- Schedule – Customs and Excise Index to Schedules (C&E 01)
- Schedule – Customs and Excise Country Codes (C&E 02)
- Schedule 1 (Customs Act) – General Notes (C&E 1)
- Schedule 2 (Customs Act) – Anti-dumping, Countervailing and Safeguard Duties on Imported Goods (C&E 2)
- Schedule 3 (Customs Act) – Industrial Rebates of Customs Duties (C&E 3)
- Schedule 4 (Customs Act) – General Rebates of Customs Duties, Fuel Levy and Environmental Levy (C&E 4)
- Schedule 5 (Customs Act) – Specific Drawbacks and Refunds of Customs Duties, Fuel Levy and Environmental Levy (C&E 5)
- Schedule 6 (Custom Act) Refunds and Rebates of Excise Duties, Fuel Levy and Environmental Levy (C&E 6)
- Schedule 8 (Customs Act) – Licences (C&E 8)
- Schedule 9 (Customs Act) – Laws repealed
- Schedule 10 (Customs Act) – Agreements or Protocols or other parts or provisions thereof contemplated in section 49(5)
- Value-Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991
- Definitions – VAT
- Uncategorized
- Definitions – ITA
- Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962
- Income Tax Act Citation
- Income Tax Act Index
- CHAPTER I – Administration (ITA)
- CHAPTER II – The Taxes (ITA)
- PART I – Normal Tax (ITA)
- Section 5 (ITA) – Levy of normal tax and rates thereof
- Section 6 (ITA) – Normal tax rebates
- Section 6A (ITA) – Medical scheme fees tax credit
- Section 6B (ITA) – Additional medical expenses tax credit
- Section 6C (ITA) – Solar energy tax credit
- Section 6quat (ITA) – Rebate or reduction in respect of foreign taxes on income
- Section 6quin (ITA) – Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on income from source within Republic
- Section 7 (ITA) – When income is deemed to have accrued or to have been received
- Section 7A (ITA) – Date of receipt or accrual of antedated salaries or pensions and of certain retirement gratuities
- Section 7B (ITA) – Timing of accrual and incurral of variable remuneration
- Section 7C (ITA) – Loan or credit advanced to a trust by a connected person
- Section 7D (ITA) – Calculation of amount of interest
- Section 7E (ITA) – Time of accrual of interest payable by SARS
- Section 7F (ITA) – Deduction of interest repaid to SARS
- Section 8 (ITA) – Certain amounts to be included in income or taxable income
- Section 8A (ITA) – Gains made by directors of companies or by employees in respect of rights to acquire marketable securities
- Section 8B (ITA) – Taxation of amounts derived from broad-based employee share plan
- Section 8C (ITA) – Taxation of directors and employees on vesting of equity instruments
- Section 8E (ITA) – Dividends derived from certain shares and equity instruments deemed to be income in relation to recipients thereof
- Section 8EA (ITA) – Dividends on third-party backed shares deemed to be income in relation to recipients thereof
- Section 8F (ITA) – Interest on hybrid debt instruments deemed to be dividends in specie
- Section 8FA (ITA) – Hybrid interest deemed to be dividends in specie
- Section 8G (ITA) – Determination of contributed tax capital in respect of shares issued to a group company
- Section 9 (ITA) – Source of income
- Section 9A (ITA) – Blocked foreign funds
- Section 9C (ITA) – Circumstances in which certain amounts received or accrued from disposal of shares are deemed to be of a capital nature
- Section 9D (ITA) – Net income of controlled foreign companies
- Section 9H (ITA) – Change of residence, ceasing to be controlled foreign company or becoming headquater company
- Section 9HA (ITA) – Disposal by deceased person
- Section 9HB (ITA) – Transfer of asset between spouses
- Section 9I (ITA) – Headquarter companies
- Section 9J (ITA) – Interest of non-resident persons in immovable property
- Section 9K (ITA) – Listing of security on exchange outside Republic
- Section 10 (ITA) – Exemptions
- Section 10A (ITA) – Exemption of capital element of purchased annuities
- Section 10B (ITA) – Exemption of foreign dividends and dividends paid or declared by headquarter companies
- Section 10C (ITA) – Exemption of non-deductible element of compulsory annuities
- Section 11 (ITA) – General deductions allowed in determination of taxable income
- Section 11A (ITA) – Deductions in respect of expenditure and losses incurred prior to commencement of trade
- Section 11D (ITA) – Deductions in respect of scientific or technological research and development
- Section 11E (ITA) – Deductions of certain expenditure incurred by sporting bodies
- Section 11F (ITA) – Deduction in respect of contributions to retirements funds
- Section 11sex (ITA) – Deduction of compensation for railway operating losses
- Section 12B (ITA) – Deduction in repsect of certain machinery, plant, implements, utensils and articles used in farming or production of renewable energy
- Section 12BA (ITA) – Enhanced deduction in respect of certain machinery, plant, implements, utensils and articles used in production of renewable energy
- Section 12C (ITA) – Deduction in respect of assets used by manufacturers or hotelkeepers and in respect of aircraft and ships, and in respect of assets used for storage and packing of agric products
- Section 12D (ITA) – Deduction in respect of certain pipelines, transmission lines and railway lines
- Section 12DA (ITA) – Deduction in respect of rolling stock
- Section 12E (ITA) – Deductions in respect of small business corporations
- Section 12F (ITA) – Deductions in respect of airport and port assets
- Section 12H (ITA) – Additional deduction in respect of learnership agreements
- Section 12I (ITA) – Additional investment and training allowances in respect of industrial policy projects
- Section 12J (ITA) – Deductions in respect of expenditure incurred in exchange for issue of venture capital company shares
- Section 12K (ITA) – Exemption of certified emission reductions
- Section 12L (ITA) – Deduction in respect of energy efficiency savings
- Section 12M (ITA) – Deduction of medical lump sum payments
- Section 12N (ITA) – Deduction in respect of improvements not owned by taxpayer
- Section 12NA (ITA) – Deductions in respect of improvements on property in respect of which government holds a right of use or occupation
- Section 12O (ITA) – Exemption in respect of films
- Section 12P (ITA) – Exemption of amounts received or accrued in respect of government grants
- Section 12Q (ITA) – Exemption of income in respect of ships used in international shipping
- Section 12R (ITA) – Special economic zones
- Section 12S (ITA) – Deduction in respect of buildings in special economic zones
- Section 12T (ITA) – Exemptions of amounts received or accrued in respect of tax free investments
- Section 12U (ITA) – Additional deduction in respect of roads and fences in respect of production of renewable energy
- Section 13 (ITA) – Deductions in respect of buildings used in a process of manufacture
- Section 13bis (ITA) – Deductions in respect of buidlings used by hotel keepers
- Section 13ter (ITA) – Deductions in respect of residential buildings
- Section 13quat (ITA) – Deductions in respect of erection or improvements of buildings in urban development zones
- Section 13quin (ITA) – Deduction in respect of commercial buildings
- Section 13sex (ITA) – Deduction in respect of certain residential units
- Section 13sept (ITA) – Deduction in respect of sale of low-cost residential units on loan account
- Section 15 (ITA) – Deductions from income derived from mining operations
- Section 15A (ITA) – Amounts to be taken into account in respect of trading stock derived from mining operations
- Section 17A (ITA) – Expenditure incurred by a lessor of land let for farming purposes, in respect of soil erosion works
- Section 18A (ITA) – Deduction of donations to certain organisations
- Section 19 (ITA) – Concession or compromise in respect of a debt
- Section 20 (ITA) – Set-off of assessed losses
- Section 20A (ITA) – Ring-fencing of assessed losses of certain trades
- Section 20B (ITA) – Limitation of losses from disposal of certain assets
- Section 20C (ITA) – Ring-fencing of interest and royalties incurred by headquarter companies
- Section 21 (ITA) – Deduction of alimony, allowance or maintenance
- Section 22 (ITA) – Amounts to be taken into account in respect of values of trading stock
- Section 22A (ITA) – Schemes of arrangement involving trading stock
- Section 22B (ITA) – Prohibition of double deductions
- Section 23 (ITA) – Deductions not allowed in determination of taxable income
- Section 23A (ITA) – Limitation of allowances granted to lessors or certain assets
- Section 23B (ITA) – Prohibition of double deductions
- Section 23C (ITA) – Reduction of cost or market value of certain assets
- Section 23D (ITA) – Limitation of allowances granted in respect of certain assets
- Section 23F (ITA) – Acquisition or disposal of trading stock
- Section 23G (ITA) – Sale and leaseback arrangements
- Section 23H (ITA) – Limitation of certain deductions
- Section 23I (ITA) – Prohibition of deductions in respect of certain intellectual property
- Section 23K (ITA) – Limitation of deductions in respect of reorganisation and acquisition transactions
- Section 23L (ITA) – Limitation of deductions in respect of certain short-term insurance policies
- Section 23M (ITA) – Limitation of interest deductions in respect of debts owed to persons not subject to tax
- Section 23N (ITA) – Limitation of interest deductions in respect of reorganisation and acquisition transactions
- Section 23O (ITA) – Limitation of deductions by small, medium or micro-sized enterprises in respect of amounts received or accrued from small business funding entities
- Section 24 (ITA) – Credit agreements and debtors allowance
- Section 24A (ITA) – Transactions whereby fixed property is or company shares are exchanged for shares
- Section 24BA (ITA) – Transactions where assets are acquired as consideration for shares issued
- Section 24C (ITA) – Allowance in respect of future expenditure on contracts
- Section 24D (ITA) – Deduction of certain expenditure incurred in respect of National Key Point or specified important place or area
- Section 24E (ITA) – Allowance in respect of future expenditure by sporting bodies
- Section 24G (ITA) – Taxable income of toll road operators
- Section 24H (ITA) – Persons carrying on trade or business in partnership
- Section 24I (ITA) – Gains or losses on foreign exchange transactions
- Section 24J (ITA) – Incurral and accrual of interest
- Section 24JA (ITA) – Sharia compliant financing arrangements
- Section 24JB (ITA) – Taxation in respect of financial assets and liabilities of certain persons
- Section 24K (ITA) – Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of interest rate agreements
- Section 24L (ITA) – Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of option contracts
- Section 24M (ITA) – Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of assets acquired or disposed of for unquantified amount
- Section 24N (ITA) – Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of disposal or acquisition of equity shares
- Section 24O (ITA) – Incurral of interest in terms of certain debts deemed to be in production of income
- Section 24P (ITA) – Allowance in respect of future repairs to certain ships
- Section 25 (ITA) – Taxation of deceased estates
- Section 25A (ITA) – Determination of taxable incomes of permanently separated spouses
- Section 25B (ITA) – Income of trusts and beneficiaries of trusts
- Section 25BA (ITA) – Amounts received by or accrued to certain portfolios of collective investment schemes and holders of participatory interests in portfolios
- Section 25BB (ITA) – Taxation of REITs
- Section 25C (ITA) – Income of insolvent estates
- Section 25D (ITA) – Determination of taxable income in foreign currency
- Section 25E (ITA) – Determination of contributed tax capital in foreign currency
- Section 26 (ITA) – Determination of taxable income derived from farming
- Section 26A (ITA) – Inclusion of taxable capital gain in taxable income
- Section 26B (ITA) – Taxation of oil and gas companies
- Section 27 (ITA) – Determination of taxable income of co-operative societies and companies
- Section 28 (ITA) – Taxation of short-term insurance business
- Section 29A (ITA) – Taxation of long-term insurers
- Section 29B (ITA) – Mark-to-market taxation in respect of long-term insurers
- Section 30 (ITA) – Public benefit organisations
- Section 30A (ITA) – Recreational clubs
- Section 30B (ITA) – Associations
- Section 30C (ITA) – Small business funding entities
- Section 31 (ITA) – Taxable income in respect of international transactions to be based on arm's length principle
- Section 33 (ITA) – Assessment of owners or charterers of ships or aircrafts who are not residents of the Republic
- Section 35A (ITA) – Withholding of amounts from payments to non-resident sellers of immovable property
- Section 36 (ITA) – Calculation of redemption allowance and unredeemed balance of capital expenditure in connection with mining operations
- Section 37 (ITA) – Calculation of capital expenditure on sale, transfer, lease or cession of mining property
- Section 37A (ITA) – Closure rehabilitation company or trust
- Section 37B (ITA) – Deductions in respect of environmental expenditure
- Section 37C (ITA) – Deductions in respect of environmental conservation and maintenance
- Section 37D (ITA) – Allowance in respect of land conservation in respect of nature reserves or national parks
- Section 37F (ITA) – Determination of taxable income derived by persons previously assessable under certain other laws
- Section 37G (ITA) – Determination of taxable income derived from small business undertakings
- PART IA – Withholding tax on interest (ITA)
- PART II – Special provisions relating to companies (ITA)
- PART III – Special rules relating to asset-for-share transactions, subsitutive share-for-share transactions, amalgamation transactions, intra-group transactions, intra-group transactions, unbundling t
- PART IIIA – Taxation of foreign entertainers and sportspersons (ITA)
- PART IV – Turnover tax payable by micro businesses (ITA)
- Part IVA – Withholding tax on royalties (ITA)
- PART IVB – Withholding tax on interest (ITA)
- PART IVC – Withholding tax on service fees (ITA)
- PART V – Donations Tax (ITA)
- PART VII – Secondary Tax on Companies (ITA)
- PART VIII – Dividends Tax (ITA)
- CHAPTER III – General Provisions (ITA)
- First Schedule – Computation of taxable income derived from pastoral, agricultural or other farming operations
- Second Schedule – Computation of gross income derived by way of lump sum benefits
- Third Schedule – Laws Repealed
- Fourth Schedule – Amounts to deducted or withheld by employers and provisional payments in respect of normal tax
- Sixth Schedule – Determination of turnover tax payable by micro businesses
- Seventh Schedule – Benefits or advantages derived by reason of employment or the holding of any office
- Eighth Schedule – Determination of taxable capital gains and assessed capital losses
- Ninth Schedule – Public benefit activities
- Tenth Schedule – Oil and gas activities
- Eleventh Schedule – Government grants exempt from normal tax
- Definitions – TAA
- Tax Administration Act No. 28 of 2011
- Double Taxation Agreements
- SARS Income Tax Interpretation Notes
- Interpretation Note 1 (IN1) (v3) – Provisional Tax Estimates
- Interpretation Note 2 (IN2) – [Archived on 11 February 2016 – section 11C repealed from 1-4-2012] Foreign dividends: deductibility of interest
- Interpretation Note 3 (IN3) (v2) – Resident Definition – Natural Person Ordinarily Resident
- Interpretation Note 4 (IN4) (v5) – Resident Definition – Natural Person Physical Presence
- Interpretation Note 5 (IN5) (v2) – [Archived on 6 March 2017] Employees' tax: directors of private companies
- Interpretation Note 6 (IN6) (v2) – Residence – Place of Effective Management (POEM)
- Interpretation Note 7 (IN7) – Restraint of Trade Payment
- Interpretation Note 8 (IN8) (v3) – Insolvent Estates
- Interpretation Note 9 (IN9) (v7) – Small Business Corporations
- Interpretation Note 11 (IN11) (v4) – Trading Stock Assets Not Used
- Interpretation Note 12 (IN12) – [Archived on 4 March 2021] Recoupment Assets – Deceased Estates
- Interpretation Note 13 (IN13) (v3) – Deductions: Limitation of deductions for employees and office holders (Section 23(m))
- Interpretation Note 14 (IN14) (v5) – Allowances – Advancements – Reimbursements
- Interpretation Note 15 (IN15) (v6) – Exercise of discretion to extend the period to lodge an objection or appeal (Sections 104, 107 of ITA)
- Interpretation Note 16 (IN16) (v4) – Exemption from Income Tax: Foreign Employment Income
- Interpretation Note 17 (IN17) (v5) – Employees Tax – Independent Contractors
- Interpretation Note 18 (IN18) (v5) – Rebate Deduction – Foreign Tax Income
- Interpretation Note 19 (IN19) (v5) – Year of Assessment – Accounts Accepted Other Than Last Day of February
- Interpretation Note 20 (IN20) (v8) – Additional Deduction Learnership Allowance
- Interpretation Note 22 (IN22) (v5) – Transfer duty exemption: Public benefit organisations, institutions, boards or bodies (Sections Sections 9(1)(c), 9(1A) of TDA)
- Interpretation Note 24 (IN24) (v5) – Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) – Trading Rules – Partial Taxation – Trading Receipts
- Interpretation Note 25 (IN25) (v3) – Resident – Natural Person – Application – Physical Presence
- Interpretation Note 26 (IN26) – CCMA – Labour Court – Awards – Employees
- Interpretation Note 27 (IN27) – Personal Liability – Employers – Representative Employers – Shareholders – Directors
- Interpretation Note 28 (IN28) (v3) – Home Office Expenses Deductions
- Interpretation Note 29 (IN29) (v2) – Farming Operations – Equalised Tax Rates
- Interpretation Note 33 (IN33) (v5) – Assessed losses: Companies: The “trade” and “income from trade” requirements (Section 20(1)(a))
- Interpretation Note 34 (IN34) (v2) – Exemption from income tax: Remuneration derived by a person as an officer or crew member of a ship (Section 10(1)(o)(i))
- Interpretation Note 35 (IN35) (v5) – Employees Tax – Personal Service Providers – Labour Brokers
- Interpretation Note 43 (IN43) (v8) – Circumstances in which certain amounts received or accrued from the disposal of shares are deemed to be of a capital nature (Section 9C)
- Interpretation Note 44 (IN44) (v3) – Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) CGT
- Interpretation Note 45 (IN45) (v3) – Deduction of Security Expenditure
- Interpretation Note 47 (IN47) (v5) – Wear and Tear – Depreciation Allowance
- Interpretation Note 48 (IN48) (v3) – Instalment Credit Agreements – Debtors Allowance
- Interpretation Note 50 (IN50) – Deduction – Scientific – Technological – Research Development
- Interpretation Note 51 (IN51) (v6) – Pre-trade – Expenditure – Losses
- Interpretation Note 53 (IN53) (v4) – Limitation – Allowances – Lessors – Affected Assets
- Interpretation Note 54 (IN54) (v2) – Deductions – Corrupt Activities – Fines – Penalties
- Interpretation Note 55 (IN55) (v2) – Taxation – Directors – Employees – Vesting Equity Instruments
- Interpretation Note 58 (IN58) (v3) – Brummeria Case – Right of Use – Loan Capital – Interest Free
- Interpretation Note 59 (IN59) (v3) – Tax Implications – Receipt – Accrual – Government Grants – Scrapping Payments
- Interpretation Note 60 (IN60) (v2) – Loss – Disposal – Depreciable Assets
- Interpretation Note 62 (IN62) – Broad Based Employee Share Plan
- Interpretation Note 63 (IN63) (v2) – Rules for the translation of amounts measured in foreign currencies other than exchange differences governed by section 24I and the Eighth Schedule
- Interpretation Note 64 (IN64) (v4) – Income tax exemption: Bodies Corporate, Share Block Companies and Associations of persons managing the collective interests comment to all members
- Interpretation Note 65 (IN65) (v3) – Trading stock – Inclusion in income when applied, distributed or disposed of otherwise than in the ordinary course of trade (Section 22(8))
- Interpretation Note 66 (IN66) – Scholarship – Bursaries
- Interpretation Note 67 (IN67) (v4) – Connected Persons
- Interpretation Note 68 (IN68) (v3) – Interpretation Note 68 (IN68) – Provisions of the Tax Administration Act, 2011, that did not commence on 1 October 2012 under Proclamation No. 51 (GG 35687)
- Interpretation Note 69 (IN69) (v3) – Game Farming
- Interpretation Note 71 (IN71) – Long Service Awards
- Interpretation Note 72 (IN72) – Right of Use – Motor Vehicle
- Interpretation Note 73 (IN73) (v3) – Tax Implications – Rental Income – Tank Containers
- Interpretation Note 74 (IN74) (v3) – Deduction and Recoupment of Expenditure on Repairs
- Interpretation Note 75 (IN75) (v4) – Exclusion of Certain Companies and Shares from Group of Companies (Section 41)
- Interpretation Note 76 (IN76) – Tax Treatment of Tips for Receipts – Employer's Patrons
- Interpretation Note 77 (IN77) – Taxable Benefit – Employer-Provided Telephone or Computer Equipment
- Interpretation Note 78 ((IN78) – Allowance for Future Expenditure on Contracts
- Interpretation Note 79 (IN79) (v3) – Produce Held By Nursery Operations
- Interpretation Note 80 (IN80) – Income Tax Treatment of Stolen Money
- Interpretation Note 86 (IN86) (v3) – Additional investment and training allowance for industrial policy projects
- Interpretation Note 87 (IN87) (v3) – Headquarter companies
- Interpretation Note 88 (IN88) – Tax deduction for amounts refunded
- Interpretation Note 89 (IN89) – Maintenance orders and the tax-on-tax principle
- Interpretation Note 90 (IN90) (v2) – Year of assessment company: Accounts accepted to date other than last day of financial year end
- Interpretation Note 91 (IN91) (v2) – Reduction of debt
- Interpretation Note 93 (IN93) (v3) – Taxation of foreign dividends
- Interpretation Note 94 (IN94) – Contingent liabilities assumed in the acquisition of a going concern
- Interpretation Note 95 (IN95) (v3) – Deduction for energy-efficient savings
- Interpretation Note 96 (IN96) – Exemption from income tax: Remuneration derived by a person as an officer or crew member of a South African ship
- Interpretation Note 97 (IN97) (v3) – Taxation of REITs and controlled companies
- Interpretation Note 98 (IN98) (v2) – Public benefit organisations: The provision of funds, assets or other resources to any association of persons
- Interpretation Note 99 (IN99) (v3) – Unclaimed benefits
- Interpretation Note 101 (IN101) – Section 24I – Gains or losses on foreign exchange transactions
- Interpretation Note 102 (IN102) (v2) – Classification of risk policy and the once-off election to transfer certain policies or classes of policies issued before 2016 to the risk policy fund
- Interpretation Note 104 (IN104) – Exemption – Foreign pensions and transfers
- Interpretation Note 105 (IN105) (v2) – Deductions in respect of buildings used by hotelkeepers (Section 13bis)
- Interpretation Note 106 (IN106) – Deduction in respect of certain residential units (Section 13sex)
- Interpretation Note 107 (IN107) (v2) – Deduction in respect of commercial buildings (Section 13quin)
- Interpretation Note 109 (IN109) (v2) – Lease premiums (Paragraph (g) of definition of "gross income", section 11(f), section 11(h))
- Interpretation Note 110 (IN110) (v2) – Leasehold improvements (Paragraph (h) of definition of "gross income", section 11(g), section 11(h))
- Interpretation Note 111 (IN111) – No-value provision in respect of the rendering of transport services by any employer (Paragraph 10(2)(b) of Seventh Schedule)
- Interpretation Note 112 (IN112) (v2) – Section 18A: Audit certificate
- Interpretation Note 113 (IN113) – Apportionment of surplus and minimum benefit requirements ("Pension fund" definition, "provident fund" definition, paragraph 2C of Second Schedule)
- Interpretation Note 114 (IN114) – Interaction between section 25B(1) and section 7(8) in case of conflict, inconsistency or incompatibility
- Interpretation Note 115 (IN115) – Withholding tax on interest (Sections 50A to 50H)
- Interpretation Note 116 (IN116) – Withholding tax on royalties (Sections 49A to 49H)
- Interpretation Note 117 (IN117) – Taxation of the receipt of deposits ("Gross income" definition)
- Interpretation Note 119 (IN119) – Deductions in respect of improvements to land or buildings not owned by a taxpayer (Sections 12N, 12NA of ITA)
- Interpretation Note 120 (IN120) – Prohibition of deductions in respect of certain intellectual property (Section 23I)
- Interpretation Note 121 (IN121) – Deduction of medical lump sum payments (Section 12M)
- Interpretation Note 122 (IN122) – Public benefit activity (PBA): Bid to host or hosting of any international event (Paragraph 11(b) in Part I of Ninth Schedule)
- Interpretation Note 123 (IN123) – Effect on the date of issue of a share arising from a change in the redemption features (Section 8E)
- Interpretation Note 124 (IN124) – Public benefit organisations: Provision of residential care for retired persons (Paragraph 3(c) of Part I of Ninth Schedule)
- Interpretation Note 125 (IN125) – Associations: Funding requirement (Section 30B(2)(b)(ix))
- Interpretation Note 126 (IN126) – Extraordinary dividends treated as income or proceeds on the disposal of certain shares (Section 22B, paragraph 43A of the Eighth Schedule)
- Interpretation Note 127 (IN127) – Determination of the taxable income of certain persons from international transactions: Intra-group loans (Section 31)
- Interpretation Note 128 (IN128) – Definition of “associated enterprise” (Section 31)
- Interpretation Note 129 (IN129) – Understatement penalty: Meaning of “maximum tax rate applicable to the taxpayer” (Section 222(5) of TAA)
- Interpretation Note 130 (IN130) – Exemption for international aid received or accrued under an official development assistance agreement (Section 10(1)(yA))
- Interpretation Note 131 (IN131) – Exemption of income relating to South African ships used in international shipping (Section 12Q)
- Interpretation Note 132 (IN132) – Persons not eligible to register as a tax practitioner and deregistration of registered tax practitioners for tax non-compliance (section 24O(3)(d))
- Interpretation Note 133 (IN133) – Income tax exemption: Water services provider (Sections 1(1) and 10(1)(t)(ix))
- Interpretation Note 134 (IN134) – Disposal of assets by deceased person, deceased estate, and transfer of assets between spouses (Sections 9HA, 9HB, 25 of ITA)
- Interpretation Note 135 (IN135) – Sale and leaseback arrangements (Sections 23D, 23G of ITA)
- Interpretation Note 136 (IN136) – Public benefit organisations: Non-professional sport and recreation (Paragraph 9 of Part I of Ninth Schedule)
- SARS Practice Notes